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DOI Registrant Entries (Citations, Articles) Total Citations Distinct Articles Citations/article

doi=10.1100 Hindawi (publisher) 126 120 1.050
doi=10.1101 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
All 33 10.1101-related entries
14062 8490 1.656
doi=10.1102 E-MED Ltd 28 26 1.077
doi=10.1103 American Physical Society
All 47 10.1103-related entries
24272 7739 3.136
doi=10.1104 American Society of Plant Biologists 1446 974 1.485
doi=10.1105 American Society of Plant Biologists 681 460 1.480
doi=10.1106 Sage Publishing 4 4 1.000
doi=10.1107 International Union of Crystallography
All 62 10.1107-related entries
2714 1809 1.500
doi=10.1108 Emerald Group Publishing
All 489 10.1108-related entries
  • .info
  • ASLIB (1 in 1)
  • ASLIB Journal of Information Management (2 in 12)
  • Academic and Library Computing (2 in 12)
  • Accounting Research Journal (1 in 1)
  • Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (23 in 20)
  • Advances in Autism (17 in 8)
  • Advances in Early Education and Day Care (2 in 1)
  • Advances in Econometrics (2 in 12)
  • Advances in Health Care Management (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Medical Sociology (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (3 in 12)
  • Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms (4 in 12)
  • Aircraft Engineering Corporation
  • Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (53 in 43)
  • American Journal of Business (1 in 1)
  • Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials (7 in 12345)
  • Applied Economic Analysis (4 in 1234)
  • Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research (3 in 12)
  • Arts Marketing (2 in 12)
  • Arts and the Market (5 in 12345)
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (11 in 11)
  • Asian Association of Open Universities Journal (2 in 12)
  • Asian Education and Development Studies (7 in 7)
  • Asian Libraries (3 in 123)
  • Asian Review of Accounting (3 in 123)
  • Assembly Automation (2 in 12)
  • Baltic Journal of Management (2 in 12)
  • Benchmarking (14 in 12)
  • Bottom line (disambiguation)
  • British Food Journal (49 in 38)
  • Built Environment Project and Asset Management (3 in 123)
  • Business Process Management Journal (18 in 15)
  • Business Strategy Series (3 in 123)
  • COMPEL (1 in 1)
  • COMPEL - the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (7 in 7)
  • Campus-Wide Information Systems (8 in 8)
  • Career Development International (9 in 9)
  • Central European Management Journal (1 in 1)
  • China Agricultural Economic Review (2 in 12)
  • Chinese Management Studies (6 in 123)
  • Circuit World (6 in 6)
  • Clinical governance
  • Co-branding: Brand Equity and Trial Effects (1 in 1)
  • Collection Building (27 in 26)
  • Competitiveness Review (6 in 6)
  • Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development (1 in 1)
  • Contributions to Economic Analysis (1 in 1)
  • Corporate Governance (Bradford) (1 in 1)
  • Corporate Governance: An International Review (1 in 1)
  • Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society (6 in 6)
  • Corporate communication
  • Corporate governance
  • Corrosion Methods and Materials (1 in 1)
  • Critical Perspectives on International Business (8 in 8)
  • Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (4 in 123)
  • Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education (1 in 1)
  • Data Technologies and Applications (2 in 12)
  • Development and Learning in Organizations (5 in 12345)
  • Digital Library Perspectives (5 in 1234)
  • Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance (2 in 12)
  • Disaster Prevention & Management (1 in 1)
  • Disaster Prevention and Management (22 in 22)
  • Discussions on Sensitive Issues (2 in 1)
  • Drugs, Habits and Social Policy (13 in 8)
  • Ecofeminism and Climate Change (1 in 1)
  • Economic and Political Weekly (1 in 1)
  • Economics of Art and Culture Invited Papers at the 12th International Conference of the Association of Cultural Economics International (1 in 1)
  • Education + Training (15 in 14)
  • Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues (5 in 12345)
  • Education, Communities and Justice Directorates
  • Electron. Netw. Res. Appl. Policy (2 in 12)
  • Electronic Library (3 in 123)
  • Electronic Resources Review (10 in 10)
  • Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (15 in 14)
  • Emerald Expert Briefings (36 in 34)
  • Emerald Group Publishing
  • Employee Relations (22 in 20)
  • Employee Relations: The International Journal (6 in 12345)
  • Engineering Computations (6 in 12345)
  • Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (8 in 7)
  • Entrepreneurialism and Society: New Theoretical Perspectives (Research in the Sociology of Organizations (1 in 1)
  • Environmental Management and Health (6 in 6)
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (11 in 11)
  • Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care (1 in 1)
  • Euromed Journal of Business (1 in 1)
  • European Business Review (8 in 8)
  • European Journal of Innovation Management (12 in 7)
  • European Journal of Marketing (93 in 77)
  • European Journal of Training and Development (6 in 6)
  • European Physical Education Review (1 in 1)
  • Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (1 in 1)
  • Expert Briefings (5 in 12345)
  • Facility
  • Faculty of Health and Behavioral Sciences (1 in 1)
  • Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health - Papers: Part A (1 in 1)
  • Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability (1 in 1)
  • Foresight (34 in 20)
  • Foresight: The Journal of Future Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy (2 in 12)
  • Formations of the Soviet Army
  • Gender and Action Films 2000 and Beyond (1 in 1)
  • Gender in Management (12 in 11)
  • Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication (2 in 12)
  • Grey Systems: Theory and Application (4 in 1234)
  • Grey Systems: Theory and Applications (1 in 1)
  • Handbook of Business Strategy (2 in 12)
  • Health Education Journal (1 in 1)
  • Health education
  • Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning (3 in 123)
  • History of Education Review (7 in 6)
  • Housing, Care and Support (4 in 12)
  • Human Resource Management International Digest (9 in 9)
  • Humanomics (1 in 1)
  • ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance (3 in 123)
  • Industrial Lubrication and Tribology (7 in 6)
  • Industrial Management & Data Systems (24 in 20)
  • Industrial and Commercial Training (15 in 15)
  • Industrial organization
  • Industrial robot
  • Information & Computer Security (2 in 12)
  • Information Discovery and Delivery (4 in 123)
  • Information Management & Computer Security (7 in 6)
  • Information Technology & People (17 in 17)
  • Information and Learning Science (2 in 12)
  • Information and Learning Sciences (2 in 12)
  • Integrated Manufacturing Systems (2 in 12)
  • Interactive Technology and Smart Education (3 in 123)
  • Interlending & Document Supply (14 in 9)
  • International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism
  • International Hospitality Review (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Bank Marketing (6 in 6)
  • International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation (5 in 12345)
  • International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management (9 in 7)
  • International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology (7 in 7)
  • International Journal of Commerce and Management (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Conflict Management (18 in 16)
  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (24 in 24)
  • International Journal of Crowd Science (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (5 in 12345)
  • International Journal of Development Issues (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Educational Management (14 in 13)
  • International Journal of Emerging Markets (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Energy Sector Management (5 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (5 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Ethics and Systems (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Event and Festival Management (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (9 in 7)
  • International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (6 in 6)
  • International Journal of Health Governance (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Innovation Science (5 in 12345)
  • International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Law & the Built Environment (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Law and Management (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Law in the Built Environment (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Leadership in Public Services (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Lean Six Sigma (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Logistic Management (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Managing Projects in Business (10 in 9)
  • International Journal of Manpower (22 in 19)
  • International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Operations & Production Management (29 in 26)
  • International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior (5 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (29 in 25)
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Prisoner Health (5 in 12345)
  • International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (15 in 12)
  • International Journal of Public Leadership (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Public Sector Management (14 in 13)
  • International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (9 in 6)
