Please now follow the link back to Wikipedia:Articles for creation.

Jessica Richmond


Bruce Logan (1946- )


Jeffrey Scott


Star Trek chess and 3D Star Trek chess


Request a redirect:

  1. Redirect Three-dimensional chess#Tri-Dimensional Chess

This is Star Trek's 3D chess, and it should be redirected to.

Did the first, but a search will get you to the right place from the second. DJ Clayworth 14:40, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Pyramid solitaire


REquest a redirect

  1. Redirect Pyramid (solitaire)
because Wikipedia users might think this way. 03:15, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hiding in the T6 Cupboard


The art of hiding in the cupboard of T6 was once constrained only to St Stephens School. This art was established in the summer of 2005, and first fulfilled by child prodigy, Arun Isaac. This find was a revolution in school sports and his since hit the international stage, being competed in by students all over Australia.

The Art of Hiding in the Cupboard Before one can freely hide inside the cupboard, he must understand the consequences of possibly being caught by the resident teacher at the time, Mrs Ibu Vanderplank. The first step of entering the cupboard is to leave your chair in which you are situated and roll along the ground, therefor avoiding being seen by the teacher. One must then open the cupboard and slowly enter, shutting the door behind him or her. Once inside the cupboard, the true challenge begins. The athlete must contend with various challenging, testing his wits, guts and all round talents. He or she must be able to withstand the cupboard for the entire remainder of the period, which may be up to 55 minutes. Once this is completed, the athlete becomes a champion of the sport and plastered into the hall of fame for eternity.

Arun Isaac

Arun Isaac is the founder of the sport now known as 'T6 Cupboard Hiding' and is now a well recognised athlete on the sporting stage. Mr Isaac first had the idea when his teacher at the time, Ibu Vanderplank left the arena to photocopy worksheets for the awaiting athletes. He is the current world record holder of the sport.

The Future of the Sport

The future of this sport is uncertain at this very time, but Mr. Isaac wishes for the sport to become recognised by the International Olympic Commity in time for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Kelts Betaal


Kelts Betaal is a powerful Star Wars character who was created by a boy named Caleb. In true Star Wars, Kelts does not exist. He is neither a jedi or a sith, just a character who likes to play games with other characters. He is extremely powerful in the force, knows sevlral swordfighting techniques, and posseses four golden-bladed lightsabers. he has never killed a single sentient and prefers to keep any enemies he defeats as pawns in a strange, piontless game of "chess." Kelts can be and has been made into a Knights of the Old Republic Two character to some extent.


[edit] 03:45, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia is not for things you made up. DJ Clayworth 15:35, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



"Hemorrhage (In My Hands)"


Andrew Rodriguez


Azizul Haque






Zentenism: Contemporary religion founded by Zente. The self proclaimed Son of Lucifer.The Holy messiahs Zen and Zon represents human emotions and intelligence respectively. Zente being the advent born out of imagination by Zon/Zen.

Some history: According to records, Zen and Zon were twin brothers. Their origin unknown. Both orphaned at the age of six, rumour has it that they were responsible for the death of their parents. Some stories suggested that in a game of wit between the two children, Zen lost and the stake was the killing of both parent.How true this is remains unknown till date. They then lived off the inheritance. While Zen later became a religious teacher in a church, Zon exhibited extraordinary talent with his linguistic skills and intelligence. He held a PhD in human psychology together with Masters in MetaPhysics, Mathematics and Religion. At the age of 22, the brothers disappeared. The name Zon was never heard again. Zen eventually turned up at a research insitute, spending 3 years with "idiot savants" as a volunteer. Some suggest that Zon took over his brother's name, after he mercilessly paralyzed Zen and sent him into a state of Coma. Age 30, Zen/Zon set up the "Club of Kings" which was soon branded as a cult. Although the club managed to draw in a large number of followers, it never became an orthodox religion. Till date, Zentenism remains largely unknown.

The belief Disclaimer: Content is purely imformative and the ideas involved may run contrary to major religions. No blasphemy or insults intended. Subject to reader's opinion.

Zentenism overrides all religion. It is the belief that religion is a matter of faith and that religious power is confined within the minds of the believer. It maintains that there is no one true God that exist in absolute terms. God only exist in the mind of individuals. According to the teachings of Zentenism, every human has the right to his own beliefs and no one has the right to impose his beliefs on anyone else. It denys the common existence of Soul, God(in absolute context), Creation and Creator. Instead, God only exist when one believes in a specific God or Religion. Like in Atheism there is no supreme being. So to say, Man creates God in his own image within his mind based on his beliefs. Because of this, Zentenism denies the overruling value and power of the Koran, Bible and Buddisht Scripture. It states that "God, and religion is all in the mind, never beyond it". The christian God still exist, but it only exist in the mind of that one christian. In the minds of believers of differnt denominations, God is different. The same applies for other major religions. It claims that God is not omni-potent, but rather multi-existent in individual perspective. In other words, unlike other religions, Zentenism is not exclusive. An individual can be a Zentenist-Christian or a Zentenist-Buddist for example. The only differece is that the context of a supreme being and a creator no longer exist. This explains why the founder Zente proclaimed himself to be the Son of Lucifer. He saw it all in terms of fiction. On top of that, in Zentenism what he believes in becomes true.



Script:Smile of Lucifer 05:39, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Not created. This appears to be rubbish made up by some guy with a blog. DJ Clayworth 14:42, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Crescent Town [CT]


Animal Magnetism: Pochi's Beloved


Crypts of Lieberkuhn


Crypts of Lieberkuhn The crypts of Lieberkuhn are found in the epithelial lining of the small intestine;secretions from the crypts would include sucrase and maltase.



Biology (2005) by Solomon, Berg,Martin 06:55, 31 March 2006 (UTC)Karen Kuo[reply]



to disturb or agitate



Oxford American Dictionary 07:52, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

El Quinto Real


Rugby Group








Schemas are specific mental framework that makes an individual understand a particular situation and behaviour in that particular situation.In other words,an individual will know what should be the expected behaviour in a specific social setting.



Text Book Of First Year M.Sc Applied Psychology(Annamalai University,Tamilnadu,India) 12:51, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

See Schema. Wikipedia article titles should always be singular. DJ Clayworth 15:29, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A Little Bit Hippy


cats in bottles


Family Rights


No 1478 Flight


Club Neverdie


Electron analyser


Volunteer+assigned without choice


ICRM Definitions


ICRM (Institute for Certified Records Managers) Definitions






Town of Phelps, Wisconsin

removed text taken from the source below.
×Meegs 18:03, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]


[edit] 17:47, 31 March 2006 (UTC)JCT[reply]



Mystery Date




"Gentleman Jim" Sam Morgan



  1. Redirect Kubuntu 19:41, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dave Collins


Osama (wrestler)


Ben Schneeman




Katelyn Pippy


Eduardo Montealegre


The Skeleton




Jack Lopez-Turner




Florida (continent)


Survival of the Richest


Dave Bennett


Mitchel Musso


Patrick Blood
