This is a list of Commercial banks and savings banks located in Denmark. This list is based upon information from the Finanstilsynet,[1] the financial regulatory authority of the Danish government responsible for the regulation of financial markets in Denmark.

Banks in Denmark

Finanstilsynet divides banks in size groups based on their working capital, with two additional groups for banks not based in Denmark.[2]

Group 1

Working capital DKK 75 billion or more.

Group 2

Working capital DKK 12 billion or more.

Group 3

Working capital DKK 500 million or more.

Group 4

Working capital DKK 500 million or less.

Group 5

Branches of foreign banks in Denmark.

Group 6

Banks based on the Faroe Islands.


  1. ^ "Virksomheder under tilsyn". Finanstilsynet.
  2. ^ "Pengeinstitutternes størrelsesgruppering 2015" (xlsx). Finanstilsynet. 2015.