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DOI Registrant Entries (Citations, Articles) Total Citations Distinct Articles Citations/article

doi=10.2014 Search CrossRef
  • Bulletin the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1 in 1)
1 1 1.000
doi=10.2021 Search CrossRef
  • Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies (2 in 12)
2 2 1.000
doi=10.2104 Monash University
  • Applied GIS (1 in 1)
  • Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (3 in 123)
  • History Australia (28 in 27)
  • Monash Business Review (1 in 1)
  • Telecommunications Journal of Australia (1 in 1)
  • The Bible and Critical Theory (4 in 1234)
38 37 1.027
doi=10.2105 American Public Health Association 2242 1629 1.376
doi=10.2106 Ovid Technologies
All 17 10.2106-related entries
474 322 1.472
doi=10.2108 Search CrossRef 379 343 1.105
doi=10.2109 Search CrossRef
  • Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan (1 in 1)
  • Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (11 in 11)
12 12 1.000
doi=10.2110 Society for Sedimentary Geology
All 14 10.2110-related entries
453 384 1.180
doi=10.2111 Elsevier
  • Journal of Range Management (1 in 1)
  • Rangeland
  • Rangeland Ecology & Management (11 in 9)
24 20 1.200
doi=10.2112 Search CrossRef 127 111 1.144
doi=10.2113 Search CrossRef
All 35 10.2113-related entries
963 701 1.374
doi=10.2114 Search CrossRef
  • Applied Human Science (1 in 1)
  • J Physiol Anthropol (1 in 1)
  • J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci. (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Physiological Anthropology (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science (1 in 1)
6 6 1.000
doi=10.2115 Search CrossRef
  • Journal of Fiber Science and Technology (2 in 12)
  • Journal of the Textile Society of Japan (1 in 1)
  • Sen-I Gakkaishi (1 in 1)
  • Sen-iso Kogyo (1 in 1)
5 5 1.000
doi=10.2116 Search CrossRef
  • Anal Sci (4 in 123)
  • Anal. Sci. (2 in 12)
  • Analytical Sciences (30 in 28)
  • Analytical Sciences: The International Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (1 in 1)
  • Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online (2 in 12)
  • Bunseki Kagaku (7 in 7)
  • X-ray Structure Analysis Online (1 in 1)
47 44 1.068
doi=10.2117 Search CrossRef
  • Psychologia (4 in 123)
4 3 1.333
doi=10.2118 Society of Petroleum Engineers
All 62 10.2118-related entries
  • Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (1 in 1)
  • Adipec Nov 2019 Conference Abu Dhabi, SPE-197224-MS, 24 Pp. (1 in 1)
  • All Days (8 in 7)
  • American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
  • Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
  • Day 1 Mon, September 26, 2016 (1 in 1)
  • E&P Environmental and Safety Conference (1 in 1)
  • European Petroleum Conference (1 in 1)
  • In SPE/AAPG Africa Energy and Technology Conference. OnePetro. (1 in 1)
  • International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering, Tianjin, China, November 1988. (1 in 1)
  • International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry (1 in 1)
  • International Symposium on Oilfield Scale (1 in 1)
  • JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY Published by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) (1 in 1)
  • JPT Online (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Petroleum Technology (40 in 39)
  • Journal of Petroleum Technology (Society of Petroleum Engineers) (1 in 1)
  • Offshore Europe (1 in 1)
  • Oil and Gas Facilities (1 in 1)
  • Paper SPE-88538-MS Presented at SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia (1 in 1)
  • Petroleum Transactions (1 in 1)
  • Petroleum Transactions of AIME (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of Petroleum Society's Canadian International Conference (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the European Petroleum Conference (1 in 1)
  • SPE Advanced Technology Series (2 in 12)
  • SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (7 in 7)
  • SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (1 in 1)
  • SPE California Regional Meeting, 5–7 April 1989, Bakersfield, California (1 in 1)
  • SPE Drilling & Completion (1 in 1)
  • SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference (1 in 1)
  • SPE Economics & Management (2 in 12)
  • SPE Gas Technology Symposium (2 in 12)
  • SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference (1 in 1)
  • SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (1 in 1)
  • SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (1 in 1)
  • SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry (1 in 1)
  • SPE Journal (8 in 8)
  • SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition (1 in 1)
  • SPE Production & Facilities (2 in 12)
  • SPE Production & Operations (8 in 7)
  • SPE Production Engineering (2 in 12)
  • SPE Production and Operations Symposium (1 in 1)
  • SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction (1 in 1)
  • SPE Res Eval & Eng (1 in 1)
