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Rank Publisher Entries (Citations, Articles) Total Citations Distinct Articles Citations/article

1220 International Centre for Diffraction Data | ((doi|10.1154))
  • doi=10.1154
    • Advances in X-ray Analysis (1 in 1)
    • Powder Diffraction (15 in 12)
16 13 1.231
1221 Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems | ((doi|10.5304))
  • doi=10.5304
    • Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (16 in 13)
16 13 1.231
1222 Society for Underwater Technology | ((doi|10.3723))
16 13 1.231
1223 American Epilepsy Society | ((doi|10.5698))
16 12 1.333
1224 Blacksmith Institute | ((doi|10.5696))
  • doi=10.5696
    • Journal of Health and Pollution (16 in 12)
16 12 1.333
1225 Pure Earth | ((doi|10.5696))
  • doi=10.5696
    • Journal of Health and Pollution (16 in 12)
16 12 1.333
1226 Adolfo Ibáñez University | ((doi|10.15691))
  • doi=10.15691
    • Intus - Legere Historia; Vol. 5, Nº 2 (2011); 51-58 (1 in 1)
    • Intus-Legere Filosofía (1 in 1)
    • Intus-Legere Historia (13 in 13)
15 15 1.000
1227 Bowling Green State University | ((doi|10.25035))
15 15 1.000
1228 Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement | ((doi|10.19182))
  • doi=10.19182
    • Bois & Forêts des Tropiques (5 in 12345)
    • Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (4 in 1234)
    • Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (6 in 6)
15 15 1.000
1229 Federal University of Uberlândia | ((doi|10.14393)) · ((doi|10.56316))
All 10 Federal University of Uberlândia-related entries
  • doi=10.14393
    • ArtCultura (1 in 1)
    • Bioscience Journal (2 in 12)
    • CDHIS (1 in 1)
    • Cadernos de História da Educação (3 in 123)
    • Domínios de Lingu@gem (3 in 123)
    • Educação e Filosofia (1 in 1)
    • História & Perspectiva (1 in 1)
    • Revista Brasileira de Cartografia (1 in 1)
    • Revista GTLex (1 in 1)
    • Sociedade & Natureza (1 in 1)
15 15 1.000
1230 Norwegian Polar Institute | ((doi|10.33265))
15 15 1.000
1231 Paradigm Publishers | ((doi|10.5816))
15 15 1.000
1232 UN Tourism | ((doi|10.18111))
15 15 1.000
1233 University of Wyoming College of Law | ((doi|10.59643))
15 15 1.000
1234 Wrocław Medical University | ((doi|10.17219))
15 15 1.000
1235 British Library of Political and Economic Science | ((doi|10.31389)) · ((doi|10.61315))
  • doi=10.31389
    • Economía (3 in 123)
    • Journal of Illicit Economies and Development (4 in 1234)
    • Journal of Long-Term Care (1 in 1)
    • LSE Public Policy Review (6 in 12345)
    • ((doi|10.31389/...)) (1 in 1)
15 14 1.071
1236 Edith Cowan University | ((doi|10.14221))
15 14 1.071
1237 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Cancer | ((doi|10.5732))
15 14 1.071
1238 Food and Agriculture Organization | ((doi|10.4060))
15 14 1.071
1239 General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania | ((doi|10.47459))
  • doi=10.47459
    • Karo Archyvas (14 in 13)
    • Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review (1 in 1)
15 14 1.071
1240 LSE Press | ((doi|10.31389))
  • doi=10.31389
    • Economía (3 in 123)
    • Journal of Illicit Economies and Development (4 in 1234)
    • Journal of Long-Term Care (1 in 1)
    • LSE Public Policy Review (6 in 12345)
    • ((doi|10.31389/...)) (1 in 1)
15 14 1.071
1241 Linnaeus University | ((doi|10.15626))
  • doi=10.15626
    • HumaNetten (9 in 9)
    • Meta-Psychology (5 in 1234)
    • MetaPsychology (1 in 1)
15 14 1.071
1242 Medical Hypothesis, Discovery & Innovation in Ophthalmology | ((doi|10.51329))
15 14 1.071
1243 Phoenix (classics journal) | ((doi|10.7834))
15 14 1.071
1244 Society of Economic Geologists | ((doi|10.5382))
15 14 1.071
1245 University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology | ((doi|10.18485))
  • doi=10.18485
    • Arheologija I Prirodne Nauke (3 in 123)
    • Arheologija i prirodne nauke (2 in 12)
    • BeLiDa 1 - Thematic Collection of Papers (1 in 1)
    • Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies (3 in 123)
    • Belgrade Linguistics Days (1 in 1)
    • Библиотекар (1 in 1)
    • Зборник Матице српске за славистику (1 in 1)
    • Књижевност и језик (1 in 1)
