Film about heavy water


what's the name of the film that dramatized the stealing of heavy water?

From :
After meticulous planning, they climbed down the steep valley sides and daringly sabotaged the German production of heavy water. The story is told in the Norwegian film "Kampen om tungtvannet" and the American film production "Heroes of Telemark".
Is that it? --Camembert
Yes, it is. It starred Kirk Douglas --GABaker
The Norwegian film had actors which were part of the commando raid. Agtfjott 13:24, 23 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
The Hollywood version is really more fiction than fact. Filmed in Norway, though. Manxruler 09:27, 24 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I've just watched the BBC TV documentary "The Real Heroes of Telemark", which contradicts the following part of the article:

The Norwegian resistance also smuggled people in and out of Norway during the war and also managed to snatch the world's supply of heavy water and also destroy a heavy water plant, not so much preventing the Germans from developing an atomic bomb as helping the United States to do so themselves. However, the Germans had to attempt to stifle Resistance activities and executed several innocent Norwegian men, women and children in retaliation after any Resistance act.

As I understand the story, the Norwegians first damaged the factory and destroyed the initial stock of heavy water. The Germans rebuilt and resumed production, so the British bombed the factory, destroying the ability to make more heavy water but not destroying the existing stock. This existing stock was to be shipped to Germany, but disappeared under 400 metres of light but very cold and dark water when the resistance sank the ship carrying it across a fjord. None of this assisted the Americans to build a bomb, but it severely impeded German atomic research.

Is there something I'm missing here? --Robert Merkel 03:56, 3 Aug 2004 (UTC)

The above description seems correct. But this article is about the Norwegian resistance movement, so it would presumably concentrate on their efforts. Egil 00:17, 4 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Child hostages?


On the subject of 'innocent men, women, and children' : The Germans certainly shot hostages, but I was not aware they took children as such. Is there a source for this? --King of Men 22:32, 3 Jan 2005 (UTC)

In the Telavåg retaliation, the men were executed or sent to concentration camps, while women and children were kept imprisoned for two years. [1]

[2] Egil 00:17, 4 Jan 2005 (UTC)

True, but the article states that women were shot. Possibly the language should be moved around a bit. --King of Men 21:14, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

There are books listing every one, for some numbers [3], although there are no distinction on man, women or kids in that reference. One of those books have birth dates on prisoners sent to prisoner camps in Germany, Nacht und Nebel camps. Not many came back from those camps.

Several times during the invasion the German troops used hostages, one such place was Bagn in Sør-Aurdal were a man was gunned down.

In Finnmark there were some very tragic happenings at the end of WWII during the German withdrawal. A lot of persons were shot, and there was an allied rescue operation to get civilians away from German troops which were searching for them. 01:38, 23 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

During the German invasion entire towns were held hostage and threatened with total destruction unless Norwegian units surrendered. One example: The submarine B-6 was forced to surrender or the city of Florø would be bombed. Inge 20:06, 2 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

More references


A place with a lot of references if someone needs them, mostly about what led to WWII in Norway 01:38, 23 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]



There was also spirited defense at other locations, including Midtskogen, but these were largely the result of improvised missions by isolated military units and irregular volunteers. The battles slowed down the German advance by several days, allowing the Norwegian government to evade capture and conduct critical constitutional business.

This isn't correct as there were heavy fighting between regular forces in eastern parts of Norway. German troops followed Norwegian infantry through Land, Etnedal, Ringerike, and Valdres, the Norwegian troops and German troops clashed at several places, Høljarast Bru in Etnedal, Bagn, Breidablikk, and Bagnsbergatn in Sør-Aurdal just to name a few.

For those that read Norwegian, [Andre verdenskrig i Norge].

Agtfjott 00:19, 23 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

(I know this is ancient) I agree. it took 2 weeks or more for the germans to push through the 2 valleys (Gudbrand- and Østerdalen) on their march north They had a rough fight at Kvam around the 22nd of april iirc so as the article tells the story, is a bit wrong I feel. There were continous delaying efforts from norwegian forces pretty much from the get-go. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Raymond Holmoey (talkcontribs) 20:14, 7 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

To be included?


There should be included something about the Osvald-group, the CP of Norway and the partisans in Finnmark.

Free Nowegian forces


It seems a bit strange that there is a redirect from the Norwegian free forces to here - they were not really part of the resistance movement

I cannot think how this can be fixed apart from a stub instead of a redirect.

THere were two RAF squadrons of Norwegians, as well as those serving in other Allied armed units

Chaosdruid (talk) 23:43, 22 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

NORTRASHIP . No mention ?


Why is there no mention of Nortraship in this article. The Norwegian merchant marine played a vital role in the war and I would think that it would be regarded as part of the resistance movement ? I know it has it's own article, but maybe someone can link to it here too ? Mortyman (talk) 10:07, 14 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Denmark & Norway sections in Allies of World War II need expansion


More detailed information about Denmark and Norway as Allied nations is missing, at Allies of World War II#Denmark and Allies of World War II#Norway. All help in fleshing out these (and other sections in the article as well) much appreciated! walk victor falk talk 16:32, 10 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, and Belgium weren't part of the 'allies', they were first neutral, then they were occupied by Nazi Germany. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:49, 2 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]