  • SPE Reservoir Engineering (1 in 1)
  • SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (8 in 7)
  • SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium (1 in 1)
  • SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference (1 in 1)
  • SPE Unconventional Gas Recovery Symposium (1 in 1)
  • SPE/EAGE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference, 19–21 October 2009, Abu Dhabi, UAE (1 in 1)
  • SPE/IADC Drilling Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers. (1 in 1)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (2 in 12)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal (6 in 6)
  • Spe Drilling & Completion (1 in 1)
  • Spe Production & Operations (1 in 1)
  • Spe Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (2 in 12)
  • The Technical Review (1 in 1)
  • The Way Ahead (1 in 1)
  • Trans. (1 in 1)
  • University of Tulsa Centennial Petroleum Engineering Symposium (1 in 1)
  • ((doi|10.2118)) (2 in 12)
157 113 1.389
doi=10.2119 Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research 209 193 1.083
doi=10.2121 Search CrossRef
  • Tawarikh (2 in 12)
2 2 1.000
doi=10.2130 Search CrossRef
  • Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2 in 12)
  • The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2 in 12)
4 4 1.000
doi=10.2131 Search CrossRef
  • Fundamental Toxicological Sciences (3 in 123)
  • J Toxicol Sci (1 in 1)
  • J. Toxicol. Sci. (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Toxicological Sciences (1 in 1)
  • The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (33 in 32)
39 37 1.054
doi=10.2133 Search CrossRef
  • Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. (8 in 7)
  • Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (26 in 25)
  • 薬物動態 (2 in 12)
36 34 1.059
doi=10.2134 American Society of Agronomy
All 19 10.2134-related entries
244 198 1.232
doi=10.2135 Crop Science Society of America 143 110 1.300
doi=10.2136 Soil Science Society of America 208 146 1.425
doi=10.2137 Search CrossRef
  • Agric Food Sci (1 in 1)
  • Agricultural and Food Science (3 in 123)
4 4 1.000
doi=10.2138 Mineralogical Society of America
All 12 10.2138-related entries
466 339 1.375
doi=10.2139 Social Science Research Network
All 377 10.2139-related entries
1316 1161 1.134
doi=10.2140 Mathematical Sciences Publishers
All 32 10.2140-related entries
583 489 1.192
doi=10.2141 Search CrossRef
  • Journal of Poultry Science (2 in 12)
  • The Journal of Poultry Science (4 in 1234)
6 5 1.200
doi=10.2142 Search CrossRef
  • Biophys Physicobiol (1 in 1)
  • Biophysics (1 in 1)
  • Biophysics and Physicobiology (1 in 1)
3 3 1.000
doi=10.2143 Peeters Publishers
All 75 10.2143-related entries
573 518 1.106
doi=10.2144 Future Science Ltd 164 147 1.116
doi=10.2145 Search CrossRef 6 4 1.500
doi=10.2146 Oxford University Press 119 107 1.112
doi=10.2147 Dove Medical Press
All 151 10.2147-related entries
2132 1772 1.203
doi=10.2148 Search CrossRef 27 25 1.080
doi=10.2149 Search CrossRef
  • Japan. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (1 in 1)
  • Tropical Medicine and Health (6 in 6)
7 7 1.000
doi=10.2150 Search CrossRef
  • Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (1 in 1)
1 1 1.000
doi=10.2151 Search CrossRef
  • J. Meteor. Soc. Japan (1 in 1)
  • Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (24 in 24)
  • Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (8 in 8)
  • 気象集誌. 第2輯 (4 in 1)
37 33 1.121
doi=10.2152 University of Tokushima
  • J Med Invest (1 in 1)
  • J. Med. Invest. (1 in 1)
  • The Journal of Medical Investigation (9 in 9)
11 11 1.000
doi=10.2153 Historic Brass Society
  • Historic Brass Journal (1 in 1)
  • Historic Brass Society Journal (4 in 1234)
  • The Journal of the Historic Brass Society (1 in 1)
6 6 1.000
doi=10.2164 Wiley (publisher)
  • J Androl (2 in 12)
  • J. Androl. (14 in 11)
  • Journal of Andrology (36 in 30)
52 43 1.209
doi=10.2165 Springer Science+Business Media
All 58 10.2165-related entries
2057 1469 1.400
doi=10.2166 IWA Publishing
All 29 10.2166-related entries
  • Blue-Green Systems (1 in 1)
  • H2Open Journal (3 in 123)
  • Hydrology Research (7 in 6)
  • International Water Association
  • J Water Health (1 in 1)
  • J. Water Supply Res. Technol. – AQUA (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Hydroinformatics (10 in 9)
  • Journal of Water & Health (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (9 in 6)
  • Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua (6 in 12345)
  • Journal of Water and Climate Change (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Water and Health (23 in 20)
  • Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (20 in 19)
  • Nordic Hydrology (3 in 123)
  • Water Intelligence Online (15 in 14)
  • Water Policy (33 in 31)
  • Water Practice & Technology (2 in 12)
  • Water Practice and Technology (3 in 123)
  • Water Quality Research Journal (2 in 12)
  • Water Quality Research Journal of Canada (2 in 12)