    • часопис за студије књижевности, рода и културе (2 in 1)
15 14 1.071
1246 University of Wyoming | ((doi|10.13001))
All 8 University of Wyoming-related entries
15 14 1.071
1247 California State University, Fullerton | ((doi|10.32398))
15 13 1.154
1248 International Centre for Trade Union Rights | ((doi|10.14213))
15 13 1.154
1249 Simons Foundation | ((doi|10.46714)) · ((doi|10.53053))
15 13 1.154
1250 University of the Philippines | ((doi|10.52518))
15 13 1.154
1251 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum | ((doi|10.15834))
15 12 1.250
1252 Industrial University of Santander | ((doi|10.18273))
15 11 1.364
1253 Illinois State University | ((doi|10.30707))
15 5 3.000
1254 Medical University of Varna | ((doi|10.14748))
15 5 3.000
1255 Annals of Improbable Research | ((doi|10.3142))
14 14 1.000
1256 Federal University of Amapá | ((doi|10.18468))
  • doi=10.18468
    • Revista Brasileira de Línguas Indígenas (14 in 14)
14 14 1.000
1257 Hokkaido University | ((doi|10.14492))
14 14 1.000
1258 Medical Association of Nippon Medical School | ((doi|10.1272))
14 14 1.000
1259 Nippon Medical School | ((doi|10.1272))
14 14 1.000
1260 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare | ((doi|10.7120))
14 14 1.000
1261 University of Gothenburg - Department of Languages and Literatures | ((doi|10.35360))
14 14 1.000
1262 University of Santiago de Compostela | ((doi|10.15304))
  • doi=10.15304
    • Agora: Papeles de Filosofía (1 in 1)
    • Estudos de Lingüística Galega (1 in 1)
    • Nova Acta Científica Compostelana (1 in 1)
    • Obradoiro de Historia Moderna (2 in 12)
    • Quintana (6 in 6)
    • Revista Galega de Economia (1 in 1)
    • Revista Galega de Economía (1 in 1)
    • Revista do Departamento de Historia da Arte (1 in 1)
14 14 1.000
1263 University of Veterinary Sciences Brno | ((doi|10.2754))
  • doi=10.2754
    • Acta Vet. Brno (4 in 1234)
    • Acta Veterinaria Brno (10 in 10)
14 14 1.000
1264 University of Winchester | ((doi|10.21039))
14 14 1.000
1265 City University of New York | ((doi|10.31641))
14 13 1.077
1266 Simon Fraser University | ((doi|10.21810))
14 13 1.077
1267 Tokyo Institute of Technology | ((doi|10.2996))
  • doi=10.2996
    • Kodai Math. J. (4 in 1234)
    • Kodai Math. Sem. Rep. (1 in 1)
    • Kodai Mathematical Journal (6 in 6)
    • Kodai Mathematical Seminar Reports (3 in 123)
14 13 1.077
1268 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics | ((doi|10.2996))
  • doi=10.2996
    • Kodai Math. J. (4 in 1234)
    • Kodai Math. Sem. Rep. (1 in 1)
    • Kodai Mathematical Journal (6 in 6)
    • Kodai Mathematical Seminar Reports (3 in 123)
14 13 1.077
1269 Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa | ((doi|10.20940))
  • doi=10.20940
    • Journal of African Elections (12 in 10)
    • Journal of African elections (2 in 12)
14 12 1.167
1270 Laser Institute of America | ((doi|10.2351))
  • doi=10.2351
    • J. Laser Appl. (2 in 12)
    • Journal of Laser Applications (12 in 10)
14 12 1.167
1271 University of Minho | ((doi|10.12821)) · ((doi|10.17231)) · ((doi|10.21814))
  • doi=10.12821
    • International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management (2 in 12)
  • doi=10.17231
    • Comunicação e Sociedade (5 in 123)
    • ((doi|10.17231/...)) (1 in 1)
  • doi=10.21814
    • Revista 2i: Estudos de Identidade e Intermedialidade (2 in 12)
    • Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais (2 in 12)
    • UNIO: EU Law Journal (1 in 1)
    • Vista (1 in 1)
14 12 1.167
1272 Caribbean Herpetology | ((doi|10.31611))
14 11 1.273
1273 Classical Association of South Africa | ((doi|10.15731))
14 11 1.273
1274 Polish Mathematical Society | ((doi|10.14708))
14 11 1.273
1275 Pontifical University of John Paul II | ((doi|10.15633))
  • doi=10.15633
    • Analecta Cracoviensia (2 in 1)
    • Folia Historica Cracoviensia (1 in 1)
    • Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia (5 in 1234)
    • Racjonalia. Z Punktu Widzenia Humanistyki (1 in 1)
    • Studia Sandomierskie (1 in 1)
    • The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II (2 in 12)
