Kiddush cup on the Shabbos table

Kiddush (Hebrew: קידוש, literally, "sanctification") is a blessing recited over a cup of kosher wine or kosher grape juice to sanctify Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) or a Jewish holiday. Because the Torah speaks of Shabbat using the language Shamor v'Zakhor, keep it and remember it, Jews believe that Shabbat law consists both of what one may not do and what one must do in order to make the day special. The ceremony of kiddush before the night meal on both Shabbat and Jewish holidays, therefore, is regarded as mandated by the Torah although it does not appear in the Torah in explicit language; the recital of kiddush at the morning meal on Shabbat and holidays is mandated by the Rabbis of the Great Assembly. Kiddush is not typically recited at the third meal ("Seudah Shlishit") on Shabbat, although Maimonides was of the view that this should be done and some follow this custom.


To honor the mitzvah of reciting kiddush, a silver goblet is often used. The cup must hold a revi'it of liquid (about 150 milliters), and most of the wine or grape juice should be drunk by the one who recites kiddush or another person present. Small portions of the remaining liquid in the cup may be handed out to those who are sitting around the Shabbat or holiday table.

Before reciting kiddush, the challah, which will be the next food item eaten in honor of the Shabbat or holiday, is first covered with a cloth. Halakhically, the blessing over bread takes precedence over the blessing over wine. However, in the interests of beginning the meal with kiddush, the challah is covered to "remove" it from the table. Some interpret the covering of the challah allegorically, explaining that this action reminds one to be sensitive to others (we do not take honor away from the bread by focusing on the wine while the bread is "watching").

After prayers on Shabbat or holiday morning, kiddush may be recited even if one does not intend to sit down to a full meal. In that case, cake or other light refreshments will be served. Many synagogues organize a kiddush on the premises immediately after services.

Friday night kiddush

The text of the Friday night kiddush begins with a passage from Genesis 2:1-3, testifying to God's creation of the world. Most people stand during the recital of these Biblical verses, since one of the reasons for keeping Shabbat is to affirm that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.

English translation

Shabbat morning kiddush

Since the Shabbat morning kiddush is rabbinically rather than bblically mandated, it has a lesser status than the Friday-night kiddush. In order to elevate its importance, it is euphemistically referred to as "Kiddusha Rabba"—קידושא רבא—"The Great Kiddush." There are different versions for the kiddush on Sabbath morning, and it is generally shorter than the Friday night kiddish. In some families, the Sabbath morning kiddush is recited sitting down. This is also the case for kiddush recited in the sukkah on the holiday of Sukkot.

English translation

After the Kiddush (or any other blessing) those present say "amen," which means "So be it."

Holiday night kiddush

This version of kiddush is said on the festival nights of Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, and Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah. The sections in brackets are added when the holiday coincides with Shabbat (Friday night).

English translation

On Sukkot, the following blessing is added immediately after kiddush when the meal takes place in a kosher sukkah:

On all the holidays, this blessing is recited after the nighttime kiddush (except on the last two nights of Passover, when it is omitted):

Holiday morning kiddush

When the festival coincides with Shabbat, first the Biblical verses (above, Shabbat morning kiddush) are recited, followed by two additional verses and the blessing over wine. When the holiday falls on a weekday, the morning kiddush begins with the two verses:

English translation

Kiddush reception

By extension, the term "kiddush" may also refer to a reception of wine, cake, soft drinks, and buffet items such as herring, kugel, salads and cholent following Shabbat morning services at the synagogue. Often a kiddush is hosted by a family celebrating a bar mitzvah, wedding, engagement, birthday, or other happy occasion. Some people also host a kiddush on the yahrtzeit of a parent or other relative. In some synagogues the celebrant is honored with reciting the Shabbat morning kiddush on behalf of all the attendees. In other synagogues the Rabbi or gabbai recites the kiddush.