  • Water Science & Technology Water Supply (1 in 1)
  • Water Science and Technology (88 in 80)
  • Water Science and Technology: A Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research (2 in 12)
  • Water Science and Technology: Water Supply (9 in 9)
  • Water Supply (21 in 20)
293 240 1.221
doi=10.2167 Informa
All 17 10.2167-related entries
34 33 1.030
doi=10.2168 Logical Methods in Computer Science 21 20 1.050
doi=10.2169 Search CrossRef 119 111 1.072
doi=10.2170 Search CrossRef
  • J Physiol Sci (1 in 1)
  • Japanese Journal of Physiology (3 in 123)
  • Jpn J Physiol (2 in 12)
  • Jpn. J. Physiol. (4 in 1234)
  • The Japanese Journal of Physiology (14 in 13)
  • The Journal of Physiological Sciences (2 in 12)
26 25 1.040
doi=10.2172 Office of Scientific and Technical Information
All 80 10.2172-related entries
105 93 1.129
doi=10.2173 Cornell Lab of Ornithology
All 17 10.2173-related entries
858 588 1.459
doi=10.2174 Bentham Science Publishers
All 293 10.2174-related entries
3538 2820 1.255
doi=10.2175 Water Environment Federation
  • Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation (14 in 14)
  • Water Environment Research (17 in 16)
31 30 1.033
doi=10.2176 Search CrossRef
  • NMC Case Report Journal (1 in 1)
  • Neurol Med Chir (1 in 1)
  • Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) (2 in 1)
  • Neurol. Med. Chir. (Tokyo) (4 in 1234)
  • Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica (11 in 11)
  • Neurologia Medico-chirurgica (2 in 12)
  • Neurologia Medico-chirurgica (Tokyo) (1 in 1)
22 20 1.100
doi=10.2177 Search CrossRef
  • Nihon Rinsho Men'eki Gakkai Kaishi = Japanese Journal of Clinical Immunology (2 in 12)
  • Nihon Rinsho Meneki Gakkai Kaishi (1 in 1)
3 3 1.000
doi=10.2178 Association for Symbolic Logic 68 64 1.062
doi=10.2179 Castanea (journal) 78 75 1.040
doi=10.2181 Search CrossRef
  • Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science (12 in 11)
  • Journal of the Arizona–Nevada Academy of Science (1 in 1)
13 12 1.083
doi=10.2182 Sage Publishing 7 7 1.000
doi=10.2183 Japan Academy
All 13 10.2183-related entries
  • Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci (5 in 12345)
  • Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B (3 in 123)
  • Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B Phys. Biol. Sci. (3 in 123)
  • Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B, Phys. Biol. Sci. (2 in 12)
  • Proceedings of the Imperial Academy (25 in 18)
  • Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan (2 in 12)
  • Proceedings of the Japan Academy (11 in 10)
  • Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B (50 in 49)
  • Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Physical and Biological Sciences (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences (7 in 7)
  • Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences (40 in 40)
  • Teikoku Gakushiin Kiji (1 in 1)
  • Transactions of the Japan Academy (1 in 1)
151 138 1.094
doi=10.2185 Search CrossRef
  • Journal of Japanese Rural Medicine (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Rural Medicine (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Rural Medicine: JRM (1 in 1)
  • Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine (2 in 12)
5 5 1.000
doi=10.2187 Search CrossRef
  • Biol Sci Space (1 in 1)
  • Biol. Sci. Space (1 in 1)
  • Biological Sciences in Space (5 in 12345)
  • Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku (1 in 1)
8 8 1.000
doi=10.2188 Search CrossRef 29 27 1.074
doi=10.2189 Sage Publishing 21 20 1.050
doi=10.2190 Routledge
All 53 10.2190-related entries
379 324 1.170
doi=10.2192 Ursus (journal)
  • Ursus (58 in 30)
  • Ursus: Monograph Series Number 5 (1 in 1)
59 30 1.967
doi=10.2193 The Wildlife Society 140 115 1.217
doi=10.2196 Journal of Medical Internet Research
All 33 10.2196-related entries
  • Health 2.0
  • Interact J Med Res (1 in 1)
  • Interactive Journal of Medical Research (6 in 6)
  • JMIR AI (4 in 1234)
  • JMIR Aging (1 in 1)
  • JMIR Biomedical Engineering (1 in 1)
  • JMIR Cardio (1 in 1)
  • JMIR Dermatology (4 in 1234)
  • JMIR Diabetes (4 in 1234)
  • JMIR Formative Research (7 in 6)
  • JMIR Human Factors (9 in 9)
  • JMIR Infodemiology (2 in 12)
  • JMIR Med Educ (2 in 12)
  • JMIR Med Inform (1 in 1)
  • JMIR Medical Education (10 in 7)
  • JMIR Medical Informatics (17 in 17)
  • JMIR Mental Health (48 in 37)
  • JMIR Neurotechnology (1 in 1)
  • JMIR Nursing (1 in 1)
  • JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting (7 in 6)
  • JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (52 in 49)
  • JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies (4 in 1234)
  • JMIR Res Protoc (2 in 12)
  • JMIR Research Protocols (20 in 18)
  • JMIR Serious Games (11 in 9)
  • JMIR mHealth and uHealth (41 in 35)
  • JMIRx Med (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Medical Internet Research (324 in 211)
  • Journal of Participatory Medicine (1 in 1)
  • PLOS
  • ((doi|10.2196)) (2 in 12)
603 385 1.566
