A number of units of measurements were used in Latvia to measure length, mass, area, and so on. Russian and local measures were used since 1845, and the former system before those, was that of the Netherlands.[1]
A number of units were used in Russian and local systems.
Units included:
1 elle = 0.537 m
1 quartier = 1⁄4 elle
1 meile = 7 verste (Russian) = 7.468 km.[1][2]
One pfund was equal to 0.419 kg.[1]
One kapp was equal to 148.64 2.[1][2] Some other units included:
1 pourvete = 25 kapp
1 loofstelle = 25 kapp
One faden was equal to 4.077 m3.[1]
One stoof was equal to 1.2752 L.[1][2] Some other units included:
1 kanne = 2 stoof
1 kulmet = 9 stoof
1 anker = 30 stoof
1 poure = 54 stoof
1 loof = 54 stoof