I have a variety of interests, passing interests, and can be easily distracted by something new and shiny. As such I tend to have more than a few hobbies such as glass engraving, 3D art, soccer, indoor rock climbing, and so on.

Rather than rabbit on, I have chosen to annoy you by gathering many, many userboxes.

Wiki Projects

This Beverages Task Force participant enjoys cocktails.

Personal data

🇩🇪This user is of German ancestry.
♀This user is female.
18+This user is an adult.
XThis user is a member of
Generation X.
This user is into BDSM or fetish fashion.
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.
This user likes the Yangtze River dolphin.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user is a supporter of the LGBT community.
This user supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
This user suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Rose Ashe has an academic degreespecialist degree.
This user is mixed-handed.
This user supports stem cell research.
This user is a ninja, with dominion over everything totally sweet.
:(This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored.


This user supports
renewable energy.
This user supports the use of wind power, solar power, and electric vehicles.
This user is a Browncoat.
We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user enjoys reading Fantasy.
This user reads science fiction.
This user's homeworld likes to think that it is mostly harmless, but it is, in practice, devastatingly dangerous.
HPThis user is a Harry Potter fan.
This user enjoys cooking.
DAThis user is the DeviantArt deviant known as FallenValkyrja.
This user is interested in Criminology.
This user is interested in politics.

Computer and Internet Information

This user maintains a blog.
This user uses WordPress.
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user's primary Instant Messaging software is Trillian.
This user uses Azureus.
FirefoxThis user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
This user uses Windows XP.
This user contributes with openSUSE.
w/lThis user has a dual boot configuration.
OpenOffice.org This user writes with the OpenOffice.org suite.
This user contributes using Notepad.
Left monitorRight monitorThis user has a dual monitor configuration.
This user contributes using a laptop.
This user contributes using a PC.
64This user uses an x86-64 processor.
This user contributes using a wireless connection.

Food and Drink

This user is a carnivore.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user prefers pepperoni pizza.
This user avoids the noid.
This user has eaten MREs and lived to tell the tale.
This user eats cheese.
This user eats fries, or chips.
This user eats apples.
This user loves pasta.
This user loves to eat beef.
This user eats chicken.
This user eats chocolate.
This user drinks hot chocolate.
This user drinks water regularly.
This user drinks Mountain Dew.
C2H5OH-2This user drinks occasionally.
This user eats at Burger King.


This user enjoys rifle shooting.
This user enjoys
pistol shooting.
This user plays association football.

Other Interests

*_*This user loves anime.
^_^This user is friends with Totoro.
BCThis user is a Knight Saber.
This user is a member of NERV.
GITSThis user's cyberbrain was hacked.
HThis user is a member of the Hellsing Organization.
This user doesn't need Tenchi, though admits is a fan.