doi=10.2197 Information Processing Society of Japan 13 11 1.182
doi=10.2199 Search CrossRef 1 1 1.000
doi=10.2200 Search CrossRef
All 20 10.2200-related entries
  • Computer (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Antennas (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (3 in 123)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture (5 in 12345)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision (2 in 12)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Data Management (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (3 in 12)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Distributed Computing Theory (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies (3 in 123)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics (4 in 1234)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services (10 in 10)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing (2 in 1)
  • Synthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web: Theory and Technology (2 in 12)
  • Synthesis SEM Lectures on Experimental Mechanics (1 in 1)
  • Synthesis Sem Lectures on Experimental Mechanics (4 in 1234)
  • ((doi|10.2200)) (4 in 12)
51 46 1.109
doi=10.2202 De Gruyter
All 72 10.2202-related entries
  • Accounting, Economics, and Law (2 in 12)
  • Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Macroeconomics (1 in 1)
  • Basic Income Studies (3 in 123)
  • Business and Politics (3 in 123)
  • Capitalism and Society (4 in 1234)
  • Chemical Product and Process Modeling (3 in 123)
  • Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy (2 in 12)
  • Contributions in Macroeconomics (1 in 1)
  • Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy (2 in 12)
  • Contributions to Macroeconomics (1 in 1)
  • Economist's Voice (1 in 1)
  • Entrepreneurship Research Journal (2 in 12)
  • Forum
  • Forum (1 in 1)
  • Forum for Health Economics & Policy (8 in 8)
  • Global Jurist (3 in 12)
  • Global Jurist Advances (1 in 1)
  • International Commentary on Evidence (2 in 1)
  • International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (6 in 12345)
  • International Journal of Food Engineering (5 in 12345)
  • International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (2 in 12)
  • Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines (5 in 12345)
  • Journal of Biosecurity, Biosafety & Biodefense Law (1 in 1)
  • Journal of College & Character (1 in 1)
  • Journal of College and Character (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Globalization and Development (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (8 in 8)
  • Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports (8 in 7)
  • Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Tort Law (1 in 1)
  • Law & Ethics of Human Rights (1 in 1)
  • Muslim World Journal of Human Rights (3 in 123)
  • NASPA (1 in 1)
  • NASPA Journal (12 in 11)
  • NASPA Journal (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Inc.) (3 in 123)
  • NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education (2 in 12)
  • Naspa Journal About Women in Higher Education (1 in 1)
  • National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
  • New Global Studies (3 in 123)
  • Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy (3 in 123)
  • Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (3 in 123)
  • Policy & Internet (8 in 7)
  • Review of Law & Economics (2 in 12)
  • Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (1 in 1)
  • Review of Network Economics (8 in 8)
  • Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (1 in 1)
  • Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology (13 in 13)
  • Statistics, Politics, and Policy (2 in 12)
  • Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology (14 in 12)
  • Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics (2 in 12)
  • The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (12 in 12)
  • The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (4 in 123)
  • The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (6 in 6)
  • The B.e. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (1 in 1)
  • The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (1 in 1)
  • The Economists' Voice (19 in 18)
  • The Forum - A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics (1 in 1)
  • The International Journal of Biostatistics (5 in 1234)
  • Theoretical Inquiries in Law (19 in 17)
  • Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy (1 in 1)
  • Topics in Macroeconomics (1 in 1)
  • World Medical & Health Policy (1 in 1)
  • World Political Science Review (1 in 1)
  • ((doi|10.2202)) (7 in 1234)
288 262 1.099
doi=10.2203 Search CrossRef 17 17 1.000
doi=10.2204 International Ocean Discovery Program
  • IODP Preliminary Report (1 in 1)
  • IODP Scientific Prospectus (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (1 in 1)
  • Scientific Drilling (6 in 6)
9 7 1.286
doi=10.2205 Russian Academy of Sciences 19 16 1.188
