Undue Weight

Was this article written by Shrier's publicist? More work needs to be done to make it clear that "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" is not a thing and that Irreversible Damage represents a work of fringe science. The article on Bob Lazar isn't about whether there are aliens at Area 51 and the Moon Landing Hoax page is carefully worded to avoid presenting conspiracy theories as fact. Just because Shrier has politicized her work to get some big money marketing muscle behind her doesn't make a fringe theory based on junk science any more credible. wp:undue and wp:fringe apply. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:17, 6 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Can you please be more specific about how you think the article should be changed? There has been considerable previous discussion about various aspects of the article, and it might be that certain changes have already been discussed. Either way, with a controversial article such as this one, it is usually preferable to make or propose small individual changes that can be assessed one at a time. PaleCloudedWhite (talk) 04:43, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
(edit conflict) This article has been gradually built up and refined by many, many editors. We judge how to describe a topic by the WP:Reliable sources on it, not by preconceptions that it must be like some other topic. When it comes to how to describe ROGD, WPATH carries far more WP:WEIGHT than does a writer for Buzzfeed News. Crossroads -talk- 04:45, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Looking at your edit, I agree with your description of ROGD as "fringe". In fact I think I made the argument for the exact same wording last year. ROGD is not recognized by any peak body on transgender health or mental illness. It is plain WP:FALSEBALANCE to present it as even having the slightest credence of legitimacy. I don't as much agree with your other edits of the lead, not because I like it (I don't really), but I'm not sure of a better way of summarizing Shrier's position. However, I do think the "Reception" section suffers from placing undue weight on non-scientific sources with no appreciable credentials in the subject matter. I agree those sources should be included to some degree, but they should not be prioritized over the reviews from (for example) Jack Turban and Christopher Ferguson. Bravetheif (talk) 08:48, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I also agree that we should be calling ROGD "fringe" explicitly, both on this page and its own. If every major psychological association signing a statement that basically reads "this isn't real and you shouldn't use it" doesn't make something fringe, I don't know what would. Loki (talk) 08:58, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
A reliable source saying it is fringe. Aircorn (talk) 10:01, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
user:crossroads Can you clarify what you mean; ROGD is not a part of WPATH diagnostic criteria. It's a fringe theory popularized by anti-trans groups. Shrier's book is part of a broader and ongoing "culture war" campaign to undermine lgbtq+ rights and there are several places in this article where the language seems carefully chosen to either soften criticism for her or her ideas or to imply that her ideas carry more weight than they do. Let's be clear - Regnery Publishing publishes political propaganda and Shrier's "freelance journalism" career consists of writing outrage culture pieces for right wing media. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 13:57, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I'd like to see if there's consensus to change "contentious concept" in the second sentence to either "fringe" or "debunked" and the word "stated" in the third sentence to "claimed" which emphasizes the fact that these are false claims that Shrier is making. I'd also be open to other ideas for rewording/rewriting the lead to avoid giving the impression that there's any legitimate scientific debate around the ideas Shrier is presenting. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:21, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It's a hypothesis that hasn't been proven, true, but it hasn't been "debunked" either, and there's "culture warring" going on on both sides. *Dan T.* (talk) 14:30, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
user:dtobias There's no ROGD "hypothesis". The "theory" originates from homophobic parents being surprised by their queer kids coming out. The littman paper literally searched out these parents, asked them if they thought ROGD was real then published a paper insisting that proved the matter. No major psychiatric or medical group recognizes ROGD and there is no legitimate research into the supposed "phenomenon". It's a theory that was cynically created to legitimize "gender critical" hate speech. We might as well be talking about whether phrenology proves the superiority of white men. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:46, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Based on peer-reviewed scholarship like this, I for one would call ROGD "debunked". Newimpartial (talk) 14:53, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Newimpartial: if you think that paper debunks it, you're really going to love this one from last month which states We did not find support within a clinical population for a new etiologic phenomenon of “ROGD” during adolescence. Among adolescents under age 16 seen in specialized gender clinics, associations between more recent gender knowledge and factors hypothesized to be involved in ROGD were either not statistically significant, or were in the opposite direction to what would be hypothesized. I'd be happiest saying it is debunked, but I'd also accept fringe. Sideswipe9th (talk) 18:02, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with the change of "contentious concept" to either of those options, and also with changing "stated" to "claimed". Both-sidesing this debate (I don't think the American Psychiatric Association is particularly interested in starting a culture war) doesn't change the fact that no peak bodies endorse the theory, or that the most comprehensive text reviewing the theory positively is the very book we are currently discussing. Bravetheif (talk) 05:46, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
What about the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and WPATH, among many other professional organizations, saying There are no sound empirical studies of ROGD and it has not been subjected to rigorous peer-review processes that are standard for clinical science. Further, there is no evidence that ROGD aligns with the lived experiences of transgender children and adolescents.? [1] Loki (talk) 20:52, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thats not the same as saying it is fringe Aircorn (talk) 15:07, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Yes it is. Per WP:FRINGE: In Wikipedia parlance, the term fringe theory is used in a very broad sense to describe an idea that departs significantly from the prevailing views or mainstream views in its particular field. The APAs and WPATH represent the mainstream views in their particular field, they're saying it's departing from those views, boom, fringe. Doesn't mean "crazy" so we don't need them to say "crazy". Loki (talk)
That is defining the topic as it pertains to the guideline ("in Wikipedia parlance"). It is not saying that the word "fringe" in article text is exempt from the WP:V and WP:NOR policies. And that it departs "significantly" is questionable per the SOC 8 quote. Crossroads -talk- 06:41, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That's an important point; there's a clear distinction between internal Wikipedia jargon and language as understood by the general public, which is what article space should be aiming for. To the general public, "fringe" has pejorative connotations that are usually not appropriate for articles. *Dan T.* (talk) 13:58, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Well its at the right noticeboard now so lets see what they come up with. 19:11, 10 December 2021 (UTC)

Quotes from WPATH and others

Wikipedia does not promote a WP:POV, but it also doesn't mince words. The WPATH text you've cited pretty clearly rejects Littman's ROGD hypothesis, consistent with previous statements. What they do accept is that gender identity may have a social component, something no one in this thread is rejecting or even debating. "Irreversible Damage" isn't about general social aspects of gender identity, it is specifically about Littman's theory of ROGD, and this thread has yet to produce a single source that shows it is a mainstream scientific position. If it is not mainstream, then it is accurately described as "fringe", and any watering down of the phrase is simply WP:FALSEBALANCE. Likewise whether or not Littman's study was "uniquely bad" is of little actual relevance to this discussion. Her paper has (in my opinion, rightfully) come under heavy criticism for its methodology and data, and her pointing the finger at others to show they're just as bad doesn't improve the quality of the original paper. Finally, while the second source you've cited references ROGD, it doesn't seem to me to make an analysis one way or another. Any attempt to extract a meaningful position would be WP:SYNTH, and I could just as easily argue that the reason there is a significant increase in rates of diverse gender presentation is more a matter of destimagization and education. Bravetheif (talk) 10:02, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Crossroads, in your "unique" reading of WPATH you have watered down the social contagion theory of ROGD so that it becomes "maybe social factors matter". Well, duh. That isn't ROGD any more, and so I don't see how you can cite either the old or the new WPATH as holding open the door for ROGD. There simply isn't any legitimate scientific debate to be had - I have enough faith in your research skills that, if there were, you would have found it by now. Newimpartial (talk) 12:06, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It sounds like perhaps we should make a post on the Fringe Theory Noticeboard, as the header for it clearly states Post here to seek advice on whether a particular topic is fringe or mainstream, whether there may be problematic promotion of fringe theories, or whether undue weight is being given to fringe theories. Sideswipe9th (talk) 15:09, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Littman's paper says, towards its end where hypotheses are developed, "Hypothesis 1: Social influences can contribute to the development of gender dysphoria". That sounds similar to the "Well, duh" statement that "maybe social factors matter". Later, it says "Finally, further exploration is needed", thus indicating that the paper wasn't intended to be the final proof of its hypotheses, but merely an opening toward examining them further in the hopes of finding more solid conclusions. Opponents of Littman seem to be attributing much more extremeness to the paper than it actually has. *Dan T.* (talk) 02:00, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
You are presenting the Littman paper as though it did not contain all of the "social contagion" and "peer contagion" nonsense, or its (dubious and pseudo-scientific) Hypothesis 3. It does. Recognizing that social factors matter doesn't imply support for the social contagion framework, which is both the paper's most visible "contribution" and also the point that Shrier leans into in particular. Newimpartial (talk) 02:16, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
This is not a debate about the merits or failings of Littman's paper, just whether it is mainstream or fringe. I have yet to see a single peak body accepting *specifically* Littman's theory. The very fact that the original paper is (according to you) somewhat inconclusive, and the very book we're currently discussing is the most comprehensive review of the thesis indicates to me that it is fringe. As a side note, you seem to have missed the third hypothesis of Littman's paper, the part people consider extreme, that theorize that Gender Dysphoria is transmissible. Bravetheif (talk) 02:48, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
To describe it as "fringe", specifically, you need WP:MEDRS sources that call it that specifically. Otherwise, you have to stick with the current MEDRS sources, which are that it is contentious and unrecognized as a medical diagnosis. It really is that simple, per WP:NOR. Newimpartial's watered down reading of WPATH as just "social factors" is not accurate; they cited Littman and then shortly therefter state, The phenomenon of social influence on gender is salient, however, as some who have changed their thoughts about their own gender identity have described how social influence was relevant in their experience of their gender during adolescence (Vandenbussche, 2021). For a select subgroup of young people, in the context of exploration, social influence on gender may be a relevant issue and an important differential. The prominent WPATH SOC 8 describing gender dysphoria resulting from "social influence" being "an important differential" in "a select subgroup" right after citing Littman cannot be twisted into 'the idea is fringe'. Crossroads -talk- 06:03, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
WPATH acknowledging that social aspects may have an influence over gender *identity*, while in proximity to a discussion of the Littman paper, is not a tacit endorsement on it's theory on the transmissiblity of gender *dysphoria*. The two terms are not synonymous and, even if you (wrongly) decided to interpret it as such, accepting that there may be a social influence on dysphoria is not the same as endorsing the specific theory. In fact, in the previous sentences they reject the Littman paper on grounds of flaws in its methodology. Considering that, and reading over WP:MEDRS, I see nothing specifying the requirement for a direct quote when calling a theory "fringe". In fact, WP:MEDSCI pretty clearly states that editors should summarize the positions of "major professional medical or scientific societies". ROGD is not recognised as a formal diagnosis by either WPATH or the APA, and that the only subsequent clinical study has failed to support the theory, points strongly to being, currently, a fringe position. Bravetheif (talk) 06:54, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
WPATH is talking about medical care, not just identity. Gender dysphoria is the diagnosis under which such care is given. They did not say they "reject" the paper; they named those issues as context, but still cited it. If it were "fringe", they would not be describing it as they do. But above all, Wikipedia goes by what is WP:Verifiable, so no amount of synthesizing that it is fringe from sources that don't specifically say that is usable. Crossroads -talk- 07:25, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I would appreciate an explanation (obviously outside our own positions and biases on this issue) of what semantic difference there is between describing ROGD as "fringe", and as "contentious" that makes one WP:SYNTH and the other not. Neither "contentious" nor "fringe" are direct quotes, and appear more to be an attempt at summarizing scientific consensus of the topic (inline with WP:MEDSCI). Frankly, if you're that hung up on it, "disproven" or "discredited" is a far more accurate descriptor, as the previously mentioned clinical trial "did not find support within a clinical population for a new etiologic phenomenon of “ROGD” during adolescence". That aside, I don't think the mere citation of Littman's paper by WPATH means the theory has any credence. They make no positive statements as to the hypothesis or the paper as a whole, and the fact they don't outright reject the idea that there may be a social component to gender identity doesn't mean they accept or legitimize Littman's specific theory. As I previously mentioned, the following sentences also discusses gender identity, not dysphoria. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that no relevant bodies recognize the diagnosis is all that is necessary to describe it as fringe. Bravetheif (talk) 08:58, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
User:Crossroads Can you try to find a way to make your point that's a little less wordy? It feels a little like you're just trying to bury dissenting opinions Voiceofreason01 (talk) 15:58, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Are you sure you addressed that to the right person? Korny O'Near (talk) 17:44, 9 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Unsure if User:Voiceofreason01 was trying to refer to me or Crossroads, but I'll assume me and I apologize if my comment is a little wordy or unclear, my intention is not to bury dissent. If people want a more summarized discussion of my position, it's thusly: No peak bodies recognize ROGD as a clinical diagnosis. Inline with WP:MEDSCI, and in order to not present a WP:FALSEBALANCE, our description of the theory should reflect that. A hypothesis not accepted by mainstream organisations is, by definition, fringe. If other editors consider that summation to be WP:SYNTH (but "contentious" not to be for some reason), then the theory could be described as "debunked", "unsupported", "discredited", or "unsupported in a clinical context" with direct citation to this study. Bravetheif (talk) 02:07, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
our description of the theory should reflect that - and it does. Quoting the article text: not recognized as a medical diagnosis by any major professional institution. A single WP:PRIMARY study is not sufficient to describe something as debunked or discredited, especially in view of the other sources I quoted. "Unsupported" is not far off from the status quo, but considering the way SOC 8 cites Littman and another study, that seems rather cherry-picked. 'Not recognized by professional institutions' is fully verifiable and completely accurate, and I see no way in which these other terms improve understanding of the topic.
Regarding "contentious", this is a synonym of various words which are probably used in the sources given for that. It was not my intention to challenge that claim, which I don't think is as unlikely. However, I don't think that word adds much meaning and may even distract compared to the phrase after it about 'not recognized', so I don't care if it were dropped.
Voiceofreason01, per WP:ONUS and WP:BRD, no one should be WP:Edit warring in preferred text. Crossroads -talk- 06:56, 10 December 2021 (UTC) expanded Crossroads -talk- 07:04, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I do not think your sources sufficiently establishes that ROGD is a mainstream view, in fact, to quote you: my point is not that ROGD existing is the mainstream view. That makes it the definitionally fringe: not part of the mainstream.... If you still find the phrasing unacceptable, this secondary source can be cited as evidence for the wording "disproven" and, at the very least, I feel "unsupported" can be supported and, while more contentious, is more concrete than "contentious". As an aside, with all due respect, I don't agree with your reading of SOC 8. They speak of Littman's paper in purely negative terms and, in my opinion, are attempting to make clear that, while they are against her specific paper and thus, her theory (which is the status quo until they accept a study in it's favour, and Wikipedia does not base it's articles on anticipated evidence), they are not outright rejecting the concept that gender may have a social component. Recognition of the broad concept in which a theory could be categorised is not an endorsement of the specific hypothesis. Bravetheif (talk) 11:10, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I note that the article on Atheism doesn't contain the word "fringe", despite all sorts of big powerful mainstream institutions opposing it. *Dan T.* (talk) 14:03, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
User:Dtobias ROGD is a theory that only exists as a political argument. There is no scientific evidence supporting it and Irreversible Damage is cynically designed to victimize transgender people. It's hate speech. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:30, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That's your opinion. It has no place in article space. *Dan T.* (talk) 14:38, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It is my opinion based on Shrier's use of slurs both in her book and in subsequent press and because her rhetoric is just repeating TERF talking points. I'm not suggesting that the wikipedia article actually says that but there's no reason to ignore that Irreversible Damage and the media campaign surrounding it are designed and intended to be hurtful and to victimize a vulnerable minority. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:51, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
*Dan T.* This is not article space, it is a talk page. WP:NOR does not apply. Bravetheif (talk) 23:18, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
*Dan T.* I would appreciate it if you stayed on topic or make a concrete argument with your examples, rather than making vague, irrelevant statements. Bravetheif (talk) 23:18, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
user Crossroads Please review wp:civil and refrain from making threats in your edit summaries. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Voiceofreason01 (talkcontribs) 19:01, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
"refrain from making threats in your edit summaries" – Where are the diffs supporting your accusation?
  • WP:ASPERSIONS > "It is unacceptable for an editor to continually accuse another of egregious misbehavior"
    "making objectively unsupported or exaggerated claims of misconduct can necessitate sanctions or restrictions even if the editor subjectively believes that they are true"
    "It is unacceptable for an editor to routinely accuse others of misbehavior without reasonable cause in an attempt to besmirch their reputations. Concerns, if they cannot be resolved directly with the other users involved, should be brought up in the appropriate forums with evidence, if at all."
    "An editor must not accuse another of misbehavior without evidence,"
    "If accusations must be made, they should be raised, with evidence, at appropriate forums such as the user talk page, WP:COIN, or other appropriate places per WP:COI."
  • WP:NOPA > "There is no rule that is objective and not open to interpretation on what constitutes a personal attack as opposed to constructive discussion, but some types of comments are never acceptable: "
    "Accusations about personal behavior that lack evidence. Serious accusations require serious evidence, usually in the form of diffs and links."
Pyxis Solitary (yak). L not Q. 08:38, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with what Bravetheif is saying about how WPATH SoC 8 characterises Littman's paper. It is entirely negative, pointing out the methodological flaws in Littman's original survey, and their resulting survey bias. The paragraph where it is mentioned ends with a cautionary note on research that involves datasets with sampling biases.
The other study WPATH cite is this one from April 2021 by Vandenbussche, which was a study into the needs of detransitioners. While that paper does contain a mention about being pressured to transition by social surroundings it only does so briefly, in a comment about how 14% of the respondents listed a number of other reasons. The exact number of how many felt they were socially pressured within that subgroup is unknown. This paper by Vandenbussche also has some sampling issues, based on where it recruited participants, see the paragraph beginning "Retconning of findings to match and leverage selective support from new publications". Sideswipe9th (talk) 21:44, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think "healthliberationnow.com" is an academic journal; rather, it's a blog. Crossroads -talk- 05:34, 11 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I feel like the discussion here has wandered away from the point somewhat. There's obviously a delicate balancing act when we're dealing with an article that references a living person when including criticism of that person. As it should be. That being said: Shrier is a controversial figure because she insists on using slurs against transgender people and is a proponent of fringe science(ROGD) and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TERF rhetoric. Many people, very understandably, view her as being harmful to transgender people. The article as it stands contains weasel words and sources that seem chosen to deflect and reduce criticism of Shrier and Irreversible Damage. And deliberately softening criticism to push a political agenda is the very definition of a not neutral point of view. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 18:01, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Crossroads, we literally have sources saying ROGD is a fringe perspective. That means it can't possibly be WP:SYNTH, according to policy. Newimpartial (talk) 00:30, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Not this debunked claim again. Which peer-reviewed medical sources are they? WPATH and the medical literature I quoted at the beginning of this subsection do not support this strong pejorative; see WP:NPOV. Crossroads -talk- 00:33, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
As I recall it was Turban who said so. Just so we are clear, WP:SYNTH applies to original research by Wikipedia editors. If someone off-wiki has made a statement whether or not it meets MEDRS, whether or not it meets RS at all, it cannot possibly be SYNTH. As you have on occasion with other policies and guidelines (like LABEL), you are invoking SYNTH in a situation where it clearly does not apply. Newimpartial (talk) 00:38, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
In which peer-reviewed medical source did Turban say so? Didn't happen. And any instance of SYNTH is relative to the sources being incorrectly claimed to support an idea. In this case, the claim that a few are pushing to include is found only in non-MEDRS or is being synthesized from sources that don't say it. Your claim that If someone off-wiki has made a statement...whether or not it meets RS at all, it cannot possibly be SYNTH means nothing is SYNTH, because there is always going to be someone somewhere claiming whatever. Crossroads -talk- 01:00, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Crossroads, WP:SYNTH (or WP:OR) applies to claims that are original with WP editors; a claim that is sourced - no matter how badly, and no matter how much you disagree with it - can never be SYNTH. At least one source using the term "fringe" for ROGD has already been provided, so your claim that this statement is SYNTH cannot possibly be valid in terms of WP policy. Your subsequent rationalization, that there is always going to be someone somewhere claiming whatever is a complete red herring, because this instance is not a handwave to "someone said sometime", it is a source that has been provided right on this Talk page.
WP is not some Nietzschean realm where words mean whatever you want them to mean; as much as you object to a claim that is found only in non-MEDRS, if it is found in an external source it cannot possibly be SYNTH. It is very difficult to have a CIVIL discussion with editors who willfully misquote (or misunderstand) policies for the convenience of their rhetoric on Talk pages. Newimpartial (talk) 01:34, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I am sure am in agreement with that last sentence right now. WP:SYNTH: If one reliable source says A and another reliable source says B, do not join A and B together to imply a conclusion C not mentioned by either of the sources. This would be improper editorial synthesis. Doesn't matter if blogpost Y says it, or source Z says it but that editor wasn't using it; that editor was committing SYNTH. That non-RS use a term does not mean it's okay for an editor to claim to point to RS as support for a term when they are synthesizing the RS. Obviously. Non-RS + SYNTH does not acceptable material make. Crossroads -talk- 01:52, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Jack Turban is not a "blogpost", he's a medical professional with domain knowledge in the topic we are currently discussing. It is not novel analysis to describe ROGD as "fringe" when we have a direct quote from a reliable source. Bravetheif (talk) 02:23, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Crossroads, that is a perfect example of you selectively quoting policy and then twisting extemporizing it to make an assertion that policy doesn't support. No WP policy says that "claims not based in RS are synth", which is what your position amounts to. What SYNTH says is, claims that deduce a conclusion from postulates found in separate RS is SYNTH. Claims based on direct statements made in non-RS can be invalid for any number of policy-relevant reasons, but SYNTH simply isn't of them, and it simply is not possible to have a CIVIL discussion with you while you make ridiculous statements like Your claim ... means nothing is SYNTH, because there is always going to be someone somewhere claiming whatever. No, it means that when a claim is made in a source, we don't call it "synth": instead we assess the quality of the source in context, which means (inter alia) comparing statements within that source with statements in other sources. If only one source uses "fringe", and other sources offer criticism or dismissal of various kinds in different terms, then there is no way "fringe" can be SYNTH. The policy-relevant question becomes, is "fringe" the best way to communicate what the recent, reliable sources do say, or are other terms more appropriate. WP:SYNTH is not one of the policies that helps us answer that question, and your using it in this discussion like some kind of balloon-art shibboleth is both comical and deeply frustrating.
However, you have given me a perfect potted example of how you twist policy in service of your POV in a particular debate, for the next time your editing is up for behavioural discussion, so you have my sincere thanks on that score. Newimpartial (talk) 02:51, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Your argument here does not even come close to addressing what I am saying, conflates completely separate matters, and is just flat out in denial of what the policy says. Crossroads -talk- 04:35, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
No; WP:SYNTH simply does not apply to sourcing standards in the way you have asserted here. That policy is about what editors do with sourced material and is not concerned with how we assess off-wiki sources for reliability and WEIGHT, which is the argument you have been trying to base on SYNTH (without the slightest support from the text of WP:SYNTH/WP:OR). En-wiki does have policies about source reliability, but you have not been citing those, perhaps because they do not support your argument either. Newimpartial (talk) 04:43, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I have been pointing to MEDRS and RS. Stop misrepresenting me. Crossroads -talk- 04:47, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

