Tenuis alveolar velar click
k͡ǃ   k͡ʗ
ᵏǃ   ᵏʗ
ǃ   ʗ
IPA Number178
Entity (decimal)ǃ​ʗ
Unicode (hex)U+01C3 U+0297
Braille⠯ (braille pattern dots-12346)⠞ (braille pattern dots-2345)
Unicode character name for ǃ is LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK
Tenuis alveolar uvular click
q͡ǃ   q͡ʗ
𐞥ǃ   𐞥ʗ

The voiceless or more precisely tenuis (post)alveolar click is a click consonant found primarily among the languages of southern Africa. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet for a tenuis alveolar click with a velar rear articulation is k͡ǃ or k͜ǃ, commonly abbreviated to , ᵏǃ or simply ǃ; a symbol abandoned by the IPA but still preferred by some linguists is k͡ʗ or k͜ʗ, abbreviated , ᵏʗ or just ʗ. For a click with a uvular rear articulation, the equivalents are q͡ǃ, q͜ǃ, qǃ, 𐞥ǃ and q͡ʗ, q͜ʗ, qʗ, 𐞥ʗ. Sometimes the accompanying letter comes after the click letter, e.g. ǃk or ǃᵏ; this may be a simple orthographic choice, or it may imply a difference in the relative timing of the releases.[2]


Features of the tenuis (post)alveolar click:


Tenuis alveolar clicks are found primarily in the various Khoisan language families of southern Africa and in some neighboring Bantu languages.

Language Word IPA Meaning
Hadza laqo [lak͜ǃo] = [laᵏʗo] 'to trip'
Khoekhoe ǃgabe [k͜ǃȁwé] = [ᵏʗȁwé] 'to speak a Khoisan language'
Sesotho ho qoqa [hʊk͜ǃɔk͜ǃɑ] = [hʊᵏʗɔᵏʗɑ] 'to chat'
Xhosa iqanda [ik͜ǃanda] = [iᵏʗanda] 'egg'
Zulu iqaqa [íːk͜ǃaːk͜ǃá] = [íːᵏʗaːᵏʗá] 'polecat'


  1. ^ Kirshenbaum assigns ⟨c!⟩ indifferently to both alveolar and palatal clicks.
  2. ^ Afrika und Übersee. D. Reimer. 2005. pp. 93–94.