    • W służbie tradycji i odnowy liturgicznej. 50 lat Instytutu Liturgicznego w Krakowie (1968–2018) (2 in 1)
14 11 1.273
1276 Lepra | ((doi|10.47276))
14 10 1.400
1277 University of Santo Tomas | ((doi|10.35460)) · ((doi|10.55997))
14 10 1.400
1278 National Law School of India University | ((doi|10.55496))
14 9 1.556
1279 Qatar University | ((doi|10.29117))
  • doi=10.29117
    • ANSAQ Journal (9 in 1)
    • Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (5 in 12345)
14 6 2.333
1280 Docomomo International | ((doi|10.52200))
13 13 1.000
1281 Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University | ((doi|10.15394))
13 13 1.000
1282 International Journal of Transpersonal Studies | ((doi|10.24972))
13 13 1.000
1283 Istituto Superiore di Sanità | ((doi|10.4415))
13 13 1.000
1284 National University of the Littoral | ((doi|10.14409))
All 13 National University of the Littoral-related entries
13 13 1.000
1285 Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision | ((doi|10.18146))
  • doi=10.18146
    • Journal of European Television History and Culture (1 in 1)
    • TMG Journal for Media History (3 in 123)
    • VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture (2 in 12)
    • View: Journal of European Television History and Culture (7 in 7)
13 13 1.000
1286 North Carolina Institute of Medicine | ((doi|10.18043))
13 13 1.000
1287 War Studies Academy | ((doi|10.35467))
13 13 1.000
1288 Apex Magazine | ((doi|10.61186))
  • Apex Magazine (1 in 1)
    • Apex (6 in 12345)
    • Spex Magazine (3 in 123)
  • doi=10.61186
    • Journal of Animal Diversity (1 in 1)
    • Journal of Entomological Society of Iran (1 in 1)
    • Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics (1 in 1)
13 12 1.083
1289 Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | ((doi|10.29085))
13 12 1.083
1290 Comparative Cognition Society | ((doi|10.3819))
  • doi=10.3819
    • Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews (13 in 12)
13 12 1.083
1291 Czech Geological Society | ((doi|10.3190))
13 12 1.083
1292 Japanese Geotechnical Society | ((doi|10.3208))
  • doi=10.3208
    • Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication (4 in 1234)
    • Soils and Foundations (9 in 9)
13 12 1.083
1293 Journal of Injury and Violence Research | ((doi|10.5249))
13 12 1.083
1294 Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta | ((doi|10.15408))
13 12 1.083
1295 The Sophia Centre | ((doi|10.46472))
13 12 1.083
1296 Association of Jewish Libraries | ((doi|10.14263))
13 11 1.182
1297 Polaris | ((doi|10.51847))
13 11 1.182
1298 R Foundation | ((doi|10.32614))
13 11 1.182
1299 Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko | ((doi|10.24919))
  • doi=10.24919
    • Current Issues of Humanitarian Sciences (1 in 1)
    • East European Historical Bulletin (1 in 1)
    • Skhidnoievropeiskyi Istorychnyi Visnyk [East European Historical Bulletin] (6 in 123)
    • Topical Issues in the Humanities: Intercollegiate Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University (1 in 1)
    • Молодь і ринок (2 in 12)
    • Проблеми гуманітарних наук: збірник наукових праць ДДПУ імені Івана Франка. Серія Історія (1 in 1)
    • Східноєвропейський Історичний Вісник (1 in 1)
13 10 1.300
1300 Finnish Literature Society | ((doi|10.21435))
13 5 2.600
1301 Hong Kong University Press | ((doi|10.5790))
13 2 6.500
1302 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University/Hunt Library | ((doi|10.15394))
  • doi=10.15394
    • International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace (5 in 12345)
    • Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (4 in 1234)
    • Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (2 in 12)
    • The Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (1 in 1)
12 12 1.000
1303 Leuven University Press | ((doi|10.11116))
  • doi=10.11116
    • DiGeSt. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies (7 in 7)
    • HEROM – Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture (1 in 1)
    • Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies (1 in 1)
    • Music Theory & Analysis (1 in 1)
    • Music Theory and Analysis (1 in 1)
    • ((doi|10.11116/...)) (1 in 1)
12 12 1.000