The last time you referred to MEDRS and RS policies was 05:34 11 December 2021 (UTC). Since then you have made reference to SYNTH 10 times by my count, and those more relevant policies not at all.

If your actual argument is that the various ways the MEDRS sources have debunked Littman's work don't justify the terms "debunked" or "fringe", you can make that argument perfectly well without trying to invoke WP:SYNTH where it does not apply. The fact is that there are many ways to communicate that a piece of research is an outlier within its field; we have a source supporting "fringe" and other sources supporting other terms. Pretending that the only thing that matters is the source count for "fringe" might be the way you like to decide editorial questions (when it backs up your preferences - diffs available on request). However, it certainly isn't the only (or the best) way to arrive at balanced and DUE treatment, and pretending that it is "SYNTH" to review the language by various RS to decide on a balanced text amounts to, if I can say so politely, a load of fecal matter from male bovines. Newimpartial (talk) 05:13, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I do not think it is possible for us to have a productive conversation about how to describe ROGD without first establishing where on the spectrum of "pseudoscience" to "fact" the theory falls. I was hoping you would be able to recognise that my argument to you in response to you were attempts to convince you of my position. I was not advocating for such evidence to be entered in article space. I have extended the assumption of good faith to you, and I would appreciate if you would do the same for me. You have already received a civility warning from Voiceofreason01 in this thread. Florence Ashley has specific knowledge and medical experience in the subject area, her use as a source is entirely appropriate. She specifically references leading experts and the position statement of WPATH to make her analysis. It is a well substantiated description of the current scientific consensus. Her paper in The Sociology Review, which has been formally peer reviewed, makes much the same analysis when reviewing the currently available evidence given what we know, there is no compelling reason to view suggested cases of ROGD as anything but commonplace late-onset gender dysphoria, and initiates the section with I critically assess the empirical and theoretical claims associated with ROGD theory and argue that they are either unsubstantiated or banal.. She later states that many leading experts have rejected ROGD as lacking empirical support, with reference to both WPATH and AusPATH. Bravetheif (talk) 00:47, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]



Abigail Shrier's speech at Princeton

Shrier has posted her speech at Princeton University where she talks about why she wrote the book. Perhaps there are quotes there which are appropriate for this article. (She's not very complimentary of Wikipedia: "If you form views based on those Wikipedia articles or reports by corrupt fact-checkers, if you act based on them, are you exercising freedom of will?") The posting of this speech has produced a cascade of further reactions; the blog Why Evolution Is True praised it, and this in turn prompted Richard Dawkins to tweet in praise of the book. *Dan T.* (talk) 14:15, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

She also repeats lies and slurs about transgender people. It's not a bad speech as far of these things go but it's the same thing she says in every speech/interview she gives. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:25, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
This is, of course, WP:ABOUTSELF material (and sometimes WP:MANDY applies). But my sense is that at times, Shrier is more transparent about the intentions and opinions reflected in her book when she is promoting it in other venues; this speech may actually be helpful in that regard. Newimpartial (talk) 18:10, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
A Richard Dawkins tweet is most definitely not a WP:RS, and I doubt "Why Evolution is True", a blog, is either. I do appreciate the levity though, it is pretty funny for her to imply that, after reading this Wikipedia page, the only way to exercise your freedom of will is to buy her book. Bravetheif (talk) 23:30, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Separating scientific and editorial reception of book

Given that this is a non-fiction book centered around a medical and scientific hypothesis, I feel that scientific perceptions of the book have been somewhat buried by this article, with journalistic responses given comparatively WP:UNDUE weight. In order to address this without removing otherwise credible perspectives, I tentatively propose separating reviews into "Scientific" and "Editorial" subheadings (I am open to suggestion on titles) under "Reception", with "Scientific" being listed first. In specific, this would mean separating out the review of Jack Turban, Christopher Ferguson, and the various articles published in Science-Based Medicine. Bravetheif (talk) 05:56, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Would probably be misleading, since none of the "scientific" reviews were in scientific journals. Also worth noting here on Talk is that Science-Based Medicine made at least one poor choice in who supposedly represented the mainstream to review the book, namely A.J. Eckert. As noted in this Washington Post article by prominent WPATH psychologists, Many openly discuss how they use the adult informed-consent model of care with their teen patients, which almost always means no mental health involvement and sometimes no parent input, either. “If you are trans, I believe you,” says A.J. Eckert, the medical director of Anchor Health Initiative in Connecticut. Eckert is wary of psychologists who follow the guidelines by completing a comprehensive assessment before recommending medical intervention for youths. “Gender-affirming medicine,” Eckert holds, means that “you are best equipped to make decisions about your own body,” full stop. These providers do not always realize they’ve confessed to ignoring the standards of care. (Contacted by The Post for comment on this essay, Eckert said that “no medical or surgical interventions are provided to anyone who has not started puberty” but added that, as Anchor Health sees it, “Therapy is not a requirement in this approach because being trans is not a pathology.”) (Emphasis added.) Crossroads -talk- 07:56, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not dead set on the suggested titles, and agree that should not be the implication. The more wordy titles of "Responses within the scientific community" and "Media reviews" might more accurately convey these categorizations. Bravetheif (talk) 11:44, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
There are no reliable scientific sources supporting ROGD. Even Littman who's pushing the theory doesn't use the term ROGD in the same way that Shrier and other "gender critical" activists do. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0202330 Voiceofreason01 (talk) 14:19, 14 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with you Voiceofreason01, but I don't understand what you're trying to say about this proposed change. Bravetheif (talk) 09:27, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I would agree, these two types of reception should be separated. It does not matter whether the reviews were published in scientific journals, as WP:SOURCE respects the author as a source in addition to the venue. These aren't trying to be MEDRSes, we should not heap MEDRS standards on them. But we should treat scientists as a separate body of reviewers from journalists and book critics. — Shibbolethink ( ) 15:52, 22 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

RfC: Should rapid-onset gender dysphoria be described as "fringe"?