  • International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (29 in 26)
  • International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (2 in 12)
  • International Journal of Service Industry Management (6 in 6)
  • International Journal of Social Economics (33 in 30)
  • International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (39 in 37)
  • International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Structural Integrity (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (16 in 15)
  • International Journal of Tourism Cities (11 in 11)
  • International Journal of Web Information Systems (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Wine Business Research (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Wine Marketing, Supl. Special North American Edition (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Workplace Health Management (4 in 1234)
  • International Journal on Grey Literature (1 in 1)
  • International Marketing Review (31 in 29)
  • Internet Research (28 in 27)
  • Internet Research-Electronic Networking Applications and Policy (1 in 1)
  • Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy (2 in 12)
  • Journal for Multicultural Education (6 in 12345)
  • Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Advances in Management Research (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Applied Accounting Research (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (18 in 16)
  • Journal of Business Strategy (29 in 27)
  • Journal of Capital Markets Studies (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Children's Services (6 in 1234)
  • Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Communication Management (14 in 11)
  • Journal of Consumer Marketing (52 in 49)
  • Journal of Corporate Real Estate (7 in 6)
  • Journal of Criminal Psychology (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice (5 in 1234)
  • Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (6 in 6)
  • Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구 (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Documentation (117 in 94)
  • Journal of Economic Studies (19 in 17)
  • Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Educational Administration (13 in 13)
  • Journal of Enabling Technologies (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Enterprise Information Management (13 in 12)
  • Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of European Industrial Training (5 in 12345)
  • Journal of Facilities Management (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management (29 in 23)
  • Journal of Fashion and Marketing and Management (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Financial Crime (15 in 13)
  • Journal of Financial Economic Policy (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (10 in 10)
  • Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Forensic Practice (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Global Mobility (7 in 7)
  • Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Global Responsibility (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Health Organization and Management (12 in 11)
  • Journal of Health Research (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Historical Research in Marketing (16 in 16)
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (5 in 1234)
  • Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Indian Business Research (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Industry-University Collaboration (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (17 in 13)
  • Journal of Integrated Care (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Intellectual Capital (16 in 14)
  • Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Interactive Technology & Smart Education (1 in 1)
  • Journal of International Education in Business (2 in 12)
  • Journal of International Trade Law and Policy (4 in 1234)
  • Journal of Investment Compliance (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Islamic Marketing (11 in 10)
  • Journal of Knowledge Management (77 in 48)
  • Journal of Management Development (26 in 25)
  • Journal of Management History (30 in 27)
  • Journal of Management History (Archive) (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Management in Medicine (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Managerial Psychology (35 in 31)
  • Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (3 in 12)
  • Journal of Marketing Communications (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Modelling in Management (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Money Laundering Control (21 in 18)
  • Journal of Organizational Change (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Organizational Change Management (26 in 23)
  • Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Organizational Ethnography (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership (3 in 1)