1304 Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine | ((doi|10.13075))
  • doi=10.13075
    • International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health (11 in 11)
    • Medycyna Pracy (1 in 1)
12 12 1.000
1305 The International Academic Forum | ((doi|10.22492))
  • The International Academic Forum (1 in 1)
  • doi=10.22492
    • IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities (1 in 1)
    • IAFOR Journal of Asian Studies (2 in 12)
    • IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies (1 in 1)
    • IAFOR Journal of Education (2 in 12)
    • IAFOR Journal of Media, Communication & Film (3 in 123)
    • IAFOR Journal of Politics, Economics & Law (1 in 1)
    • Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2013 (1 in 1)
12 12 1.000
1306 Brawijaya University | ((doi|10.15243)) · ((doi|10.21776)) · ((doi|10.25126))
All 10 Brawijaya University-related entries
  • doi=10.15243
    • Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management (2 in 12)
  • doi=10.21776
    • Alphabet (2 in 12)
    • Alphabet: A Biannual Academic Journal on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies (1 in 1)
    • Civil and Environmental Science Journal (1 in 1)
    • Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine Journal (1 in 1)
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research (1 in 1)
    • Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo (1 in 1)
    • Studi Budaya Nusantara (1 in 1)
    • The Journal of Experimental Life Sciences (1 in 1)
    • The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (1 in 1)
12 11 1.091
1307 Fayoum University | ((doi|10.36816))
12 11 1.091
1308 Federal University of Juiz de Fora | ((doi|10.34019))
  • Federal University of Juiz de Fora
  • doi=10.34019
    • CSOnline – Revista Eletrônica de Ciências Sociais (1 in 1)
    • Locus - Revista de História (1 in 1)
    • Locus: Revista de História (4 in 123)
    • Locus: Revista de história (1 in 1)
    • Numen (1 in 1)
    • Revista Brasileira de Zoociências (1 in 1)
    • Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios (1 in 1)
12 11 1.091
1309 International Society on Hypertension in Blacks | ((doi|10.18865))
12 11 1.091
1310 United Nations Environment Programme | ((doi|10.59117))
12 11 1.091
1311 University of Oklahoma | ((doi|10.15763))
  • doi=10.15763
    • American Review of Politics (8 in 7)
    • Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity (1 in 1)
    • Study and Scrutiny: Research on Young Adult Literature (2 in 12)
    • ((doi|10.15763/...)) (1 in 1)
12 11 1.091
1312 University of Oklahoma Libraries | ((doi|10.15763))
  • doi=10.15763
    • American Review of Politics (8 in 7)
    • Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity (1 in 1)
    • Study and Scrutiny: Research on Young Adult Literature (2 in 12)
    • ((doi|10.15763/...)) (1 in 1)
12 11 1.091
1313 University of Pretoria | ((doi|10.29053)) · ((doi|10.35293))
12 11 1.091
1314 University of Rhode Island | ((doi|10.23860))
12 11 1.091
1315 ArXiv | ((doi|10.48550))
12 10 1.200
1316 Design Research Society | ((doi|10.21606))
  • Design Research Society (1 in 1)
  • doi=10.21606
    • Nordes (2 in 12)
    • Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group (2 in 12)
    • Proceedings of DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge (1 in 1)
    • Proceedings of Design as a Catalyst for Change - DRS International Conference 2018 (2 in 12)
    • Proceedings of Design as a Catalyst for Change – DRS International Conference 2018 (1 in 1)
    • Proceedings of Pivot 2020: Designing a World of Many Centers - DRS Pluriversal Design SIG Conference (3 in 123)
12 10 1.200
1317 Distance State University | ((doi|10.22458))
12 10 1.200
1318 National Museum (Prague) | ((doi|10.14446))
  • doi=10.14446
    • Acta Mus. Nat. Pragae, Ser. B, Hist. Nat. (2 in 1)
    • Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae (1 in 1)
    • Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B, Historia Naturalis (6 in 6)
    • Fossil Imprint (3 in 123)
12 10 1.200
1319 Temblor, Inc. | ((doi|10.32858))
12 10 1.200
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