The following discussion is an archived record of a request for comment. Please do not modify it. No further edits should be made to this discussion. A summary of the conclusions reached follows.
In this long, rather interesting RfC, editors consider whether it's right to describe the heavily-disputed concept of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria ("ROGD") as "fringe". The context of this discussion is our article on Irreversible Damage, a book in which an American with a PhD airs her opinions on trans issues in general and gender dysphoria in particular. Like virtually everything American about trans people, there is a political slant as well as a medical one. Although editors don't quite say this in so many words, I would say that there's a clear view underlying a lot of the commentary in this RfC, that ROGD is more of a political concept than a scientific one. Although the Wikipedia community is not of one mind on this point, I would say that the rough consensus is that ROGD is politics and not science.
We understand ROGD as a political term, but there exists a subcommunity of trans-skeptics who would like to present it as a scientific one. From the debate below we conclude that the validity of ROGD has yet to be analyzed scientifically, and at issue is the decision about which term to use. These wording decisions on the talk pages of individual articles are highly context-sensitive, and I should be clear that this RfC decides to whether we should use the word "fringe" about ROGD in this article on the basis of these sources. It doesn't bind what we say in other places about other articles.
In the discussion below there is no consensus to change our current wording. This doesn't mean that Wikipedians think there's anything credible about ROGD. The article clearly describes ROGD as the contentious concept of rapid-onset gender dysphoria, which is not recognized as a medical diagnosis by any major professional institution and is not backed by credible scientific evidence. In other words, Wikipedians are immensely skeptical of ROGD and this wording will remain in the article. We simply haven't made the decision to escalate that even further and call it "fringe". We Wikipedians do use the word "fringe" quite a lot and we are anxious not to cheapen it by overuse.
For a matter that's so political and contentious, this has been a rather well-conducted and helpful discussion and I would like to thank you all for your input. If you have any comments, queries, or criticism relating to this close, please direct them to my talk page in the first instance.—S Marshall T/C 11:53, 8 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Should the article describe rapid onset gender dysphoria as "fringe"? Crossroads -talk- 07:00, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]


