WikiMoney is a mutual credit system introduced to Wikipedia in May 2003 by User:AxelBoldt. It was never especially popular and fell into nearly complete disuse by September 2004. While Wikipedians are still welcome to participate, they must do so with the realization that WikiMoney is rarely used.

The stated purpose of WikiMoney is to create an "economy of incentives" for working on Wikipedia-related tasks. Some see WikiMoney as a quantification of WikiLove — as an act of friendship between contributors. Others see it in a more pragmatic sense, as an efficient system to prioritize tasks and direct the community towards effective contributions.

The system works as follows: every long-term contributor (active for longer than 1 month and having made more than 200 edits) who wishes to participate gets an initial grant of 20 units of WikiMoney (also known as Wikis and written like this: ψ45 for 45 Wikis). This WikiMoney can be offered to other Wikipedians in exchange for various services. The WikiMoney accounts of all Wikipedians are maintained in the WikiBank on this page; WikiMoney is transferred by simply editing the account balances in the WikiBank.

However, not only veteran contributors are allowed to earn WikiMoney; anyone can join. If you are new or too busy to become a "long-term contributor" (according to the definition above) you can earn your initial credits by accepting offers (listed below). Note, however, that Wikipedians usually have high standards for the writing of articles, so make sure you are familiar with the policies and guidelines, especially the requirement for NPOV.

Why should you try to earn WikiMoney? Because you can spend it on tasks that are near and dear to your heart (but please do not use it to push your point of view in edit disputes, or to bribe people when voting). The concept is similar to the idea behind timebanks and LETS systems, where volunteers earn "time credits" or local currency for helping their local community. Our system is more flexible: It allows you to define how valuable the tasks are to you, and you can join up with others to "fund" a specific activity.

Please remember that WikiMoney is not "real" money! At the present time relatively few Wikipedians are using this page regularly, so don't take it too seriously. (If you are serious about Money and Wikipedia, please consider making a donation to Wikipedia.)



If you have worked on Wikipedia under your current user name for longer than 1 month and have made more than 200 edits, you can add yourself to the account list, with an initial balance of 20 units.

To transfer money from your account into somebody else's, edit the two account balances accordingly. Never deduct money from someone else's account without their express permission.


You can offer to pay WikiMoney for various services, or you can offer to perform services for a specified amount of WikiMoney. Examples include:

Please remember that the currency is not divisible: only whole numbers are possible.

Note that if you see an interesting offer below, you can of course add to the offer by inserting a comment to this effect. Please remember to sign any offer you make with the date and time (shortcut: ~~~~).

If an offer has been completed and paid, you may want to move it into the "fulfilled requests" section below.

New articles

See also: Wikipedia:Requested pages


-- 15:40, 17 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Copyediting / merging / wikification


I added a positive fact freestylefrappe 03:02, Jan 18, 2005 (UTC)

I added:
  • His graduate studies thesis, presented in 1971 by Jean-Marie Le Pen and Jean-Loup Vincent, is titled Le courant anarchiste en France depuis 1945 or "The anarchist movement in France since 1945".
  • [He was] the first French politician to present a candidate of muslim confession, Ahmed Djebbour, and to achieve his election.
  • [In the quotes:] We must tell the Algerians that it is not the case that they need France, but that France needs them. [...]
Gene.arboit 20:27, 27 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Software development

Miscellaneous Requests

WikiLove, WikiMen and WikiFlowers

As suggested by KingTurtle, it is the end of spring, bees are still busy buzzing in gorgeous flowers. And men may be offered flowers to show appreciation.
Especially flower pictures, as it does not imply preventing the plant to reproduce (which is not very nice, right ?).

Hence, I will offer 1 wikilove to anyone who will offer one or several beautiful non-copyrighted flower pictures to a wikiman. Favor one man, you get 1 wikilove from me (perhaps, you will also get virtual wikilove from the man as well). Favor two men, you get 2 wikiloves. Favor 10, and you get 10 wikiloves. Right ?

Pictures have to be free of copyright of course, so they can be used for Wikipedia. Preferably, wikiflower pictures should illustrate a plant which either has no article on itself, or an article with no flower picture at all. But any wikiflower will be nevertheless warmly welcome.

For reference

See also m:WikiWomen m:Anthere

Tip: setexconsulting seems to offer a number of flower images for free User:TeunSpaans Also see pdphoto for free flower photos. TeunSpaans 08:12, 11 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Fulfilled requests[edit]

Here we record requests that have been completed and paid.