doi=10.2206 Search CrossRef
  • Kyushu Journal of Mathematics (6 in 12345)
  • Memoirs of the Faculty of Science (1 in 1)
  • Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University (1 in 1)
  • Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series A, Mathematics (3 in 12)
  • Memoirs of the Faculty of Science. Kyushu University. Series A. Mathematics (2 in 12)
13 10 1.300
doi=10.2208 Japan Society of Civil Engineers
All 13 10.2208-related entries
  • Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu (2 in 12)
  • Dobokushi Kenkyu (Historical Studies in Civil Engineering) (2 in 12)
  • Historical Studies in Civil Engineering (2 in 12)
  • Journal of JSCE (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering) (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering) (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of Hydraulic Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (4 in 123)
  • 土木史研究 (1 in 1)
  • 土木史研究 (Journal of Civil Engineering History) (2 in 1)
  • 土木学会論文集 (1 in 1)
  • 土木学会論文集B3,海洋開発 [Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser B3 (Ocean Engineering)] (1 in 1)
  • 環境システム研究論文集 (1 in 1)
22 20 1.100
doi=10.2209 Tokyo Dental College 2 2 1.000
doi=10.2210 Worldwide Protein Data Bank
All 27 10.2210-related entries
86 81 1.062
doi=10.2212 Search CrossRef
  • Stewart Postharvest Review (4 in 1234)
4 4 1.000
doi=10.2214 American Roentgen Ray Society 554 446 1.242
doi=10.2215 American Society of Nephrology 194 151 1.285
doi=10.2216 Informa 286 221 1.294
doi=10.2217 Future Medicine
All 59 10.2217-related entries
703 639 1.100
doi=10.2218 University of Edinburgh
All 17 10.2218-related entries
  • FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts (5 in 1234)
  • Finance and Society (2 in 12)
  • Forum: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts (1 in 1)
  • Himalayas
  • IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE (6 in 6)
  • International Journal of Digital Curation (22 in 13)
  • Journal of Lithic Studies (19 in 19)
  • Lifespans & Styles (1 in 1)
  • Lifespans and Styles (1 in 1)
  • Music.ology.eca (1 in 1)
  • Papers in Historical Phonology (3 in 123)
  • Res Medica (3 in 123)
  • Scottish studies
  • The International Journal of Digital Curation (4 in 1234)
  • The Unfamiliar, and Anthropological Journal (1 in 1)
  • The e-Journal of East and Central Asian Religions (4 in 123)
  • ((doi|10.2218)) (4 in 123)
87 74 1.176
doi=10.2219 Railway Technical Research Institute 10 10 1.000
doi=10.2220 Search CrossRef 12 10 1.200
doi=10.2222 Search CrossRef 3 3 1.000
doi=10.2223 Search CrossRef
  • J Pediatr (Rio J) (4 in 1234)
  • Jornal de Pediatria (16 in 16)
20 20 1.000
doi=10.2224 Search CrossRef 102 88 1.159
doi=10.2225 Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
  • Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (25 in 24)
  • Plant Biotechnology (1 in 1)
  • ((doi|10.2225)) (1 in 1)
27 26 1.038
doi=10.2240 Search CrossRef
  • AZojomo (2 in 12)
2 2 1.000
doi=10.2298 National Library of Serbia
All 103 10.2298-related entries
  • Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica (1 in 1)
  • Acta Periodica Technologica (1 in 1)
  • Acta Veterinaria (2 in 12)
  • Anatomic space
  • Annales g?ologiques de la Peninsule balkanique (1 in 1)
  • Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. (1 in 1)
  • Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (7 in 7)
  • Arch Oncol (1 in 1)
  • Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade (3 in 123)
  • Archive of Oncology (4 in 1234)
  • Archives of Biological Science, Belgrade (1 in 1)
  • Archives of Biological Sciences (13 in 13)
  • Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade (2 in 12)
  • Balcanica (174 in 126)
  • Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry (3 in 1)
  • Biotehnologija U Stocarstvu (1 in 1)
  • Botanica Serbica (4 in 1234)
  • Bulletin of the Ethnographical Institute (1 in 1)
  • Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly (1 in 1)
  • Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. (1 in 1)
  • Computer Science and Information Systems (2 in 12)
  • Economic Annals (3 in 123)
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  • Baltic Journal of Law & Politics (2 in 12)
  • Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management (1 in 1)
  • Biodiversity Research and Conservation (2 in 12)
  • Biodiversity: Research and Conservation (1 in 1)
  • Biologia (72 in 62)
  • Biologia (Bratislava) (1 in 1)
  • Biologia, Bratislava (2 in 12)
  • Biomedical Human Kinetics (1 in 1)
  • Board Game Studies Journal (14 in 11)
  • Botanica Lithuanica (6 in 6)
  • Botánica
  • Bratislava (1 in 1)
  • Brit. J. Am. Legal Stud. (1 in 1)
  • British Journal of American Legal Studies (11 in 11)
  • Bulletin of Geography – Physical Geography Series (1 in 1)
  • Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series (3 in 123)
  • Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series (1 in 1)
  • Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series (4 in 1234)
  • Bulletin of Geography. Socio–economic Series. (1 in 1)
  • Bulletin: Economics, Organisation and Informatics in Healthcare (1 in 1)
  • Business Systems Research Journal (1 in 1)
  • CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study (1 in 1)
  • Cell Mol Biol Lett (1 in 1)
  • Cell and Molecular Biology Letters (1 in 1)
  • Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. (4 in 123)
  • Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters (6 in 6)
  • Cent. Eur. J. Biol. (7 in 12345)
  • Cent. Eur. J. Eng. (1 in 1)
  • Central European Forestry Journal (1 in 1)
  • Central European Journal of Computer Science (1 in 1)
  • Chemical Papers (8 in 8)
  • Chemical Papers-Slovak Academy of Sciences (1 in 1)
  • Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology (5 in 12)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports (1 in 1)
  • Comp. Meth. Appl. Math. (1 in 1)
  • Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe (1 in 1)
  • Comparative Professional Pedagogy (1 in 1)
  • Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (2 in 12)
  • Concepts Phys (1 in 1)
  • Concepts Phys. (1 in 1)
  • Contemporary Trends in Geoscience (1 in 1)
  • Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy (1 in 1)
  • Croatian International Relations Review (6 in 6)
  • Croatian Journal of Fisheries (1 in 1)
  • Current Problems of Psychiatry (1 in 1)
  • Cybernetics and Information Technologies (1 in 1)
  • De Gruyter
  • Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education (1 in 1)
  • Disputatio (4 in 123)
  • E-Theologos. Theological revue of Greek Catholic Theological Faculty (1 in 1)
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  • Eastern European Countryside (1 in 1)
  • Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology (4 in 1234)
  • Ecological Questions (2 in 12)
  • Ekologija (1 in 1)
  • Ekológia (Bratislava) (2 in 12)
  • Endocrine Regulations (1 in 1)
  • Environmental & Socio-economic Studies (2 in 12)
  • Environmental Socio-Economic Studies (1 in 1)
  • Environmental and Climate Technologies (3 in 123)
  • Ethics & Bioethics (1 in 1)
  • Ethnologia Actualis (2 in 12)
  • European Countryside (2 in 12)
  • European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas (1 in 1)
  • European Journal of Ecology (11 in 10)
  • European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (2 in 12)
  • European Polygraph (1 in 1)
  • ExELL (1 in 1)
  • Fisheries & Aquatic Life (1 in 1)
  • Folia Biologica et Oecologica (1 in 1)
  • Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. (2 in 12)
  • Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica (7 in 6)
  • Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica / Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society (2 in 12)
  • Folia Horticulturae (17 in 17)
  • Folia Malacologica (8 in 8)
  • Folia Med (Plovdiv) (2 in 1)
  • Folia Medica (2 in 12)
  • Folia Oecologica (2 in 12)
  • Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia (2 in 12)
  • Folia Veterinaria (1 in 1)
  • Footnote 1 .... The Operetta .... Premiered in Bucharest on 30 October 1954, at the Operetta Theater, Under the Baton of the Composer. The Libretto Was Devised by Erastia Sever, Liliana Delescu and Viorel Cosma. It Was Later Translated into German, Czech, Russian, Hungarian. [It Had Its First Performance Outside Romania At] in Dresden. (1 in 1)
  • Forest Research Papers (2 in 12)
  • Forestry Studies/Metsanduslikud Uurimused (1 in 1)
  • Formalized Mathematics (1 in 1)
  • Fossil Imprint (44 in 34)
  • Foundations of Management (1 in 1)
  • Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (3 in 12)
  • GEOCHR (1 in 1)
  • GFK-Marketing Intelligence Review (1 in 1)
  • Gender studies
  • GeoScape (2 in 12)
  • Geochronometria (11 in 11)
  • Geologica Carpathica (12 in 11)
  • Geologos (1 in 1)
  • Gestalt psychology
  • Gravitational and Space Research (2 in 12)
  • HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration (1 in 1)
  • Hacquetia (3 in 123)
  • Helminthologia (14 in 14)
  • Herba Polonica (1 in 1)
  • HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology (1 in 1)
  • Human Affairs (5 in 12345)
  • Human Movement (2 in 12)
  • Human and Social Studies (1 in 1)
  • Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society
  • Hungarian Studies Yearbook (1 in 1)
  • IZA Journal of Development and Migration (2 in 12)
  • Interdiscip Toxicol. (1 in 1)
  • Interdisciplinary Toxicology (19 in 18)
  • Intereconomics (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Music Business Research (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health (12 in 12)
  • International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal (1 in 1)
  • International and Comparative Law Review (2 in 12)
  • J Hum Kinet (1 in 1)
  • J. Artif. Intell. Soft Comput. Res. (1 in 1)
  • Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Apicultural Science (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Applied Biomedicine (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Artificial General Intelligence (5 in 1234)
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Emergencies (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Data and Information Science (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Educational and Social Research (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Electrical Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Environmental Geography (6 in 12)
  • Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics (7 in 7)
  • Journal of Geodetic Science (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Horticultural Research (9 in 9)
  • Journal of Human Kinetics (19 in 18)
  • Journal of Landscape Ecology (6 in 6)
  • Journal of Language and Cultural Education (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Medical Biochemistry (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Military Studies (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics (8 in 8)
  • Journal of Official Statistics (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Plant Protection Research (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Veterinary Research (8 in 7)
  • Journal of Water and Land Development (3 in 12)
  • Journal of the Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics (1 in 1)
  • Journal on Baltic Security (1 in 1)
  • Kultura i Społeczeństwo (1 in 1)
  • Leœne Prace Badawcze [Forest Research Papers] (1 in 1)
  • Limnological Review (3 in 123)
  • Linguaculture (2 in 12)
  • Linguistic Frontiers (2 in 1)
  • Lodz Papers in Pragmatics (1 in 1)
  • Lynx (1 in 1)
  • Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy (1 in 1)
  • Management Systems in Production Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Management of Sustainable Development (1 in 1)
  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
  • Materials and Geoenvironment (1 in 1)
  • Math. Slovaca (1 in 1)
  • Mathematica Slovaca (3 in 123)
  • Measurement Science Review (2 in 12)
  • Medician Sportiva (1 in 1)
  • Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (4 in 123)
  • Miscellanea Geographica (11 in 11)
  • Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development (1 in 1)
  • Moravian Geographical Reports (1 in 1)
  • Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Musicology Today (2 in 12)
  • NIM Marketing Intelligence Review (2 in 12)
  • NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy (1 in 1)
  • Nispacee Journal of Public Administration and Policy (1 in 1)
  • Nordic Journal of Media Studies (3 in 1)
  • Nordic Journal of Migration Research (3 in 123)
  • Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (1 in 1)
  • Nordicom Review (6 in 6)
  • Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies (2 in 12)
  • Open Chemistry (3 in 123)
  • Open Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Open Geosciences (6 in 6)
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  • Open Medicine (De Gruyter journal)
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  • Optical Data Processing and Storage (1 in 1)
  • Opto-Electronics Review (4 in 1234)
  • Orvostudományi Értesítő (1 in 1)
  • Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics (1 in 1)
  • Peake Studies (1 in 1)
  • Pensoft Publishers
  • Perichoresis (3 in 123)
  • Perspective
  • Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research (2 in 12)
  • Plant and Fungal Systematics (56 in 54)
  • Polish Botanical Journal (9 in 9)
  • Polish Cartographical Review (1 in 1)
  • Polish Hyperbaric Research (3 in 123)
  • Polish Journal of Chemical Technology (1 in 1)
  • Polish Journal of Entomology (20 in 16)
  • Polish Journal of Entomology (Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne) (1 in 1)
  • Polish Journal of Entomology / Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne (16 in 16)
  • Polish Journal of Entomology/Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne (1 in 1)
  • Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences (2 in 12)
  • Polish Journal of Natural Science (1 in 1)
  • Polish Journal of Natural Sciences (1 in 1)
  • Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism (2 in 12)
  • Polish Journal of Surgery (1 in 1)
  • Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences (6 in 6)
  • Polish Polar Research (10 in 10)
  • Polish Political Science Review (5 in 12345)
  • Polish Psychological Bulletin (12 in 12)
  • Politics in Central Europa (1 in 1)
  • Politics in Central Europe (4 in 1234)
  • Politics in Central Europe - The Journal of the Central European Political Science Association (1 in 1)
  • Polski Przegląd Chirurgiczny (1 in 1)
  • Polskie pismo entomologiczne (1 in 1)
  • Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (4 in 1234)
  • Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (1 in 1)
  • Prilozi (Makedonska Akademija Na Naukite I Umetnostite. Oddelenie Za Medicinski Nauki) (2 in 12)