This paper cited as justification presents an original argument (rather than purporting to be an unbiased review) and thus seems to be a WP:PRIMARY source regarding the author's views. It is a sociology paper by an author without expertise in psychology or psychiatry. WP:MEDSCI states, Be careful of material published in journals...which report material mainly in other fields. Even then, it does not use the word "fringe".
Here are numerous high-quality medical sources that pointedly do not treat or describe ROGD as fringe, but rather as an alternative theoretical formulation worth considering seriously, while at the same time acknowledging that it is not the most recognized view (as the status quo text puts it). Emphasis added below.
Medical sources
  • it is critical to consider the societal changes that have occurred over time in relation to transgender people. Given the increase in visibility of transgender and gender diverse identities, it is important to understand how increased awareness may impact gender development in different ways (Kornienko et al., 2016)....Another phenomenon is adolescents seeking care who have not apparently experienced and/or expressed gender diversity during their childhood years. One researcher attempted to study and describe a specific form of later-presenting gender diversity experience (Littman, 2018 [the ROGD paper]); however, the study contained significant methodological challenges which must be considered as context for the findings: 1) the study surveyed parents and not youth perspectives, and 2) recruitment included parents from community settings in which treatments for gender dysphoria are often characterized as pathological or undesired. The phenomenon of social influence on gender is salient, however, as some who have changed their thoughts about their own gender identity have described how social influence was relevant in their experience of their gender during adolescence (Vandenbussche, 2021). For a select subgroup of young people, in the context of exploration, social influence on gender may be a relevant issue and an important differential. This phenomenon is neither new nor surprising for health professionals working with adolescents; however, caution must be taken to avoid assuming these phenomena prematurely in an individual adolescent, as well as from datasets that may have been ascertained with potential sampling bias (WPATH, 2018). - World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care 8 draft version (finalized edition to be released spring 2022).
  • it constitutes nothing more than an acronym created to describe a proposed clinical phenomenon that may or may not warrant further peer-reviewed scientific investigation. - WPATH 2018 position statement on ROGD.
  • The term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)” is not a diagnosis or health condition recognised by any major professional association, nor is it listed as a subtype or classification in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Therefore, “ROGD” is an acronym describing a proposed phenomenon, with insufficient peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support its implementation and/or use within clinical, community, social and legal settings. - 2019 AusPATH position statement on ROGD.
  • While some of us have informally tended toward describing the phenomenon we witness as “adolescent-onset” gender dysphoria, that is, without any notable symptom history prior to or during the early stages of puberty (certainly nothing of clinical significance), Littman’s description resonates with our clinical experiences from within the consulting room. In our experience, it is commonplace for clinicians to engage in conversations regarding this phenomenon (Churcher Clarke & Spiliadis, 2019). Furthermore, from speaking with international colleagues, it seems to us that this phenomenon is also being observed in North America, Australia, and the rest of Europe. In addition, we are witnessing high levels of distress and comorbidity. Bechard, VanderLaan, Wood, Wasserman, and Zucker (2017) carried out a cohort study of referrals made for adolescents into a gender identity service which showed a high level of comorbid psychological difficulty as well as psychosocial vulnerability. They concluded that this supported a “proof of principle” for the importance of a comprehensive psychological assessment extending its reach beyond gender dysphoria. This is consistent with a previously published paper from Finland (Kaltiala-Heino, Sumia, Työläjärvi, & Lindberg, 2015) which identified the phenomenon of an over-representation of adolescent females with particularly complex needs presenting at gender clinics. - 2019 letter to the editor by 3 authors in Archives of Sexual Behavior.
  • However, authors of case histories and a parent-report study warrant that gender identity development is diverse, and a new developmental pathway is proposed involving youth with postpuberty adolescent-onset transgender histories.6–8 [source 7 is Littman's original ROGD paper.] These youth did not yet participate in the early evaluation studies.5,9 This raises the question whether the positive outcomes of early medical interventions also apply to adolescents who more recently present in overwhelming large numbers for transgender care, including those that come at an older age, possibly without a childhood history of GI. It also asks for caution because some case histories illustrate the complexities that may be associated with later-presenting transgender adolescents and describe that some eventually detransition.9,10 - 2020 Commentary in Pediatrics.
  • With regards to the referrals, in line with international trends [9–12], Italian’s population of trans* youths seem to be growing, particularly with respect to AFABs. Some respondents depicted referrals with traits of the so-called “rapid onset” [15] of gender incongruence, especially when describing AFABs, with pressing requests to start soon hormone therapies and an (apparent) lack of history of gender incongruence. However, this is a very complex phenomenon that needs further exploration. - 2020 paper about youth gender clinics in Italy
  • More recently, expert professionals have seen an ever-increasing number of post puberty cases of GD in birth-assigned females with rapid-onset clinical manifestations. This apparent new phenomenon, termed “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD), has been described by parents who have reported that their child displayed a sudden or rapid onset of GD in adolescence without having had a history of gender variance during childhood (11, 12). Of note, clinical features suggestive of GD were observed in adolescents within a group of peers, with several members becoming gender nonconforming. A survey of 256 parents showed that the majority of adolescents with ROGD were birth-assigned females (82.8%), with a mean age of 16.4 years. In addition, there were a high percentage of mental health disorders and developmental disorders, as well as several psychosocial stressors, which preceded the onset of GD. The survey received mixed support, and warrants future studies to help understand if ROGD as a distinct entity or as a variant presentation of GD (12-15). - 2020 paper by 3 authors in Acta Biomedica.
  • There has been a 3264% rise in referrals to the national gender identity service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust in London over the past 10 years (from 77 in 2009–2010 to 2590 in 2018–2019).1 The profile of referrals has also undergone a major transformation: we have seen a reversal of the gender ratio from two-thirds male:female to two-thirds female:male, with a recently described clinical phenomenon of as yet uncertain diagnostic significance making up a substantial proportion. This gender dysphoria of recent onset among adolescents (sometimes termed ‘recent-onset gender dysphoria’ or ROGD, ‘rapid-onset adolescent dysphoria’2 or‘adolescent-onset transgender history’3) lacks an agreed name or established diagnostic criteria, but its emergence has been documented by a number of gender clinics worldwide.4 - 2021 "Special Article" in BJPsych Bulletin.
As shown, it would be cherry-picking and POV to take those few who condemn ROGD as not just unproven, but as disproven, and treat their word as gospel. Crossroads -talk- 07:00, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • More from the book coverage perspective: the wide condemnation of this book appears to actually be its primary notability claim. This should be foregrounded. It is not necessary for this article to address the entire ROGD controversy or review the literature on ROGD itself (as noted, an article already exists on that topic): this article needs to contextualize this book. And that means alerting readers to its wide rejection. I am not aware of any coverage of this book which describes it as presenting widely-accepted views, even in the case of positive coverage from those who consider its minority views to be correct. Those who praise the book for its transgessive boldness reinforce the book's status as existing outside the mainstrem. A source table collecting direct coverage of the book itself will, I believe, make clear that WP:BALANCE requires describing the book as entirely lacking in wide acceptance. ~ L 🌸 (talk) 22:57, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Discussion of Crossroads' medical sources
  • World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care 8 draft version - I have multiple problems with Crossroads' citation and interpretation of this text. Firstly, his conclusion relies on original analysis - an interpretation of an implicit statement within the text. This is not necessarily an issue in and of itself, except that WPATH (through CAAPS) has released a position statement that contradicts this interpretation, explicitly rejecting the theory and calling for its "elimination" entirely. That is not how organisations treat "alternative theoretical formulations", and an editor's subjective interpretation of a text is overshadowed by a concrete authorial voice. As for his interpretation, it is founded on the fallacious understanding that any mention of gender having a social influence is implicit support for ROGD specifically. Reading the highlighted passage beyond a first glance reveals that they are, in fact, largely talking about entirely different aspects of gender than ROGD. Littman's paper specifically advances a form of gender dysphoria that is induced socially, and the only sentence explicitly referencing her theory dismisses it for its methodological flaws. The next sentence is as follows: The phenomenon of social influence on gender is salient, as some who have changed their thoughts about their own gender identity have described how social influence was relevant in their experience of their gender during adolescence (Vandenbussche, 2021). Although it is understandable how one may interpret this to be discussing ROGD, it is in fact talking about social influences over gender identity (which, for clarity, is entirely distinct from gender dysphoria). The proof is in the pudding, for one it says "gender", but also the cited source (found here), discusses how social influences, such as internalised homophobia and misogyny, may have led some individuals to falsely or mistakenly identify as trans. It is discussing a different aspect of gender and a different way in which it has a social influence. Vandenbussche makes no mention of any kind of social inducement of gender dysphoria. The next quote, For a select subgroup of young people, in the context of exploration, social influence on gender may be a relevant issue and an important differential. This phenomenon is neither new nor surprising for health professionals working with adolescents..., again, bears no actual relevance to ROGD beyond a surface resemblance in that they both talk about how gender is socially influenced. It makes no reference to gender dysphoria, qualifies the attribute as only belonging to an individual's exploration (which, while obviously related to gender dysphoria, has no relation on its development), and most closely resembles the idea that often trans, and also some cis people, will "experiment" with presenting as different genders socially to find (or confirm) the role they feel most comfortable inhabiting. If this sentence conveyed the meaning Crossroads is claiming, then, considering it is "neither new nor surprising for health professionals", he should be able to find a reputable source that explicitly accepts Littman's hypothesis. On the other hand, I can find plenty of reputable sources that are familiar with gender experimentation in the context of social roles.[6][7] It's clear to me that this entire passage is not in fact an exclusive discussion of the merits of Littman's paper, but rather an attempt to cover in brief the major proposed ways in which gender is socially influenced: inducement of gender dysphoria (which is rejected), misdiagnosis of gender dysphoria, and the political and social component of transition. You would expect nothing less from a text such as this. The only part specifically discussing Littman's paper dismisses it entirely on its methodological flaws, and it is an overly generous reading to attempt to claim the rest of the passage shows WPATH supports ROGD as an "alternate theoretical formulation", especially when they have made concrete statements to the contrary.
  • WPATH 2018 position statement on ROGD - The quotation of this particular statement is extremely misleading, as it is outdated and has been superceded by the previously mentioned CAAPS statement. Additionally, the WPATH position statement was released just 24 days after the publication of the initial Littman paper, before the subsequent published methodological reviews,[8] clinical trial,[1] or even the revised version of the paper.[9] What may have been a proposed phenomenon within a month of its release is not necessarily considered such later, following more thorough studies. Crossroads also seems to be ignorant of the fact that a fringe theory is also a "proposed phenomenon".
  • 2019 AusPATH position statement on ROGD - The quote attributed to AusPATH is cherrypicked and also misleading, as it is itself a quote of the outdated WPATH 2018 position statement, and the novel content, including the explicit rejections of ROGD are omitted entirely. The statement outright rejects ROGD in the phrase AusPATH recognises the harms caused by conversion, reparative and aversion treatments and opposes any such efforts to invalidate an individual’s experienced gender (emphasis mine). They furthermore state that All TGDNB people are deserving of gender-affirmative, evidence-based care. This concept, that all TGDNB should receive gender-affirming care is mutually exclusive with ROGD, since ROGD is a diagnosis in which a TGDNB person cannot be treated in that manner (something explicitly stated in Littman's original paper).
  • 2020 Commentary in Pediatrics; 2019 letter to the editor - Neither the cited letter to the editor, nor the commentary are peer reviewed and do not meet WP:MEDRS. A handful of citations to or mentions by individuals is not remotely enough to establish ROGD as a mainstream theory.
  • 2020 paper about youth gender clinics in Italy; 2020 paper by 3 authors in Acta Biomedica - Both the Italian and the Acta Biomed paper are inconclusive as to the legitimacy of ROGD as a theory, merely stating that participants in the study self reported an occurence of ROGD. These "cases" have not been diagnosed or even verified by any medical professionals, and if these examples count as rigorous evidence of the existence of ROGD, you may as well also quote the parents on crackpot anti-trans forums. Additionally, in light of the negative findings of the aforementioned clinical trial, these mentions do not amount to much. See Newimpartial's comment for a more thorough discussion.
  • 2021 "Special Article" in BJPsych Bulletin - The 2021 article published in BJPsych Bulletin is similarly inconclusive. Furthermore, Marcus Evans, the author of the article, is fairly well known as a controversial figure who himself holds fairly extreme views.[10][11] Again, see Newimpartial's comment for a more thorough discussion.
Medical sources supporting the analysis that ROGD is fringe or debunked
  • Australian Psychological Society (APS), in a statement about ROGD[12] - Empirical evidence consistently refutes claims that a child’s or adolescent’s gender can be ‘directed’ by peer group pressure or media influence, as a form of ‘social contagion’
  • The American Psychological Association (APA), American Psychiatric Association (APA) and World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), through a CAAPS position statement - [CAAPS] supports eliminating the use of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) and similar concepts for clinical and diagnostic application given the lack of rigorous empirical support for its existence... There is no evidence that ROGD aligns with the lived experiences of transgender children and adolescents.
  • The Society for Research in Child Development, in this statement, endorsed the CAAPS position statement.
  • Australian Professional Association for Transgender Health (AusPATH), in a 2019 position statement - The term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” is not, and has never been, a diagnosis or health condition but has been used in a single report describing parental perception of their adolescent’s gender identity without exploration of the gender identity and experiences of the adolescents themselves... AusPATH recognises the harms caused by conversion, reparative and aversion treatments and opposes any such efforts to invalidate an individual’s experienced gender.
  • Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH), in a 2020 position statement - CPATH supports gender diversity as a natural and healthy part of the human experience and strongly discourages use of any terminology, including "rapid onset gender dysphoria", to pathologize or invalidate diverse gender experience. The president of CPATH further cosigned a statement describing ROGD as "bad science".
  • Florence Ashley, 2020, the only secondary scientific source that doesn't focus on the methodological flaws of the original paper - Characterizes ROGD as Circumventing science through pseudoscience. Additionally states that Despite attempts to shift it onto proponents of gender-affirmative care, the burden of proof lies squarely on proponents of ROGD since they are seeking to displace the empirically backed consensus approach. Evidence only counts as supporting the existence of ROGD if it excludes the possibility of non-pathological, non-epidemic explanations something that has yet to be offered. Unsurprisingly given the dearth of supporting evidence, many leading experts have rejected ROGD as lacking empirical support.
  • Bauer et al, 2021, the second study of the theory and the only clinical trial - Our results did not support the rapid onset gender dysphoria hypothesis
  • Statement by the Gender Dysphoria Affirmative Working Group (GDAWG) - The Littman (2018) study has been widely contested as methodologically flawed and unethical, proceeding from an overt ideological bias.
Something considered an "alternative theoretical formulation" by respected members of a field is not called to be "eliminated". It is not rejected by every relevant professional organisation (the two APAs and WPATH (under CAAPS), CPATH, SRDC, GDAWG, APS, and AusPATH) and reputable expert. The best evidence other editors have found to support their claim that ROGD is an alternative theory is an interpretation of a quote that is explicitly contradicted by the author, outdated and misrepresented position statements, a few non-MEDRS articles by controversial figures, and two passing acknowledgements that parents self-reported cases of ROGD. ROGD is not outright opposed and treated as junk science because it is being "censored", it is treated that way because it is junk science. That makes it a fringe theory, and the complete lack credible empirical support further supports this conclusion. Its original paper was widely criticised as being "fatally methodologically flawed",[13] and the only subsequent study, a clinical trial conducted in 2021, found no evidence to support the theory. To once again quote the APS statement, "Empirical evidence consistently refutes claims that a child’s or adolescent’s gender can be ‘directed’ by peer group pressure or media influence".
The sources I've discussed could point to various phrases and terms. The previously discussed Florence Ashley paper characterises ROGD as Circumventing science through pseudoscience, and also makes the analysis that ROGD lacks empirical evidence and mainstream support,[14] which can be summarized as describing ROGD as "fringe". A PsychCentral article by the same author references various experts calling ROGD "bad science". Pseudoscience, bad science, and refuted/disproven (as discussed by the APS) theories all fall under the category of a fringe theory. If editors feel that term to be too pejorative, then "pseudoscientific" (Ashley), "disproven" (APS), and "consistently refuted by empirical evidence and mainstream organisations" (APS, Ashley) can all be supported as either direct quotes or as synonymous paraphrases from mainstream and respected sources.
To wrap up a few minor points, firstly Crossroads' insistence that "fringe" be a direct quote of a source, lest it be WP:OR and WP:SYNTH runs directly counter to WP:SYNTHNOTSUMMARY, and would mean the the vast majority of content on Wikipedia would in fact be breaking policy. It is an arbitrary bar that does not reflect the standards of any other article. Establishing weight for a position in this discussion, and then whether a given summary is an accurate reflection of the content and spirit of a singular source is not WP:SYNTH.
Additionally, the status quo of "contentious" actually breaks Wikipedia policy. It is not supported by any source, and appears to have been an original analysis on multiple sources. Unless a source can be found to support the phrase, and it is established that the source has sufficient weight, a different description must be used.
Edit (16 January 2022): I've done a little more research and reflection into the topic and I support my position even more strongly. I do concede that this issue may be a little more subtle than I gave it credit for and I apologize to Crossroads specifically for my hot-headedness. However it's clear to me that the material facts point towards ROGD as being closer to fringe than not. ROGD has no credible evidential support. Its original paper was criticised for methodological flaws, and the only other study found no evidence to support it. No major organisations recognise the theory. I still cannot find any "respected minorities" either. There are credible sources describing the theory as "consistently refuted", "bad science", and "pseudoscience". All these are well sourced quotes that accurately reflect the state of the theory in scientific literature. Bravetheif (talk) 09:13, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That these MEDRS are "inconclusive" is entirely the point. WPATH, AusPATH, and the APA all treat it as unproven, not disproven, and acknowledge the need for more research. And when quoting the CAAPS statement signed by the APA and others, you left off that this applies to clinical and diagnostic application given the lack of rigorous empirical support for its existence. The status quo already says that it is not recognized as a diagnosis, but to imply greater disprovenness is not accurate. Crossroads -talk- 19:39, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I understood your meaning, my point was that, in light of more conclusive evidence rejecting the hypothesis, these mere acknowledgements of the theory do not hold much weight. Setting the requirement for a theory to be thoroughly disproven before it can be described as "fringe" is an arbitrary bar that does not reflect the actual meaning of the word. All that is required for it to be called "fringe" is that it be outside the mainstream. WPATH, AusPATH, and the APA all reject the hypothesis, with the APA calling for it's elimination entirely, and AusPATH explicitly rejecting the foundations of the study. That is not how mainstream alternate hypotheses are treated. Bravetheif (talk) 22:27, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The APA called for its elimination from diagnostic use, which is not the same as calling for its elimination from scientific research. The WPATH, AusPATH, and the APA-signed official statements on ROGD all encourage further research; while they do stop short of specifically calling for research on ROGD, those phrases are in statements about ROGD and it is clear that they are not saying it should be rejected from scientific research (which they could have easily said were they certain that would be a dead end). Crossroads -talk- 06:27, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Crossroads, I apologize for being short with you, but what does "elimination from scientific research" mean in your mind? It is blatantly ridiculous to suggest that the threshold for "fringe" be that no one is capable of or permitted to perform research on the topic. That would mean flat-eartherism, anti-vax research, and every other textbook fringe theory is actually, mainstream. The cited WPATH position statement is outdated, as they signed the more recent CAAPS one, so it can be disregarded entirely except perhaps as evidence of a historical position. Both remaining statements call for research generally into gender-affirming care, not into ROGD. CAAPS states evidence-based clinical guidelines for gender-affirming care that support child and adolescent gender identity development, and AusPATH encourages continued scientific exploration within a culture of academic freedom, not censorship. All TGDNB people are deserving of gender-affirmative, evidence-based care that is underpinned by contemporary, adequately endorsed and community engaged standards of care and clinical guidelines. It is frankly misleading to claim this is support of further research into ROGD. Bravetheif (talk) 06:44, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That other stuff has numerous peer-reviewed sources in the relevant fields calling it fringe, and no treatment as plausible in mainstream journals. Comparing this with that is night and day. And ROGD is not necessarily incompatible with the broad concept of "gender-affirming care", regardless of what later non-experts may have claimed. I was very clear on what they did and did not say about further research. Also, note what AusPATH says about "censorship" - have non-ROGD papers ever been threatened with censorship? In this area claims of censorship of research only exist as accusations that activists have tried to censor research regarding ROGD itself. Crossroads -talk- 07:04, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
ROGD is entirely incompatible with the statement all TGDNB people are deserving of gender-affirmative, evidence-based care (AusPATH), because it creates a diagnosis in which gender non-conforming individuals should not be treated with gender-affirming care. It is not possible to reconcile those two positions. You incorrecly attributed a call for further research into gender-affirming care into one for ROGD, when those are not synonymous. ROGD has been dismissed in muliple, reputable journals (despite your insistence that they are "not experts"), and it has position statements outright calling for its elimination and rejecting its core foundations. The CAAPS statement does not even treat it as a theory, just as straight up false.
have non-ROGD papers ever been threatened with censorship? Yes, of course they have. Are you serious? The Nazi's literally burned the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft to the ground. Donald Trump gagged the EPA.[15] This is not the appropriate platform for espousal of your persecution complex and personal conspiracy theories. It is not relevant to this discussion, and I frankly couldn't care in the slightest. Bravetheif (talk) 07:26, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
AusPATH is obviously not talking about Nazis or the EPA; these have nothing to do with present-day research into GD. Crossroads -talk- 06:32, 15 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
You asked if any other paper has ever been threatened with censorship, a transparantly ridiculous statement I was providing counter examples of. It's a false premise anyway. You may not have noticed, but an extremely successful book was written about the theory and paper. Bravetheif (talk) 09:05, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I opened a subsection on this, where you can find plenty of actual evidence of fatal flaws in the study. In short, that paper ain't no clinical trial; it piles up error upon obvious error in an attempt to test claims that do not follow from ROGD and were not made anywhere by Littman. Sesquivalent (talk) 22:47, 24 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
The comparison to climate change is a faulty analogy. There are numerous sources in that field specifically calling climate change denial fringe and documenting via detailed surveys that it has extremely high rates of outright rejection as disproven. Not the case with this. None of the relevant sources I presented above are from outside the field of expertise, though one of the opposing sources is. Mainstream sources are not still giving any credence to the possibility that climate change is not human caused, while the sources I listed above in fact do so about ROGD; the two ideas are not comparable. Crossroads -talk- 19:55, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Re: do so: do what? Give credence to the possibility that the ROGD hypotheses are valid? No. Give credence to the possibility that ROGD describes an empirical phenomenon? Not really. If you think detailed surveys are required to demonstrate that multiple RS explicitly reject ROGD as an empirical phenomenon and a framework for theory or professional practive, and that no RS offer actual support for it, then I believe you are mistaken. Newimpartial (talk) 20:15, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
For most of the medical sources I quoted above, I find it impossible to read them as doing anything other than giv[ing] credence to the possibility that ROGD describes an empirical phenomenon. Possibility being emphasized - I'm obviously not claiming it is accepted as fact, but it isn't rejected widely enough either. Crossroads -talk- 06:01, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I think you are eliding a key distinction, here. Several sources allow the possibility that the presentation of GD in young people is changing, and encourage research into that. But the MEDRS you have cited don't even support your claim that this change follows the descriptive pattern that ROGD assumes, much less offer any endorsement at all of the ROGD hypotheses. Please see my longer dissection of your evidence here (copy-edited version here). Newimpartial (talk) 14:16, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That's a rather unscientific view from these supposed "peak bodies" - of course ROGD doesn't "align with the lived experiences" of transgender people; the whole point of ROGD is that the people said to experience it are not actually transgender at all. Korny O'Near (talk) 17:09, 14 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Which might be relevant if those people actually existed, but the basis of the ROGD "hypotheses" is in online gatherings of parents who are having difficulty with their children's gender announcements. Not much there, there. That these parents don't believe their children to be trans is essentially the basis for their selection in the first place; the Littman study just takes the parents' assertions at their word. Talk about affirming therapy, and no wonder this "scholarship" can't be reproduced by anyone else. Newimpartial (talk) 17:23, 14 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That is a blatant mischaracterisation of the meaning and spirit of the AusPATH statement. They also state that all gender-diverse presenting people are deserving of gender-affirming care, something not compatible with ROGD, which creates a diagnosis in which gender-diverse presenting people shouldn't recieve gender-affirming care. Bravetheif (talk) 12:49, 22 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
