The literacy series takes place in a colorful world resembling that of inside a fairytale, in which the central characters reside. The show revolves around young troll Wally Trollman, who uses his magic stick to turn words into physical objects or occurrences, along with his pet dragon Norville and other friends. The duo occasionally runs into trouble, mostly caused by Stan of the Swamp or Bobgoblin.
Main characters
Wallace "Wally" Trollman[2] (voiced by Thomas Langston) is an adventurous 6-year-old[citation needed] blue troll who uses the "power of words" and his magic stick to allow words to come to life. His mother Mrs. Trollman is introduced in the season 1 finale "Mission for Mom".
Norville Trollman[2] (voiced by Dan Bittner) is a red dragon and Wally's pet (specifically his "critter"). He cannot speak clearly, his barks and yips are sometimes hard to understand but sound related to actual words.
Gina Giant (voiced by Taliyah Whitaker) is Wally's friend and neighbor. She is a purple giant with blonde hair and turquoise eyes who has a collection of dolls.
Ogre Douglas "Doug" (voiced by Jorge Vega) is another one of Wally's friends. He is a gentle yellow ogre who has red hair and wears suspenders and an creature expert who likes studying creatures, playing with creatures, and writing songs about creatures. Also, he likes to hug, saying "Doug Hug!" as he does so.
Libby Light Sprite (voiced by Jenna Iacono (US) and Claudia Burns (UK)) is an energetic pink light sprite with the ability to trace words from light.
Stan of the Swamp (voiced by J.R. Horne) is a stubborn and irritable swamp monster who would rather spend his day sitting in his muddy home than going on an adventure.
Robert Trouble "Bobgoblin" Goblin III (voiced by Aria Capria) is a troublesome green goblin who talks in the third person and habitually addresses people by their full names (first and last). He sometimes pops his head out as he is leaving to repeat his name or some variation of it. He has an uncle named Robgoblin.
Recurring characters
Cake Monster (voiced by Chris Phillips) is monster who likes cake. He debuts in episode 11 and returns in 32 and the Alphabet Song.
Betty the Yeti (voiced by Andie Mechanic) is a snowboarding yeti. She debuts in episode 14 and returns in many episodes.
Hattie the Witch (voiced by Kyla Carter) is a witch who is friends with Bob. She debuts in episode 24 and returns in 25.
Victor the Villain (voiced by John O'Hurley) is a villain from a comic book who is brought to life from Wally's magic. He debuts in episode 13 and returns in the Alphabet Song.
Mrs. Trollman (voiced by Alanna Ubach) is Wally's mom. She debuts in episode 26 and returns in 30.
Barbara Baker is green monster who runs a bakery in the town square. She debuts in episode 11 and returns in many episodes just like Betty.
Skydasher Steve is Wally's uncle. He debuts in episode 22/23.
Baby Snow Dragon is a purple dragon baby who lives on top of a mountain. He debuts episode 14 and returns in 19, 36 and the Alphabet Song.
Night Dragon is a pink cute dragon who likes the dark. She debuts in episode 8 and returns in 19.
Victoria is Skydasher Steve's pink dragon who Norville likes. She debuts in episode 22/23.
Hortis is a purple dragon who is owned by Bob's uncle Robgoblin. He debuts in episode 31 and returns in 36.
Other creatures
Chickephant is a creature who is half chicken and half elephant who Wally, Norville, Doug, Bob, and Hattie discover. She debuts in episode 25 and returns in 31.
Borgelorp is one Doug's pets who Wally and Norville babysit. He debuts in episode 1 and returns in many episodes just like Betty and Barbara.
^ abBobgoblin. "Ricky Robot". Wallykazam. Wally Trollman, Norville Trollman, Gina Giant? You tricked me! I had no idea. Those were excellent disguises. ~ Norville Trollman, it's your turn.