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies (2 in 12)
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies'22:Proceedings (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences (2 in 12)
  • Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (14 in 12)
  • Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS) (3 in 123)
  • Psychology of Language and Communication (5 in 12345)
  • QUAGEO (1 in 1)
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  • Radiology and Oncology (5 in 12345)
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  • Rheumatology and Immunology Research (2 in 12)
  • Rheumatology and Immunology Research. (4 in 123)
  • Ring (1 in 1)
  • Romanian Journal of English Studies (1 in 1)
  • Romanian Journal of Rhinology (1 in 1)
  • Ruch Literacki (2 in 12)
  • Ruch Literacki; 2012; No 4-5 (1 in 1)
  • SEEU Review (4 in 1234)
  • Sacredness
  • Scandinavian Journal of Forensic Science (2 in 12)
  • Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica (1 in 1)
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  • Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology (1 in 1)
  • Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research (1 in 1)
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  • Slovak Raptor Journal (5 in 12345)
  • Slovenský národopis (1 in 1)
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  • Sommerfeltia (6 in 6)
  • South East European Journal of Economics and Business (1 in 1)
  • Sport Science Review (2 in 12)
  • Stap (1 in 1)
  • Studia Celtica Posnaniensia (1 in 1)
  • Studia Humana (1 in 1)
  • Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (7 in 7)
  • Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Sociologia (2 in 12)
  • Studies in Business and Economics (1 in 1)
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  • Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications (1 in 1)
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  • Text Matters (2 in 12)
  • Text Matters – A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture (1 in 1)
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  • Topological Algebra and Its Applications (1 in 1)
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  • Translationes (1 in 1)
  • Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research (3 in 123)
  • Turyzm (1 in 1)
  • Turyzm (Tourism) (1 in 1)
  • Urban Development Issues (2 in 12)
  • Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin (9 in 9)
  • Vestnik Zoologii (31 in 25)
  • Vestnil Zoologii (1 in 1)
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  • YBL Journal of Built Environment (2 in 12)
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  • ((doi|10.2478)) (20 in 18)
1441 1289 1.118
doi=10.2480 Search CrossRef
  • 農業気象 (1 in 1)
1 1 1.000
doi=10.2481 Committee on Data of the International Science Council
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11 10 1.100
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  • Radiol. Case Rep. (1 in 1)
  • Radiology Case Reports (9 in 9)
10 10 1.000
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1 1 1.000
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  • Ind. Health (1 in 1)
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14 14 1.000
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920 584 1.575
doi=10.2515 EDP Sciences 13 13 1.000
doi=10.2516 EDP Sciences
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9 9 1.000
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298 202 1.475
doi=10.2519 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 83 68 1.221
doi=10.2520 Search CrossRef
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2 2 1.000
doi=10.2522 American Physical Therapy Association 58 47 1.234
doi=10.2523 Society of Petroleum Engineers
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  • IPTC Conference and Exhibition, Dhahran Expo (SA), Jan. 2020, SPE Paper IPTC-19969-MS, 20 Pp. (1 in 1)
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4 3 1.333
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4 4 1.000
doi=10.2527 American Society of Animal Science 300 202 1.485
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46 42 1.095
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18 16 1.125
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1 1 1.000
doi=10.2737 United States Forest Service
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2 2 1.000
doi=10.2903 Wiley (publisher) 429 341 1.258
doi=10.2959 Brill Publishers 5 5 1.000
doi=10.2960 Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
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8 8 1.000
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38 31 1.226
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57 54 1.056
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14 13 1.077
The results are based on the database dump of 1 July 2024.
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