For those describing ROGD as a "new" theory it's not. The Littman study may be from 2018 but the homophobic trope of "concerned" parents accusing peer groups of "turning their kid gay" has been around for decades and the websites the Littman study drew their participants from had existed for years. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 15:32, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Don't know what does? That would be all the theories that require overturning long-accepted fundamental laws of nature, or the things where sources widely call it such specifically. But when a significant portion of sources are ambivalent or somewhat receptive to the possibility, as here, it's very different. Crossroads -talk- 06:32, 17 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Oh my, that's quite the strange definition of the English word fringe. For something to be fringe, in your mind it must require overturning long-accepted fundamental laws of nature? That definition does not even come close to lining up with the word's usage in recent general English RS [4][5], academic English RS[6][7], or English dictionaries [8] [9].
Let's be clear about the situations in which we as Wikipedia editors are permitted to use a word to describe something. The first is if RSs use that word themselves; that's an easy one. I'm glad we agree there. The second, which is far more applicable, is if the word is a valid paraphrasing of what the RSs say. And how do the RSs describe Littman's/Shrier's claims of "ROGD"?
  • "...not recognized by any major professional association as a valid mental health diagnosis"
  • "...supports eliminating the use of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria"
  • "...there are no sound empirical studies of ROGD and it has not been subjected to rigorous peer-review processes that are standard for clinical science. Further, there is no evidence that ROGD aligns with the lived experiences of transgender children and adolescents."
  • "'methodologically flawed and unethical'... [proceeding] from 'an overt ideological bias'"
  • "...[no] support within a clinical population for a new etiologic phenomenon of rapid onset gender dysphoria during adolescence"
  • "...associations between more recent gender knowledge and factors hypothesized to be involved in rapid onset gender dysphoria were either not statistically significant, or were in the opposite direction to what would be hypothesized"
I'd argue that these quotes even support a word much stronger than fringe. Of course, if you were right, and the commonly-accepted English definition of the word fringe was a theory that require[s] overturning long-accepted fundamental laws of nature, then your argument would hold. Perhaps I'm out of touch with the modern English language, and the sources I've found are anomalies. But it certainly seems to me that practically nobody defines fringe the way you want to.
However, I do agree with Bilorv above that this entire discussion, narrowly construed, is likely a waste of effort. To see this much heat generated over a single word is, well, unfortunately unsurprising but rather disappointing. But I do think that the fact that there is this much opposition to merely describing the book's claims as fringe does not bode well for long-term improvement of the article, so this apparent waste of time seems to be a necessary one. Srey Srostalk 00:12, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think it is necessary, SreySros, just a waste of time. The RfC cannot even determine whether ROGD is fringe, just whether we should use the term "fringe" in the article. Better would be to discuss coverage of ROGD in the body of the article. — Bilorv (talk) 02:13, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It was you who said that If this doesn't count as fringe, I don't know what does, thus implying it belongs in the same category as flat-earth-ism and other such things, which is clear exaggeration. I quoted other sources which are not so negative, and regardless, the status quo of 'not recognized as a diagnosis' matches most of those much better. Crossroads -talk- 06:22, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That makes the (incorrect) assumption that "fringe" is the strongest word that can be used to describe those "theories". They can be described as fringe, but they're more accurately described as conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, or plainly incorrect. Bravetheif (talk) 23:26, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • No. for reasons well explained by Crossroads above at the beginning of the RfC. We need to be careful to be calling something a fringe theory based on the scientific consensus, not political consensus of certain activists.Pengortm (talk) 05:12, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    Isn't it a good thing that the scientific consensus on this is so consistent, then? Newimpartial (talk) 18:12, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • No, for me one of the defining characteristics of fringe theories is existing in it's own literature that is not interacting with the rest of the body of science. This is one of the big problem with fringe theories - no one cares enough even understand them or develop a carefuly theory. I don't really think this is going on here. I would also distinguish between "big consensus" and small consensus. The consensus I think matters is "everyone who actually publishes on the topic" not "what randon organizations say about social issues and inclusion". These two things can be quite different, as the further you get from research, the more social and "consistency" factors come into play. I can't help but feel on this topic there's a bit of shaming organizations and people who don't really study the field into compliance and then using them as an authority. Talpedia (talk) 12:08, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    I'd appreciate if you could expand on your points about a) shaming organizations b) what you consider experts in this topic and c) what you mean by consistency factors. I don't think I understood your point, Talpedia. Santacruz Please ping me! 12:14, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    a) The policy of organizations may well be more related to trans acceptance, than the nitty gritty of the research. There may be lobbying involved and the opinion might really mean much for the organization so just act as a rubber stamp more or less equivalant to "research for which there is not sufficient evidence yet to change our policies does not change our policies" in a way that makes people happy. These arguments are fuzzy, my opinion is more... one should dig into the research publications rather than taking the opinion of broad medical groups as definitive.
    b) I would say things like treating gender dysphoria directly preferably with some sort of quatitative research going on at the same time which you publish, or doing qualitative research looking at service users experience of outcomes would both make you experts.
    c) By consistency, I mean think like "my part of medicine is like this, so yours must be as well", "the world is like this, so this issue is like this". People can just fill in the gaps in their knowledge with assumption Talpedia (talk) 12:34, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It's not "unsupported by evidence". Just the spike in case numbers is strong evidence that something is different in the composition of the current wave.
The historical rate of transgender cases was roughly 1 in 10K, give or take a factor of 5, which is of the same order as the rate of suicide throughout the world. If the number of cases rises by two orders of magnitude as it did in the UK, then if the underlying nature of those cases is biologically and neurologically the same as the historical transgender population (with its extremely high rate of suicide) then nearly all suicides in history would have been from unrecognized trans cases that were hidden until the recent spike in numbers and the rise of the very concept of trans. But without leaving a hint in thousands of associated suicide notes and prior etiology, that it had anything to do with matters of sex and gender.
Of course the ROGD proponents provide other indications. But the basic fact of a rapid and gigantic increase is the thing that needs explanation and there is every reason to believe it is not the same old, same old. Claims of "no evidence" are a shifting of the standard to exclude the actual evidence.Sesquivalent (talk) 13:10, 21 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Sesquivalent could you rephrase your point? I'm not sure I understand it. Santacruz Please ping me! 13:24, 21 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Also, Sesquivalent, could you give a source for your numbers? You seem to be citing the rate of change in a cross-tab, but it's hard to assess than without a source. Newimpartial (talk) 13:33, 21 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
In the US, estimates of the transgender population in the sources of that article vary in the 0.1 to 1 percent range with typical estimates around 0.5, and higher at younger ages (as the numbers are rising over time). The same article cites 41 percent as the fraction of trans population having attempted suicide, any such figure being a small or large underestimate to the extent that the attempts "succeed". If you assume that only 1 in 40 of those who tried, died that's 1 percent of transgenders, so 1 in every 10K to 100K persons. At the historical US suicide rate of about 1 in 10000 in recent decades that's between 10 and 100 percent of the total. Whatever reasons lead to suicide attempts today would have been stronger in the past as recognition and tolerance were nonexistent, hostility higher, and emergency medical technology and suicide hotlines that reduce the death rate on attempts also did not exist until recently. So even under conservative assumptions you get a very large proportion of suicides that would have had to come from unrecognized transgender cases, throughout history, if the current youth numbers (which, again, are rising) represent the true incidence rate of true transgenderism.
That's just one quantitative reality check. Another is that it's known in psychiatry since at least the 1970's that self reports are unreliable, and usually less reliable than reports by others who know the patient (such as their parents). Statistically, if a rare trait (such as trans, or a rare disease, or genius level intelligence) is detected by an even slightly imperfect method (such as self report, or a mostly accurate disease screen, or an IQ test) then the majority, often a near totality, of detections are false positives. This means that under "affirm only" conditions, the number of people classified as transgender will be extremely sensitive to any changes in how welcome or unwelcome the self reports are, incentives and disincentives, etc. A slight change to the parameters of the system will move the needle considerably in number deemed to qualify. So when there is a rapid giant change in the numbers the default assumption is that it is probably driven by more permissiveness in the reporting or diagnosis, which is essentially the ROGD thesis. This isn't some weirdo theory, it is the null hypothesis, broadly construed. Whether social media or peer groups are the specific mechanism is secondary and does not really bear on the general question of whether it makes sense. Sesquivalent (talk) 14:54, 21 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That is all very interesting, but it doesn't really support The historical rate of transgender cases was roughly 1 in 10K, give or take a factor of 5 ... If the number of cases rises by two orders of magnitude as it did in the UK ..., which were the statistical claims I was asking about.
As far as the minor premise that the underlying nature of those cases is biologically and neurologically the same as the historical transgender population (with its extremely high rate of suicide), that seems unsubstantiated (and not clearly relevant to the current discussion).
Finally, in explaining the alleged phenomenon (for which you have not actually produced evidence), you say the default assumption is that it is probably driven by more permissiveness in the reporting or diagnosis, which is essentially the ROGD thesis. But "permissiceness in reporting" would explain the phenomenon equally well if we understood this shift, in line with mainstream explanations for shifts in expressions of diverse sexuality under rapidly liberalizing social conditions, without bringing in the "unreliability of self-report measures" as an explanation. For those who lived through the proliferation of gay villages and pride parades in the 1980s and 1990s, the idea that the proliferation of diverse sexualities had resulted from "unreliable self-reporting" sounds like a bizarre counterfactual; if you have acrual evidence supporting the idea that the situation with trans identities is different, the methodological issues with IQ self-reporting do not provide clearly relevant support for your position. Newimpartial (talk) 15:42, 21 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Sesquivalent An increase in rates of genderqueer presentation is not evidence that the specific, clinical diagnosis of ROGD is correct. ROGD does not generally represent the idea of increased genderqueer presentation, it is a specific theory on the transmissibility of gender dysphoria. You understand that, as it is an attempt at explaining those increased rates, it cannot be proven by that same phenomena right? There is no other evidence in the theory's favor. EmilyIsTrans (talk) 04:54, 22 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Extremely rapid exponential growth is in fact evidence of "contagion" style social transmission effects, especially when the growth is faster than the increase in any known nonsocial contributing factor. That is, the number of new GD cases and transgender announcements next year cannot plausibly develop independent of the number of existing (visible) trans people, trans institutions, trans media, trans clinics, etc, and as in all exponential growth is more or less proportional to all those. It's actually hard to come up with alternative nonsocial explanations that account for such growth without having a lot of easily noticed side effects that can be falsified. Anti ROGDer Florence Ashley puts it this way: "More and more teenagers are coming out. ... As trans realities become more and more widely known, it becomes easier for trans people to understand their internal turmoil and open up about the fact that they are, indeed, trans. As we make friends who are trans, they help us understand ourselves and support us through the coming-out process. ... trans visibility is helping more people realize they are trans — ourselves included, a few years ago." The trans medicine community seems rather incurious about the growth, and Ashley is possibly the only one to attempt an explanation. But she does not even try to account for the pattern noted by Littman of a super rapid rise in female (A.F.A.B.) cases beyond the general exponential growth, which appears to require a social transmission vector (or other cause) that only applies to adolescent girls without a similar rise in adult cases. Again, something like ROGD is the natural null hypothesis here in the absence of such an explanation, which none of the critics have even tried to give. If the rise is largely socially mediated there is no reason to think all of this mediation must be benign and never of the variety that Littman or Shrier posit. Sesquivalent (talk) 09:36, 28 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Yes. I would also accept "Marginal" per @XOR'easter. It is not an accepted diagnosis by any medical professional organization. It is not supported by mainstream scientific review articles or studies. It has no ICD billing code. It is not accepted by mainstream science/medicine. It is, by definition, FRINGE. — Shibbolethink ( ) 15:53, 22 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, as a reasonable summary of the best sources available in this area. Marginal would also be fine with me, or alternative formulations that are more accurate than the current contentious. As the phenomenon is so universally unrecognized by the experts, understating the fringiness would be an NPOV problem. Firefangledfeathers 17:33, 22 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
"Unrecognized" is also part of the status quo. Crossroads -talk- 02:28, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
And that source is? Crossroads -talk- 02:28, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Jack Turban's review, as I believe you know. Newimpartial (talk) 03:17, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ah yes, his Psychology Today blog post where, as Sesquivalent noted in a lower thread, Turban's review used the word "fringe" once, to describe some organizations and not ROGD. Crossroads -talk- 06:00, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The argument that the review was only intended to label the orgs supporting ROGD, but not ROGD itself, as FRINGE is making a distinction unintended by the author, as the blog post legal filing makes clear. This is a great example of an appropriate use of an SPS - to help interpret an author's independently published work.Newimpartial (talk) 11:56, 23 December 2021 (UTC) Corrected Newimpartial (talk) 14:40, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
If the author "intended" to call it that, he would have done so. Crossroads -talk- 05:07, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Which he did, explicitly, in the SPS. Newimpartial (talk) 13:55, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Which SPS? The blog post? No. Crossroads -talk- 06:50, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The legal filing. Corrected, above. Newimpartial (talk) 14:40, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, probably I wasn't clear enough. I've read the justifications of a few Yes votes and their main argument seems to be that "fringe" is a good summary of the best sources, even though they don't say it explicitly. I don't agree with this reasoning as it smacks of WP:OR. Why is using the wording that reliable sources use not good enough here? Alaexis¿question? 21:15, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Some of the sources do use fringe, so this seems to reflect a faulty premise. Newimpartial (talk) 21:33, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
As has been pointed out to you above, you have not a single source that calls ROGD "fringe". Crossroads -talk- 05:07, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Jack Turban's review of this book refers to ROGD'S backers as "fringe". His self-published expert source commentary clarifies that ROGD itself is "fringe", not just its backers.
Crossroads, this has all been pointed out to you before, so when you say you have not a single source that calls ROGD "fringe" you are knowingly making a false statement. Pure WP:SEALION tactics on your part, and I find them tiresome. Newimpartial (talk) 14:01, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
He refers to groups opposing gender-affirmative care as fringe, which is not the same thing as ROGD, obviously. Crossroads -talk- 06:50, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
And the legal filing clarifies that Turban applies the "fringe" label to ROGD itself, and not just the groups promoting it. Stop sealioning, please. Newimpartial (talk) 14:43, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ah ok, I follow you. I understand much of the black and white of Wikipedia policy, but I will admit I'm not super well versed in the subtleties, but my reading of WP:SYNTHNOTSUMMARY is that if we have a reliable source that can be accurately summarized as describing ROGD as "fringe", then it is entirely acceptable to use it as a citation for the phrasing. Looking at User:Bravethief's contribution, it would appear that the Florence Ashley paper is that source, with the rest simply attempting to establish that this is in fact the prevailing view and therefore DUE. EmilyIsTrans (talk) 03:54, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Florence Ashley article says that "ROGD “is not a medical entity recognized by any major professional association”" which is how the article describes it now. This is a clear and simple statement which is (as far as I can see) supported by other sources and is not controversial. I haven't seen solid arguments why we need to add descriptions not found in the majority of reliable sources and what benefit the reader would derive from it. Alaexis¿question? 09:15, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
If ROGD is fringe, then it is a false balance to soften the language to "contentious".
Your quotation is itself a quotation of the now outdated 2018 WPATH position statement on ROGD, which has been superceded by the CAAPS co-statement. That document states that there are no sound empirical studies of ROGD and it has not been subjected to rigorous peer-review processes that are standard for clinical science. Further, there is no evidence that ROGD aligns with the lived experiences of transgender children and adolescents. It calls explicitly for the "elimination" of the use of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) and similar concepts for clinical and diagnostic application. It does not, like the 2018 WPATH statement, even state that it supports further research into the subject, instead calling for further research into evidence-based clinical guidelines for gender-affirming care, something that is entirely incompatible with ROGD (since ROGD explicitly creates a diagnosis of gender dysphoria that is not treated with gender-affirming care).
I also wasn't talking about the PsychCentral article, rather this one. To my reading, an accurate summary of the analysis that paper makes of the state of ROGD is that it is calling the theory is fringe. Specifically, I am referring to the phrase The burden of proof lies squarely on proponents of ROGD since they are seeking to displace the empirically backed consensus approach. Evidence only counts as supporting the existence of ROGD if it excludes the possibility of non-pathological, non-epidemic explanations something that has yet to be offered. Unsurprisingly given the dearth of supporting evidence, many leading experts have rejected ROGD as lacking empirical support (it proceeds to cite WPATH and AusPATH). That states, in no uncertain terms, that there is little to no empirical evidence to support ROGD, and that it is outside the mainstream. EmilyIsTrans (talk) 13:36, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It would appear that many of the "no's" agree that ROGD is in the general ballpack of a fringe theory, but reject the use of that specific term (at least, that's my interpretation, please correct me if I'm wrong). That begs the question of what term would convey a similar meaning in a less "perjorative" manner? I still support the use of "fringe" as an accurate summary of the consensus, but I feel it would be productive to discuss alternative phrasing. Bravetheif (talk) 19:34, 23 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not so concerned about whether it's pejorative, but rather that using Wikipedia jargon in an article may not be as clear to our readers as it is to us. Possible terms that come to mind (with varying levels of strength) include "dubious", "highly controversial", "strongly disputed", "unsupported by evidence", "debunked", "disproven", or "false". I don't know the state of the literature, though, so I don't know which of those terms are appropriate if any. What terms are commonly used in reliable sources about ROGD? —Mx. Granger (talk · contribs) 08:09, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Just a small quibble. "No evidence found for X" is not equivalent to "X is disproven." After all, there is no good evidence that parachutes work. On a serious note, we should stick to the terms used by RS. Alaexis¿question? 09:26, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I fully agree, which is why I asked what terms are commonly used in RSs. Like I said, I don't know which of the terms I listed are appropriate in this case. —Mx. Granger (talk · contribs) 09:50, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I follow you. Most literature on the subject is focused on enumerating the methodological flaws of Littman's original paper, however, probably the most thorough secondary source discussing ROGD (that meets WP:MEDRS) is this paper by Florence Ashley. The other relevant sources are the position statements of AusPATH and CAAPS, signed by the APA and WPATH. CAAPS is particularly harsh, calling for ROGD's "elimination" from clinical and diagnostic application given the lack of rigorous empirical support for its existence. It states the theory does not reflect the lived experiences of trans people, and terms, such as ROGD, that further stigmatize and limit access to gender-affirming and evidence-based care violate the principles upon which CAAPS was founded and public trust in clinical science. The statement ends with a call for further research, not into ROGD, but "gender-affirming care", which is incompatible with ROGD since it cannot be treated in that manner.
Ashley's paper is long, without a specific term describing ROGD. However, I believe the following excerpt can be summarized, in good faith, as describing ROGD as "fringe": Evidence only counts as supporting the existence of ROGD if it excludes the possibility of non-pathological, non-epidemic explanations something that has yet to be offered. Unsurprisingly given the dearth of supporting evidence, many leading experts have rejected ROGD as lacking empirical support. The post-publication clarification that Littman’s article is merely hypothesis-generation rather than hypothesis-testing, besides its various flaws, further confirms this conclusion.
Apologies if this answer is too long, avoids the question, or is unhelpful. I am drunk and I didn't intend it that way (Merry Christmas by the way ). Bravetheif (talk) 11:13, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I've made less sense sober, Bravetheif ^u^ Santacruz Please ping me! 11:48, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for that response. What about "the contentious concept of rapid onset gender dysphoria, which lacks evidence and is not recognized as a medical diagnosis by any major professional institution"? I see that CAAPS also discusses the ROGD concept's "likelihood of contributing to harm and mental health burden" – potentially we could indicate that in some way. (And merry Christmas!) —Mx. Granger (talk · contribs) 15:20, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I think this is an interesting suggestion. Personally, my ideal state of that sentence would still be to drop the entire second half (after the comma) and change "contentious" to something less weasel-y and vague. "Contentious" just smacks of a lack of editorial consensus, which is how it was added in the first place IIRC. However, if we do go the route of expanding the description, I think the addition of an explicit acknowledgement of a lack of evidence (and the likelihood of harm) is a good idea. The lack of recognition could be rephrased to "rejected by major professional institutions", with reference to the CAAPS statement (or maybe something even harsher to reflect their call to "eliminate" the term). Likewise "which lacks evidence" could be made more concrete with the phrase "which has failed to be reproduced in a clinical context" in reference to this clinical trial (I'm not as attached to that suggestion though). Bravetheif (talk) 01:36, 26 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
ROGD should not be confused with the well established refractory condition ROWD (Reminders Of Wikipedia Daily), in which the afflicted feel a powerful compulsion to insert terms of art like "citation needed", "bludgeon" and "FRINGE!!" into ordinary language. The only cure is said to be a switch from Talk: to talk for no less than a month. Sesquivalent (talk) 12:55, 27 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The gish galloping is too much, so I won't continue to respond individually. There are many phrases to choose from that are better sourced, more precise, and without perjorative connotation. Mistaking the onus in this situation, no one has made a case for why we ought to use a word that is less sourced, less precise, and perjorative. Sennalen (talk) 04:27, 1 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Are you seriously claiming that "disproven" or "fringe" is less precise than "controversial", "disputed" and "discounted"? Those terms convey almost no information to a reader, like why it is controversial, or who has discounted it. They are also entirely unsourced, one of the problems with the status quo article is that "contentious" was itself introduced as a SYNTH of sources. It has no citation or quotation to support it.
Editors in this thread are not mistaking the "onus" of proof, they've already provided arguments and evidence as to why they believe their terminology is due. They're criticizing the fact you have outright ignored or rejected many of the MEDRS sources that disagree with your position, and your apparent bias to soften language that is well supported by those sources. For example, you claimed earlier that There is no reason, other than political motivation, to believe a study with a larger sample size or some variation of experimental design would not confirm a separate etiological subpopulation exists, which (a) violates WP:CRYSTALBALL (we don't consider something accepted because we anticipate it to be proven correct), and (b) is entirely untrue - it has been pointed out in this thread, and to you specifically, that a clinical trial of the theory has been performed, that found no evidence for "a separate etiological subpopulation". You've also been thoroughly unconstructive, calling me a bot and using inaccurate, pejorative terminology to refer to trans people. Bravetheif (talk) 06:14, 1 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Zucker 2019 "Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: Reflections on Some Contemporary Clinical and Research Issues": "This article provides an overview of five contemporary clinical and research issues pertaining to adolescents with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria: (1) increased referrals to specialized gender identity clinics; (2) alteration in the sex ratio; (3) suicidality; (4) “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) as a new developmental pathway; (5) and best practice clinical care for adolescents who may have ROGD."
Levine 2019 "Informed Consent for Transgendered Patients," Pubmed review (secondary). "While this question is starkly evident among cross-gender identified children contemplating puberty suppression and social gender transition and young adolescents with rapid-onset gender dysphoria,[...]"
Littman 2021 "Individuals Treated for Gender Dysphoria with Medical and/or Surgical Transition Who Subsequently Detransitioned: A Survey of 100 Detransitioners" which found support for the ROGD hypotheses.
This is in addition to all the peer reviewed references Crossroads quoted. Combining all the references, one sees this topic has appeared as describing a phenomena or hypotheses in several medical journals: Pediatrics, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Int J Environ Res Public Health, Acta Biomedica, BJPsych Bulletin, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Jdbrook talk 05:26, 20 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]


