2011 Arbitration Committee Elections


Volunteer election coordinators


The Arbitration Committee elections are run by the English Wikipedia community. In no particular order, here are the people who have volunteered to help out with the elections. If you want to help just add your name below.

Volunteer election administrators


Three election administrators are needed who are Wikimedia Foundation-identified editors who can oversee the election, including the SecurePoll voting system. Anyone who is interested, please indicate below.

Joining FAQ

  1. Am I eligible to volunteer?
    Any editor in good standing (not currently blocked) is welcome to volunteer as a coordinator; you do not have to be an administrator to join.
  2. Is it too late to volunteer?
    No, there is no cut-off date for volunteering.
  3. What needs to be done?
    See the to do section at the top of this page for a list of current tasks, or go to the talk section of this page for more general direction. Thanks for your interest!

Coordinator guideline


While coordinators have as much right to participate in ordinary voter activity during the election as all other eligible voters (i.e. voting, asking questions, discussing candidates), co-ordinators should avoid acting in a way that might cast doubt on their ability to act impartially, or on the perceived neutrality of the coordinators or elections as a whole.