Notified the WikiProjects listed above, as well as WP:MED, WP:FTN, WP:NPOVN, and WP:ORN. Crossroads -talk- 07:45, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

a) It seems the article is about a book, I prefer word book in the title when article is about a book.
b) Once I realized the article is about book then I did not get proper context of the RfC. Usually if article is about a book or an author then we are supposed to give book's or author's opinion as is even if that turns out to be a fringe or minority opinion.
c) We can not express our ow opinion.
d) If any third credible source is criticizing general concept as fringe but not this book or authorship then that need not be included in the article. Since such introduction is coming from Wikipedian side.
e) Where Book or authorship is not directly criticized but contrary general sources exist can be included in See also, external links bibliography etc.
e) If any third credible source is criticizing this book or authorship in particular that book author theory is fringe then that criticism be mentioned in the article.
Resolving seems simpler to me in above manner unless I am not missing on some context I am unaware of.
Bookku, 'Encyclopedias = expanding information & knowledge' (talk) 08:05, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
One of the reviewers of the book, Jack Turban, refers to the theory as "fringe" while reviewing this book. Perhaps this is the context you were missing? Newimpartial (talk) 09:54, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Jack Turban has come under some criticism himself. *Dan T.* (talk) 15:04, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Don't think that's a reliable source, brah. Newimpartial (talk) 20:20, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Turban's review used the word "fringe" once, to describe some organizations and not ROGD. Sesquivalent (talk) 15:35, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
And the legal brief applies the word "fringe" to ROGD itself. Are you trying to split the hair between what is "fringe" in the review and what is "fringe" in the brief, when talking about the same construct (ROGD)? That seems like a rather fine hair to split. Newimpartial (talk) 20:20, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The brief is a category of document, expert witness reports, that as paid shilling for a litigant is in the STUDIOUSLY DISREGARD pile; the Psychology Today blog is not RS; and even if both sources were acceptable, the inference that Turban's descriptions of the organizations as "fringe" is a comment on ROGD is classic SYNTH guesswork. He says they are fringe due to opposition to the dominant approach of "gender affirming care", but such opposition isn't an inevitable consequence of ROGD unless any change to the status quo clinical procedures is taken as oppositional by definition. That Turban personally does think it's fringe and says that in an expert witness report is irrelevant to any matter except "what does Jack think?", which does not concern us here. Sesquivalent (talk) 17:33, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
No; the reason the brief is relevant is (1) to validate that it is not WP:OR to state that ROGD is "fringe" and (2) to clarify that this is indeed Turban's view (since editors have disagreed about whether or not that is what he meant in the review) - in other words, to document "what does Jack think?", since you and other editors have quibbled about this. The brief is entirely sufficient to make these points, and your argument against Turban's reasoning is completely irrelevant to the discussion we are actually having here.
The MEDRS show that ROGD is what WP calls "FRINGE". Turban's writing about the book applies the term "fringe", and he means the term to apply both to ROGD and its supporters. You seem to be arguing that Turban's reasoning is flawed, but arguing against our sources isn't really how we, as an editing community, are supposed to settle RfCs. Newimpartial (talk) 17:43, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
These are highly idiosyncratic interpretations unique to you, in the face of apparent SYNTH and weak sourcing. I haven't argued with (or accepted, or otherwise judged) Turban's reasoning other than to note that he is an ROGD opponent with vested interests. My argument, and that of Crossroads and maybe some others here, is against the fallacies in your reasoning about Turban's writing, and specifically your apparent claim of oracular powers to know what he meant in his Psychology Today post beyond what is written there. Sesquivalent (talk) 18:01, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Believe me, no volcanic fumes were involved in reading Turban's other comments on the same topic, for content. But your idea that mainstream scholarship on gender dysphoria is riven with vested interests might perhaps be best attributed to "oracular" inspiration - it certainly doesn't reflect WP policy. Newimpartial (talk) 18:13, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
This RfC is about how to best introduce the theory this book advocates, Rapid-onset gender dysphoria. Specifically, how to summarize the the scientific consensus discussed in position statements such as the one released by CAAPS (signed by the APA), or AusPATH. Bravetheif (talk) 12:13, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
On (a), we don't use parenthetical disambiguation unless there's another topic with the same name. On (d), this goes directly against WP:FRINGE: the proper contextual relationship between minority and majority viewpoints must be made clear. This is because we would be promoting misinformation if we were to, say, host an article uncritical of a book promoting climate change denial. Luckily, the premise of (d) does not apply here anyway as there are reviews critical of the scientific claims made in Irreversible Damage. — Bilorv (talk) 21:42, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Diagnosis or social phenomenon

A lot of this discussion revolves around weakness of the evidence for ROGD as its own psychiatric diagnosis to prove the concept is fringe. Maybe that argument applies to Littman's publications, her bio article or the page on ROGD. However Schrier's book is concerned with a rapid increase in female adolescent gender dysphoria (self reports, cases, treatments) as a social phenomenon, regardless of whether its causes should be viewed as mental illness within those females. She uses terms like "social contagion" and "cultural fad". The paradigm is not that girls who falsely present as dysphoric are in need of a new edition of the DSM that certifies them as cases of a psychiatric condition called ROGD, any more than belief in QAnon or satanic ritual abuse or membership in a cult are labeled as mental disorders. The idea is rather that these are socially and culturally induced beliefs and behaviors regardless of any psychological etiology. Some psychological profiles (insecure girls and autist spectrum) are more likely to manifest the syndrome according to Schrier, but they don't define it.

To say it another way, for Schrier ROGD is a diagnosis of society and not the individuals in it. To refute this looser sense of ROGD would be to show that either the huge spike in adolescent female cases did not happen, or that it has explanations unrelated to fads, peer pressure and social media. The published support for that is quite a bit weaker than for "doesn't meet criteria for a new DSM diagnosis". Sesquivalent (talk) 20:30, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I hope you didn't take classes in the philosophy of science. It is not the case that anyone has to show that ... the huge spike in adolescent female cases did not happen (though the evidence for it is not strong) or that it has explanations unrelated to fads, peer pressure and social media. For ROGD not to be FRINGE, it has to plausibly demonstrate (1) that there is some kind of phenomenon to be explained - and what would that be? Your huge spike in ... cases from 20:30? Your previous paraphrase from 14:35, that large numbers of gender dysphoria diagnoses in adolescent girls are factitious? - and (2) that the supposed phenomenon can be explained through "social contagion". Unless both of these claims have evidentiary support, and unless qualified scholars or practitioners accept this explanation as plausible - at least some reasonable minority of them - there is no there there, and ROGD is effectively "fringe".
Also, nice doubling down in the editorial change from those adolescents to those females. You don't prefer to bother with NPOV, do you? Newimpartial (talk) 20:44, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
She says, for example, that US cases quadrupled from 2016 to 2017 (reversing the historic pattern in which male to female cases predominate) and grew by almost 2 orders of magnitude in England over a decade. So either those numbers are way off, or some explanation is needed because those ratios are huge. Littman and Schrier have one proposed explanation which is not self evidently fringe and overlaps with a number of other known facts. The critics attack the methodology such as the survey of parents, but do they have an alternative account of the giant rate increases? It's easy enough to dismiss anything in quasiempirical social science by pointing to methodological defects that are often inherent, such as causal experiments being impossible, or by artificially raising the standards of proof (say to "new DSM diagnosis justification" level). But all this at most shows ROGD is unproven, not that the underlying phenomena don't exist, or that data from parents tell us nothing, or that the whole idea is discredited and cannot be proven using similar data with better methodology. In the absence of such demonstrations it is misleading to use language that presents the idea as already discredited. Sesquivalent (talk) 21:18, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Who is She? Littman? Sheier? Neither is a usable source per WP:MEDRS. Newimpartial (talk) 21:24, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Speaking for the UK stats, two orders of magnitude on a small number is still a small number. The most recent National LGBT survey from 2019 reports 3.5% of respondents as trans women, and 2.9% as trans men. An increase of two orders of magnitude starts to equalise the amount of trans men to trans women. As for why it's increased over time, while I don't have a source handy at this time I would liken it to increased diagnoses of neurodiversities like autism and ADHD, or the increase in left-handedness as awareness and suppression of those diminished. As for why female-to-male, again I don't have a source to hand right now but I'll try to find one, but it's very likely similar to historic under-reporting of autistic women. Sideswipe9th (talk) 21:29, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Per the discussion section in this paper: We have now reached the point wherein we are seeing at least as many FTM initiating sex hormone therapy as MTF and Contrary to the prevailing view, however, we have also seen a significant increase in the percentage of FTM compared with MTF, such that the incidence rates appear to be equalizing. We hypothesize that increasing social acceptance of the LGBTQ community and decrease in barriers to care are a significant factor in these temporal changes. Sideswipe9th (talk) 21:33, 12 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
The very fact they "hypothesize" it contradicts the claim that that view is The Truth with anything else being fringe. Crossroads -talk- 05:47, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Crossroads, you have already been repeatedly warned about your unconstructive contributions in this discussion. Do not attribute arguments to Sideswipe9th that they did not make. No one on this thread has claimed that a given hypothesis is "The Truth" which proves every alternate theory fringe. They're calling it fringe because it is not accepted by any mainstream organisations, with no empirical evidential support, with the American Psychological Association calling for it's elimination entirely. Bravetheif (talk) 06:10, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
How about you WP:AGF and cease casting false WP:ASPERSIONS about me being "warned"? Look closer and you'll see I never attributed that argument to her. I was commenting on a general idea that has popped up elsewhere. Crossroads -talk- 06:15, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
You know what, I apologize. I will try to keep a cooler head going forward. Bravetheif (talk) 10:00, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, appreciated. Crossroads -talk- 06:41, 15 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
To add onto Newimpartial's comment, the AusPATH position statement proposes an alternate theory to explain the increased presentation of genderqueer individuals as The timing of when an individual discloses their gender to others is a separate consideration and does not necessarily reflect the development of their experienced gender. Many do not disclose their identity, rather hiding it for fear of negative reactions from others, including family rejection, discrimination, stigmatisation and social exclusion. Bravetheif (talk) 02:34, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
CrossroadsI'm not sure I agree with your summaries of your own sources. Most of the sources you've posted seem to disagree with you that ROGD is a thing. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 18:37, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
My point has never been that ROGD is definitely "a thing", just that many MEDRS consider the possibility that it is "a thing" and remain open to further research on that possibility, and that therefore its status shouldn't be negatively exaggerated. Crossroads -talk- 07:04, 15 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
You clearly have some very strong opinions on this topic and a lot of the opinions you've posted here are wp:or and not well supported by reliable scientific sources or even necessarily your own sources. I still have some serious concerns about the tone and weighting of the article and I'd like to work to build a consensus to improve it. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 16:04, 15 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
IP opinion
I dispute the characterisation - characterisations, there's been multiple, from multiple editors, and the vast majority of them were colourblind pots screaming at a red kette - that Crossroads has strong opinions on this topic. Crossroads is probably the LEAST emotionally caught up participant in this discussion; I suppose at cursory glance, one would just see the walls and walls of impassioned text and it would be reasonable to assume equal heat applied from both sides. I will point out one thing, though, to you and all the other editors that trotted out the particular argument (some of whom I'm almost certain know better), that WP:OR only applies to materialvadded to articles; it does not apply to talk pages, and we are free to use original research in determining (through consensus) which RSed material to include or not include, and how much weight should be given to what. What we're NOT allowed to do is, for example, use OR to justify calling a thing "fringe" when not one RS says it is that.
Now, listen, folks: about the wording of the comment Sesquivalent made above about dismissing this thing outright for not rewriting the DSM - one, regarding the other editors' reaction toll in response to that - have y'all NEVER heard of, seen, or yourself used hyperbole? And two, immediately after you got done telling at him because you (apparently) thought he was being literal and that 'nobody was doing that', you then (2) continued to berate him for that exact same thing (I suppose because you didn't inveterstand their point the first time around. The point was v for the purpose of THIS BOOK, ROGD is proposed to be a social phenomenon. Sociology is not medicine. Incidentally, the demographic most heavily affected by mass socially induced contagions just HAPPEN to be the exact same demographic that seem to be the ones affected here, in mass numbers, and nearly overnight (figurately). I would like to think that - and I think that most of us genuinely do care about the well being of these kids, no matter how they identify; I do find it troubling, though, why so many here seem to want to pretend this Shis situation doesnt exist, prevent any kind of further inquiry into it - that is, they seem to be advocating that it shouldn't be examined to verify or falsify the claim. That seems to say that, if it were true, they would prefer to keep that indormation from being known. And, I'm going to come right out and say what the possible danger of that is (since the other side has also expressed their, likewise legitimate fears, there's no reason to suppress the possible flip side of this): hundreds of thousands of kids that ARE NOT actually trans - and most of whom are likely gay - brig being medically transitioned, i.e. permanently sterilized, possibly undergoing surgery, before they've even had a chance to hit puberty. If the statistical data is correct, that IS the most plausible explanation. What good can come from preventing any further research into this? 2600:1702:4960:1DE0:907D:4451:8F72:3CE1 (talk) 09:47, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Concerning the IP "opinion", I would like to draw attention to this:

And, I'm going to come right out and say what the possible danger of that is (since the other side has also expressed their, likewise legitimate fears, there's no reason to suppress the possible flip side of this): hundreds of thousands of kids that ARE NOT actually trans - and most of whom are likely gay - brig being medically transitioned, i.e. permanently sterilized, possibly undergoing surgery, before they've even had a chance to hit puberty. If the statistical data is correct, that IS the most plausible explanation. What good can come from preventing any further research into this?

I draw attention to this because it illuminates the elephant in the room, and the fear behind the ROGD moral panic (and not just on behalf of the IP). There is a lot of nonsense in this, and without actually talking about it, the discussion of this topic (the book and other ROGD discussion on WP) will never move forward. I would draw attention to the following:

By the way, IP, I would appreciate a reply to this comment I placed on my Talk page, if you can find the time. Newimpartial (talk) 16:16, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

ROGD as a "specific clinical diagnosis" is a strawman, a word game based on the resemblance to the name of an actual clinical diagnosis (GD). Not only do ROGD's proponents agree, and state, that it is not a diagnosis, they present it as an antidiagnosis. i.e., a claim that a large proportion of clinical "affirmation" diagnoses of GD/transgender in (physiologically) female adolescents are bogus. The article says clearly, as it obviously should given the potential confusion stemming from the name, and the unanimity of all sources, that ROGD is not a diagnosis. Mission accomplished! But to try to leverage that unanimity as evidence against the actual, nondiagnosis, form of ROGD is, just as obviously, a misrepresentation of the literature. Sesquivalent (talk) 15:23, 5 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Re: to try to leverage that unanimity as evidence against the actual, nondiagnosis, form of ROGD is, just as obviously, a misrepresentation of the literature - where is the MEDRS support for this "actual, nondiagnosis, form of ROGD"? You keep writing as though this "literature" exists (and is being misrepresented), but I haven't seen any good sources that say anything to this effect. Newimpartial (talk) 17:29, 5 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
You're avoiding the point. Littman's 2018 paper proposes a theory in which two novel hypothesis are expressed: that Social influences can contribute to the development of gender dysphoria, or that Maladaptive coping mechanisms may underlie the development of gender dysphoria for some AYAs.[19] You are attempting to redefine ROGD, not as a specific theory, but instead a vague description of the increased presentation of gender non-conforming people. You have not provided any sources using it in this manner, the book does not use it with that meaning, and you are seemingly (trying so hard to assume good faith) ignorant of the fact it will confuse readers into thinking the specific hypotheses defining ROGD are the subject of discussion. EmilyIsTrans (talk) 09:54, 7 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
This is a recent article by a former WPATH board member expressing belief in the possibility that social contagion is influencing the trend to a greater number of young people expressing trans or nonbinary identities. *Dan T.* (talk) 19:20, 8 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That is entirely irrelevant to this discussion. Some ex-WPATH board member believes gender dysphoria is a social contagion? Great, good for her. From a quick search she's been banging that drum for years. But it does absolutely nothing to establish that anyone besides you and Sesquivalent understand ROGD, not as referring to the theory it describes, but instead some vague phenomenon where more PFAB people are presenting as trans. EmilyIsTrans (talk) 05:02, 9 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

FRINGE and "fringe"

As I think ahead to the task of the closer, I thought it might be helpful to disentangle the two distinct questions that are at issue in this filing, and how the !voting and policy-relevant discussion above relates to them.

Question 1: is ROGD a "fringe" perspective in the sense of WP:FRINGE? Question 2: is "fringe" a (i) permissible and (ii) optimal term to use in this article?

It seems to me that a substantial supermajority of the evidence-based and policy-compliant votes has answered the first question as Yes. For the second question, there have been two arguments been put forth in favor - the argument deom paraphrase, that "fringe" is the most appropriate term to clarify for readers the status of ROGD (relating to sub-question ii), and the argument from sourcing, that unlike some competing terms, we do have a reviewer of this book who refers to the backers of ROGD, and ROGD itself, as fringe (relating to sub-question i). Neither of these arguments, however, has the level of support for Question 2 that the answer to Question 1 has received, so I do not envy the job of the closer. Newimpartial (talk) 14:11, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I would argue that per policy, if the answer to question 1 is "yes," then we have no choice but to accept question 2 part (i) as also "yes." But I would agree that question 2 part (ii) is open to interpretation. — Shibbolethink ( ) 15:36, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I'm a fan of liberally adding subsections to clarify discussion, and was literally about to add a section called "FRINGE vs 'fringe'" then saw you already did (thanks).
Question 2 is pretty simple. To say in Wikivoice that something is "fringe", or a similar term (debunked, discredited, disproven, in disrepute, marginal, ...) falls under RS/AC and here we don't even have it in RS. If Psychology Today blogs are in fact RS, even SYNTHing that RS with a second non RS (the author's expert opinion in a pending court case), which is what you keep insisting on doing, is insufficient because the question here is not what Dr Turban thinks; I'm sure he would use even stronger language privately but that is neither here nor there. The question, assuming it is not disqualified entirely as SYNTH, is what opinion he (and possibly other experts commenting) would have expressed if he did happen to write a RS/AC worthy piece in a "reliable, independent, secondary source with a reputation for accuracy and fact checking", subject to peer and editorial review and exposed to replies. Would he have modulated his language? How independent is he of the controversy, anyway? Would the editors have solicited rebuttals? You cannot just fantasize the same "fringe" wording into place by comparison with what he writes in the ex cathedra blog space (no comments allowed) or the court case where an opposing expert has in fact contested it. I would argue that the Turban pieces taken together are at best RSOPINION, but regardless of that, they don't meet RS/AC separately or together. Sesquivalent (talk) 16:03, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I'm glad I was capturing the mood in the room:) but I disagree with you about how Question 2 is to be decided, by policy. It seems to me that only Question 1 is an WP:RSAC question. If that question is answered in the affirmative based on the available sourcing (which does not have to use the term "fringe" for WP:FRINGE to apply), then that offers prima faciae support for Question 2 (which amounts to, is "fringe" the best term to express the fact that ROCD is WP:FRINGE).
In any event, I see no argument why RSAC would apply to Question 2, particularly for an article about a book that itself would not meet MEDRS requirements, nor would its author be a qualified expert for anything but her own opinions about gender dysphoria. Your attempt to drag down Turban with a dog-whistle likw, How independent is he of the controversy, anyway? and dismissing the views of a published expert in the field as no more than RSOPINION strike me as assertions of POV and nothing more.
My point about the Turban sources is not thwt they establish by themselves that "fringe" is due, but they do overcome the specific objection to Question 2 (i) that we should not be using a term about ROGD in discussing the book that isn't used in sources discussing the book (see the whole WP:OR red herring in prexious Talk page sections. The term is, in fact, used in this context by a scholar with relevant subject-matter expertise. Newimpartial (talk) 16:23, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I certainly agree that RSAC is applicable to all "is it fringe" RfCs on academic topics, including question 1, though that somehow hasn't come up until now on this page. It looks to me like there are practically no secondary independent (ie., no vested interest) RS on the matter, which is not surprising considering the topic is 3 years old, data to settle the issue (rather than generate noise) are hard to acquire, and there is a disincentive to research the "pro" ROGD side of the question as response to Littman and others showed.
With the Turban sources your position seems to boil down to claiming an exception to SYNTH (and RS) when it comes to combining multiple works by one author. I can imagine situations where such combinations could work to interpret one source in light of another without any guesswork involved, but that is not the case here.
Dr Turban is about as interested or uninterested as Abigail Shrier is on ROGD matters. Both had prior opinion pieces published (on opposite sides of course) on trans issues, both have vested interests, including financial and career outcomes. This is at least your fifth vague claim of "dog whistles" or the like in my direction, which I think falls under WP:ASPERSIONS. Your ear seems to be finer than that of actual dogs, though, hearing phantoms instead. Sesquivalent (talk) 17:40, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
As a side matter, the Wikipedia notion of RS focuses on publishers and editorial process, so it is not clear to me that an expert opinion in a case is a publication in itself, or is only one section in the publication of the entire case record. If the latter then the opposing expert reports are also included in the source material, and until the court issues a ruling that might compare the merits of the dueling reports, it's not clear to me that Wikipedia can take one side's experts as a source and ignore the experts from the other side. Sesquivalent (talk) 18:02, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Since you have previously characterized the mainstream authorities on gender dysphoria and trans health - including national professional bodies - as "trans affiliated" academia and medical organizations and A narrow, involved and COI (for grants etc) subgroup, without providing any evidence from sources or policy that we should treat them as COI, I don't think my ears are overly sensitive on this matter. If you actually intend to argue that all scientists accepting grants to work on a topic are therefore COI on that area of expertise, that is a high-level policy question not to be answered on this Talk page, as it would not apply only to research in this field.
There is no SYNTH in accepting Turban's plain statement that ROGD is fringe, as a statement that ROGD is fringe. I'm not sure what you think you are arguing against, there.
Finally re: Dr Turban is about as interested or uninterested as Abigail Shrier is on ROGD matters - this seems like ridiculous BOTHSIDESism to me. One is a qualified professional in the field; the other is, at best, a journalist. And, just to be clear, no evidence has been presented in this discussion supporting the idea that there are two sides on ROGD within the professional community. No MEDRS whatever has lined up on the "side" of the Littman study and ROGD as a valid hypothesis. Newimpartial (talk) 18:28, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
You've made the point about peak bodies on transgender health having vested interests, or being biased several times. For one, it's incorrect, the Australian Psychological Society and American Psychological Association have made concrete statements refuting the theory, ditto with Florence Ashley, who went through independent peer review. It's also nonsense. We don't dismiss the statements of peak climate change bodies out of hand because they are "affiliated" with climate change research, and transgender health is no different. Bravetheif (talk) 15:29, 26 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I'm inclined to agree with @Shibbolethink, if the answer to question 1 is "yes" (which there appears to be consensus on accepting), then the answer to question 2 is also yes. That's not to say I'm not open to suggestions, I just believe that "fringe" summarizes both the lack of empirical evidence and mainstream recognition fairly eloquently. Bravetheif (talk) 13:52, 25 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
There does not need to be a community consensus about whether something is WP:FRINGE. The guidelines in fringe derive from WP:N, WP:V, WP:NPOV, and WP:NOT, which are always in effect. Separate guidelines are not activated by declaring something to be fringe. Sennalen (talk) 20:59, 29 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

"Peer reviewed clinical trial", Bauer et al 2021

Opening a section to address the ~15 comments on this page citing the recent paper by Bauer et al (top item in the reflist) as a "clinical trial" supposedly refuting ROGD. Representative example:

"... peer reviewed clinical trial .... That study is the most comprehensive to date and, reading through it I fail to find any methodological flaws (unlike Litman's original paper). If you think it is untrustworthy, please provide actual evidence, rather than conjecture."

The paper is short and easy to read, so this is not at all a difficult challenge. There's very little content in the paper except methodological flaws; its sole purpose is to test ROGD but every analysis either is consistent with ROGD, mildly supports ROGD, or is irrelevant to ROGD.

The premise of the study is the authors' idea that if ROGD is true then, because Littman's paper (and Shrier's book) associated ROGD with elevated rates of mental illness, parent conflict, depression, and other traits, then the theory predicts that those rates should be higher in transgender adolescents with recent onset of "gender knowledge" than in adolescents with earlier knowledge of transgender identity. The most basic problem with the study is that this is not what ROGD would predict. Many of the same sorts of mental health problems were known to be common in "classical" (pre 2010) GD cases, so the correct prediction would be high rates of those traits in both the recent and early onset groups but no implication as to which group has more than the other. An exception might be some specific conditions highlighted by Littman as unusual features of ROGD, such as autistic spectrum disorders, but the Bauer et al clinical study does not examine those and looks only at differences on some relatively general items, as well as suicide attempts which are a high risk in all categories of GD whether "rapid onset" or not.

If one accepts the faulty prediction and does the analysis anyway, the study design is wrong for the purpose and basically turns the data into random noise, which is then reported as a null result.

1. ROGD is predominantly about explaining unusual recent patterns in adolescent TG in natal females, but Bauer et al don't test that population directly, they mix together boys and girls (to use their term), whose distribution of birth sex assignments is not given, into one sample of "trans youth". This introduces noise into the analysis and can undo or reverse whatever patterns may be there.

2. Only 25 or so of these trans boys and girls had "recent gender knowledge", i.e., attained within the past year or less. The authors say that allowing the past 2 years (doubling the number of "recent" TGs) arrives at similar results, which they oddly did not include in the article. But there is a more basic problem, that this definition of "recent" is wrong for their sampling method, in a way that sabotages the analysis:

3. The authors got their sample by surveying 173 adolescents at the time when first referred to a clinic for hormone treatment. If "recent gender knowledge" is defined by counting backward from the referral to when gender knowledge appeared, that wipes out whatever signal is in the data, because there is no reason to expect the progression from gender knowledge to appearing at a clinic to be much faster or slower in ROGD cases compared to the rest. Surveying people at the same point in the process tends to equalize (or make closer to equal) all of their traits including time elapsed since Gender Knowledge was acquired, conflict with parents, mental health etc. Again the signal they want to detect is made smaller and noisier.

4. A better proxy for Rapid Onset, i.e., the ROGD subset of interest, is age at which gender knowledge appeared, which the authors had in their data (by subtracting years of gender knowledge from age at time of referral). Instead, they used age as a control when trying to detect the influence of recency of knowledge on the examined outcomes. Controlling for something that correlates with the thing you should have been testing is another way to suck out whatever signal might have been there, further destroying the analysis.

5. Because they used the wrong proxy for Rapid Onset, the effect is to scramble the ROGD and non ROGD groups, yet again diluting the signal.

If despite this one continues anyway with the multiply sabotaged analysis, then taking the authors' regression results at face value, what they found is that mental health is generally a little better for the ROGD group (as they wrongly defined it) and other traits are about the same. Which is to say that mental health was troubled in both groups, as ROGD theory would predict; and that the groups might be distinguishable statistically, supporting the ROGD idea that there is some difference in the origin of the two populations. But personally I would be wary of treating the results as anything but noise from all the modeling errors.

Finally, about the WP:PUFF language used in the comments promoting this paper, the study isn't remotely a "clinical trial". There is no control arm, preregistration, treatment, randomization or other defining feature of a real medical trial. Calling it a "peer reviewed clinical trial" presents it as a gold standard refutation when there is no refutation at all and everything is made from tin foil held together by bits of string. Sesquivalent (talk) 22:44, 15 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Your analysis of the study is 800+ words of original research, and thus irrelevant to editorial discussions on WP. Note that this talk page is not a forum for discussion of editor's personal thoughts and feelings about ROGD. The Journal of Pediatrics is certainly a reliable source. You're correct that this study does not technically fit the definition of a clinical trial, but the editors citing it are correct that this paper is the only analysis of clinical data testing Littman's hypotheses, and it is published in a highly reputable peer-reviewed journal. Srey Srostalk 00:00, 16 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Determining due weight of sources, especially as part of a FRINGE RfC that examines the literature, necessarily involves editors' competing assessments and "talk page OR and SYNTH" which is a different animal from "article OR and SYNTH". What I provided are not particularly "editor's thoughts and feelings", they are assertions about the content and mathematics in the paper that anyone qualified can verify by looking at the article. Nobody has to take my word for anything, which is a lot better than what can be said for most of the argumentation in this RfC. This is a 2 month old study; if this month it is used to conclude ROGD is FRINGE, but next month another study knocks it down with the same reasons that I provided, I suspect you or those agreeing with you will not be so inclined to reopen the case, and words like "relitigation" will appear on the talk page should it be broached. Academic RECENTISM that rushes to embrace a personally preferred source without addressing the actual merit of the study, when easily verified problems have been identified, is at odds with the purpose of the RfC, of getting a reasonable stable decision. Sesquivalent (talk) 01:01, 16 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
In a choice between the analysis of a peer-reviewed study by the best-qualified currently active research team in Canada, and the opinion of a Wikipedia editor, WP policy leaves us no choice but to follow the peer-reviewed analysis. The study in question may not be perfect, but it is much, much better than the Littman study that "launched" ROGD, so it is more than sufficient for the purposes of present discussion.
Anyway, the supposed "methodological issues" identified by Sesquivalent say much more about their own POV than they do about the Bauer et al. study. Newimpartial (talk) 00:10, 16 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Reflist Talk


  1. ^ a b Bauer, Greta R.; Lawson, Margaret L.; Metzger, Daniel L. (2021-11-15). "Do Clinical Data from Transgender Adolescents Support the Phenomenon of "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria"?". The Journal of Pediatrics. 0 (0). doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.11.020. ISSN 0022-3476. PMID 34793826.
  2. ^ Restar, Arjee Javellana (2020-01-01). "Methodological Critique of Littman's (2018) Parental-Respondents Accounts of "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria"". Archives of Sexual Behavior. 49 (1): 61–66. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-1453-2. ISSN 1573-2800. PMC 7012957. PMID 31011991.((cite journal)): CS1 maint: PMC format (link)
  3. ^ https://auspath.org.au/2019/09/30/auspath-position-statement-on-rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-rogd/
  4. ^ https://www.caaps.co/rogd-statement
  5. ^ https://auspath.org.au/2019/09/30/auspath-position-statement-on-rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-rogd/
  6. ^ "Ways to play with your gender expression". www.minus18.org.au. Retrieved 2022-01-02.
  7. ^ "Gender identity, gender diversity and gender dysphoria: children and teenagers". Raising Children Network. Retrieved 2022-01-02.
  8. ^ Restar, Arjee Javellana (2020-01-01). "Methodological Critique of Littman's (2018) Parental-Respondents Accounts of "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria"". Archives of Sexual Behavior. 49 (1): 61–66. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-1453-2. ISSN 1573-2800. PMC 7012957. PMID 31011991.((cite journal)): CS1 maint: PMC format (link)
  9. ^ Littman, Lisa (2019-03-19). "Correction: Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria". PLOS ONE. 14 (3): e0214157. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214157. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 6424391. PMID 30889220.((cite journal)): CS1 maint: PMC format (link) CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  10. ^ "Why I Resigned from Tavistock: Trans-Identified Children Need Therapy, Not Just 'Affirmation' and Drugs". Quillette. 2020-01-17. Retrieved 2021-12-12.
  11. ^ "Governor of Tavistock Foundation quits over damning report into gender identity clinic". the Guardian. 2019-02-23. Retrieved 2021-12-12.
  12. ^ "No, there's no 'social contagion' turning Australians transgender". QNews. 2019-09-13. Retrieved 2021-12-26. empirical evidence consistently refutes claims that a child's or adolescent's gender can be 'directed' by peer group pressure or media influence, as a form of 'social contagion'
  13. ^ Restar, Arjee Javellana (2020). "Methodological Critique of Littman's (2018) Parental-Respondents Accounts of "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria"". Archives of Sexual Behavior. 49 (1): 61–66. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-1453-2. ISSN 0004-0002. PMC 7012957. PMID 31011991.
  14. ^ Despite attempts to shift it onto proponents of gender-affirmative care, the burden of proof lies squarely on proponents of ROGD since they are seeking to displace the empirically backed consensus approach. Evidence only counts as supporting the existence of ROGD if it excludes the possibility of non-pathological, non-epidemic explanations something that has yet to be offered. Unsurprisingly given the dearth of supporting evidence, many leading experts have rejected ROGD as lacking empirical support...
  15. ^ Ritchie, Euan G.; Driscoll, Don A.; Maron, Martine (2017-02-01). "Science censorship is a global issue". Nature. 542 (7640): 165–165. doi:10.1038/542165b. ISSN 1476-4687.
  16. ^ "ROGD Statement". Coalition for the Advancement & Application of Psychological Science. Retrieved 2021-12-14.
  17. ^ "AusPATH Position Statement on "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)" – AusPATH". Retrieved 2021-12-14.
  18. ^ Bauer, Greta R.; Lawson, Margaret L.; Metzger, Daniel L. (2021-11-15). "Do Clinical Data from Transgender Adolescents Support the Phenomenon of "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria"?". The Journal of Pediatrics. 0 (0). doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.11.020. ISSN 0022-3476. PMID 34793826.
  19. ^ Another point, because I'm petty: A clinician deciding that someone with apparent gender dysphoria is actually just mimicking their friends is a diagnosis, and no amount of word salad ("antidiagnosis"????) changes that.
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Marketing and distribution - ACLU

I removed the portion of this quote criticizing the ACLU. It seems to be here purely to weaken criticism of the book and Shrier. This article is not about the ACLU. Unrelated criticism amounts to wp:soap. Voiceofreason01 (talk) 21:28, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Yep, I agree with this. The sentence you removed seems outside the scope of the article. Srey Srostalk 21:36, 18 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Removal amounts to WP:WHITEWASH. It in no way weakens criticism of the book, and it is irrelevant if it did. Both articles have as their main point that this was unusual coming from the ACLU. Without that, it is made to seem like this is a typical ACLU position. Crossroads -talk- 06:26, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
A criticism of a review of the topic is only loosely relevant to the article, and is therefore WP:OFFTOPIC. It has no place in the article. Considering this is an opinion piece attempting to make factual statements on the positions or nature of the ACLU, it is not WP:N or WP:V either. Bravetheif (talk) 09:25, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
It is also important to note it is not a tweet from the ACLU its a tweet from one of its lawyers in his personal twitter. I agree with Bravetheif's rationale for removal. Santacruz Please ping me! 10:57, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Whitewashing... what? This article isn't about the ACLU or about the person who wrote the tweet; we're not supposed to be informing people about the ACLU here, so it makes no sense to accuse others of whitewashing it. If anything, going off on a tangent about how sad a tweet about this topic made some (unnamed, unattributed people) feel seems like a WP:COATRACK at best, especially if we're basing it on a single sentence that doesn't even mention the book's name. What important things does this sentence tell us about Irreversible Damage? I'd be fine with omitting the paragraph entirely if you're concerned that it could come across as a "typical ACLU position" (note, it is not a position officially taken by the ACLU at all, just a tweet by one of their lawyers, so the standard to establish that it is WP:DUE here is obviously going to be very high to begin with), but veering into how a tweet by an ACLU lawyer made some people buttmad at the ACLU seems like a random coatrack-y sideswipe rather than something that makes sense for this article. --Aquillion (talk) 22:16, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Why is the paragraph about the ACLU lawyer's tweet in this article at all? It is noteworthy as a fact about the ACLU, which is how and why it got press coverage, and as a fact about the lawyer and his politics (covered in his WP bio page). As a fact about Shrier's book it only says that one more person out there disliked the book, which does not tell the reader anything that was not already apparent. Sesquivalent (talk) 12:14, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I completely agree. This tweet is not at all WP:DUE and should be excluded from the article. Bravetheif (talk) 12:58, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

That paragraph is remiss to not describe the ACLU lawyer as a transgender activist, as in the lede and infobox of his bio article. As with the sources being debated above about ROGD, it is misleading to present the lawyer's remark as an opinion from the world of civil rights law in general (or the ACLU as a whole if that is not their official position) rather than the "trans affiliated" subset. The point here is not that the affiliated subset should be stigmatized or isolated, but that it is unrepresentative of opinion in the broader group and the two should not be confused. Sesquivalent (talk) 11:41, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I'm in two minds over the reaction to the quotation from Strangio. On the one hand, it is somewhat relevant based on the reaction to it. Ie, that the comments from ACLU were to some at odds with what was their history. On the other hand it's a very clear example of WP:COATRACK, this article is about a book and not the ACLU. The statement from Strangio is unquestionably relevant, as it was specifically about this book. The reaction to that statement though? I dunno. I can see both sides and can't reconcile yet whether or not it should be kept. Sideswipe9th (talk) 16:59, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
If we're going to mention it at all, I would want to find a better source to establish WP:WEIGHT - I read the Tablet piece as an opinion piece, while the NYT just mentions it for a single sentence without even naming the book. If a tweet is noteworthy it ought to have more coverage than this. --Aquillion (talk) 20:02, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Sources cover it as being about the ACLU, or Stangio, or the rise of an intolerant party line on transgender politics, mentioning the book only as the prompt for the tweet and its fallout. The sources are not "about" the book or "covering the book" or controversies about the material in the book, they document controversy about Stangio and the ACLU occasioned by his comments on the book. Sesquivalent (talk) 01:56, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
That is irrelevant to the fact that neither of the articles are about, nor directly relevant, to the topic of this article. Bravetheif (talk) 01:59, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I think this information belongs here, because it is relevant to the response the book engendered. Strangio isn't just any ACLU lawyer, he's their most well-known lawyer, and was in the list of Time's most influential people in 2020. So the fact that the called for the book to be censored is noteworthy, even without the ACLU connection - which of course adds some noteworthiness on its own. Korny O'Near (talk) 15:54, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
He was named Times 100 for his Supreme Court prosecutions not his tweets or social critiques of books. If the RS didn't cover the book while mentioning it I don't think we should be creating more drama than there is, if I'm making sense. TL;DR we should follow how the sources cover the book. Santacruz Please ping me! 16:07, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Remove the entire paragraph?

Adding new section to clarify whether consensus exists to remove the paragraph completely, now that that option has come up in the discussion.

(I support removal for the reasons given above. The tweet drama is part of a different culture war than the sex/gender ones. And if it is kept it would be necessary IMO to label Stangio an activist which will open its own round of talk page disputes.) Sesquivalent (talk) 04:08, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Given how prominent this reaction to the book is with many independent sources covering it (google "strangio irreversible damage" and you get a lot of reliable sources discussing it), not including it because it is related to other political issues seems like a bad reason for omitting it.- Pengortm (talk) 04:45, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I recommend not referring to things as "culture wars". That is neither how the evolution of culture works nor does the term improve the quality of any discussion you might use it in, Sesquivalent. I think the content should be moved to a more relevant article, probably Strangio's or if there is some article on trans literature maybe, rather than complete removal. Santacruz Please ping me! 08:06, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I think you are right, in that the stakes in some of these matters are higher or more fundamental than the particular manifestation in culture. Sesquivalent (talk) 08:50, 24 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Is the degree-listing warranted?

The section Background and publication history begins by listing where the author has received degrees. I am concerned this might be an attempt at Appeal to authority, as the degrees are not medical or psychological in nature (an A. B., a bachelor in Philosophy, and a J. D.). The issue that might be raised by including these degrees is that the science behind the book is at best immensely weak and at worst wrong, but a reader of the article might have a thought along the lines of "these are immensely prestigious universities, so she is obviously very intelligent, so she must be right". Thus, as I think where the author receives one's degrees is rarely relevant to the book itself, I believe their mention should be removed. Santacruz Please ping me! 22:11, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Don't book articles, especially without an article on the author, commonly give the background of the author? But it certainly could be revised to say what her degrees were in. Someone could even argue that doing so shows her lack of medical expertise rather than being a supposed appeal to authority. Of course reader interpretation of facts is up to them. Crossroads -talk- 23:51, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I think specifying her degrees is a reasonable solution. If editors are still of the opinion that it does not sufficiently convey that she has no formal medical training, or that it is an appeal to authority, maybe a sentence addressing that fact should also be included. Bravetheif (talk) 02:03, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I agree this is one possible solution. I'd still be in favor of removal but that is an opinion I hold very weakly. On a similar note, I went digging to see if the degree-listing was a remnant from when this was an article about the author and was surprised to see it actually was closer to what we are proposing here than its current state. Santacruz Please ping me! 12:54, 20 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I found that part useful to determine who the author was, that they are not qualified for these claims to be seriously considered. Of course, if an RS specifies that explicitly, it should be included, —PaleoNeonate16:38, 26 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

The lead is embarrassing to read

The panicked clamoring to discredit the book within the first sentence is almost comical. What happened to this website? Of course there won't be an official medical diagnosis of the term, the medical industry profits heavily from transitioners. Wikipedia is just a mindless propaganda tool now. --FollowTheSigns (talk) 19:48, 18 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@FollowTheSigns: Hi! I was the one who added those details to the lead. I actually restrained myself while doing so; I could have gone further, since not only is ROGD not recognized by any major professional institution nor backed by credible scientific evidence, it has also been specifically denounced by a wide array of medical institutions because it has a wide potential for harm and has been primarily used as a misinformation tool to stigmatize transgender youth, such as in that book. As for the claim that the medical industry supports transgender people because it profits from transitioners, conspiracy theories without evidence are not going to be promoted by Wikipedia. PBZE (talk) 22:23, 18 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]