  • Journal of Place Management and Development (9 in 7)
  • Journal of Product & Brand Management (24 in 19)
  • Journal of Property Investment & Finance (6 in 1234)
  • Journal of Property Investment and Finance (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Property Valuation and Investment (2 in 1)
  • Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Public Mental Health (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Public Procurement (7 in 6)
  • Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (9 in 8)
  • Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Risk Finance (4 in 12)
  • Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management (5 in 12345)
  • Journal of Service Management (9 in 8)
  • Journal of Service Theory and Practice (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Services Marketing (16 in 16)
  • Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (9 in 9)
  • Journal of Social Marketing (5 in 123)
  • Journal of Strategy and Management (8 in 8)
  • Journal of Systems and Information Technology (3 in 123)
  • Journal of Team Performance Management (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Technology Management in China (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Tourism Analysis: Revista de Análisis Turístico (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Tourism Futures (5 in 12345)
  • Journal of Work-Applied Management (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Workplace Learning (11 in 8)
  • Kellogg School of Management Cases (1 in 1)
  • Kybernetes (61 in 49)
  • Leadership & Organization Development Journal (23 in 19)
  • Leadership in Health Services (4 in 123)
  • Legal Possibilities (Studies in Law, Politics and Society (1 in 1)
  • Library Hi Tech (49 in 42)
  • Library Management (24 in 22)
  • Library Review (32 in 31)
  • Library Review; Glasgow (1 in 1)
  • Living in Two Homes (1 in 1)
  • Logistics Information Management (2 in 12)
  • Management Decision (63 in 56)
  • Management Research News (8 in 8)
  • Management Research Review (10 in 10)
  • Management of Environmental Quality (13 in 13)
  • Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (1 in 1)
  • Managerial Auditing Journal (11 in 10)
  • Managerial Finance (13 in 12)
  • Managerial Law (2 in 12)
  • Managing Service Quality (6 in 6)
  • Maritime Business Review (1 in 1)
  • Marketing Intelligence & Planning (27 in 21)
  • Measuring Business Excellence (4 in 1234)
  • Meditari Accountancy Research (1 in 1)
  • Mental Health Review Journal (7 in 12345)
  • Mental Health and Social Inclusion (8 in 7)
  • Mental disorder
  • Microelectronics International (1 in 1)
  • Multicultural Education & Technology Journal (3 in 123)
  • Multilingual Metal Music: Sociocultural, Linguistic and Literary Perspectives on Heavy Metal Lyrics (1 in 1)
  • Multinational Business Review (2 in 12)
  • National Institutes of Health (1 in 1)
  • New England Journal of Entrepreneurship (2 in 12)
  • New Library World (24 in 21)
  • Nutrition & Food Science (24 in 22)
  • OCLC Micro (2 in 12)
  • OCLC Systems & Services (5 in 12345)
  • OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives (6 in 12345)
  • Oclc Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives (1 in 1)
  • Office Technology and People (1 in 1)
  • Office: Technology and People (1 in 1)
  • Omega (1 in 1)
  • On the Horizon (14 in 12)
  • Online Information Review (40 in 38)
  • Online Review (4 in 1234)
  • Open House International (11 in 11)
  • Organizational Analysis (1 in 1)
  • Oxford Analytica (12 in 10)
  • PSU Research Review (1 in 1)
  • Pacific Accounting Review (2 in 12)
  • Performance Measurement and Metrics (1 in 1)
  • Personnel Review (30 in 28)
  • Pigment & Resin Technology (11 in 11)
  • Planning Review (3 in 123)
  • Policing (11 in 11)
  • Property management
  • Protest, Social Movements and Global Democracy Since 2011: New Perspectives (1 in 1)
  • Public Administration and Policy (6 in 6)
  • Public Budgeting and Financial Management (1 in 1)
  • Qualitative Market Research (10 in 8)
  • Qualitative Research Journal (8 in 7)
  • Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management (1 in 1)
  • Qualitative Research in Financial Markets (2 in 12)
  • Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (3 in 123)
  • Quality Assurance in Education (2 in 12)
  • Quality in Ageing and Older Adults (2 in 12)
  • Rajagiri Management Journal (3 in 123)
  • Rapid Prototyping Journal (27 in 17)
  • Reference Services Review (56 in 41)
  • Report of Proceedings of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (1 in 1)
  • Research Journal of Textile and Apparel (10 in 10)
  • Research in Economic History (1 in 1)
  • Research in Labor Economics (1 in 1)
  • Research in Political Economy (3 in 1)
  • Research in Political Sociology (2 in 12)
  • Research in Social Science and Disability (1 in 1)
  • Research in Urban Sociology (1 in 1)
  • Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (1 in 1)
  • Research in the Sociology of Work (1 in 1)
  • Retail and Distribution Management (4 in 1234)
  • Review of Accounting and Finance (1 in 1)
  • Review of Economics and Political Science (5 in 12345)
  • Review of International Business and Strategy (1 in 1)
  • Review of Marketing Research (1 in 1)
  • Sensor Review (10 in 9)
  • Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (7 in 12345)
  • Social Enterprise Journal (5 in 1234)
  • Social Responsibility Journal (7 in 6)
  • Social Studies Research & Practice (1 in 1)
  • Social Studies Research and Practice (2 in 12)
  • Social Transformations in Chinese Societies (9 in 9)
  • Socially Responsible Plastic (1 in 1)
  • Society and Business Review (5 in 12345)
  • Sociology of Diagnosis (1 in 1)
  • Sociology of Diagnosis (Advances in Medical Sociology) (4 in 1234)
  • Soldering & Surface Mount Technology (1 in 1)
  • South Asian Journal of Global Business Research (4 in 123)
  • Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC (1 in 1)
  • Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC (1 in 1)
  • Sport, Business and Management (3 in 123)
  • Strategic HR Review (3 in 123)
  • Strategic Outsourcing (5 in 12)
  • Strategy & Leadership (14 in 14)
  • Structural Survey (12 in 12)
  • Studies in Economics and Finance (3 in 123)
  • Studies in Law Politics and Society (1 in 1)
  • Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (2 in 12)
  • Studies in Media and Communications (1 in 1)
  • Studies in Symbolic Interaction (2 in 12)
  • Supply Chain Management (14 in 14)
  • Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (5 in 12345)
  • Team Performance Management (5 in 12345)
  • Technical Education and Industrial Training (1 in 1)
  • The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances (1 in 1)
  • The British Food Journal (1 in 1)
  • The CASE Journal (5 in 12345)
  • The Case for Women (1 in 1)
  • The Electronic Library (25 in 24)
  • The Handbook of Business and Corruption (1 in 1)
  • The Industrial Robot (1 in 1)
  • The International Journal of Conflict Management (5 in 12)
  • The International Journal of Knowledge and Organizational Learning Management (1 in 1)
  • The International Journal of Logistics Management (11 in 11)
  • The International Journal of Organizational Analysis (4 in 123)
  • The International Journal of Public Sector Management (3 in 123)
  • The Journal of Adult Protection (7 in 7)
  • The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (2 in 12)
  • The Journal of Business Strategy (2 in 12)
  • The Journal of Forensic Practice (2 in 12)
  • The Journal of Management Development (1 in 1)
  • The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice (1 in 1)
  • The Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications, Information and Media (1 in 1)
  • The Journal of Product and Brand Management (1 in 1)
  • The Journal of Risk Finance (13 in 12)
  • The Learning Organization (12 in 9)
  • The Library World (2 in 12)
  • The Mental Health Review (1 in 1)
  • The New York Times (1 in 1)
  • The TQM Journal (2 in 12)
  • The TQM Magazine (9 in 9)
  • The Tourist Review (4 in 123)
  • The World's Population: An Encyclopedia of Critical Issues, Crises, and Ever-Growing Countries (1 in 1)
  • The World-wide Web (1 in 1)
  • Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities (2 in 12)
  • Tizard Learning Disability Review (9 in 7)
  • Tourism Critiques (1 in 1)
  • Transformative Learning Through Service-learning (1 in 1)
  • Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (3 in 123)
  • Transport and Sustainability (2 in 12)
  • Underserved Populations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: The Pathway to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (1 in 1)
  • Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (1 in 1)
  • VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (1 in 1)
  • Vilakshan - Ximb Journal of Management (1 in 1)
  • Vine (3 in 123)
  • Western Journal of Medicine
  • Women in Management Review (7 in 7)
  • Work study
  • Working with Older People (3 in 123)
  • World Class Design to Manufacture (1 in 1)
  • World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (1 in 1)
  • World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (3 in 12)
  • Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes (2 in 12)
  • Young Consumers (16 in 16)
  • ((doi|10.1108)) (70 in 48)
3862 2887 1.338
doi=10.1109 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
All 865 10.1109-related entries
14957 8142 1.837
doi=10.1110 Protein Science 474 428 1.107
doi=10.1111 Wiley (publisher)
All 2827 10.1111-related entries
121356 72675 1.670
doi=10.1112 Wiley (publisher)
All 21 10.1112-related entries
1529 1119 1.366
doi=10.1113 Wiley (publisher) 1428 944 1.513
doi=10.1114 Springer Science+Business Media 12 12 1.000
doi=10.1115 ASME International
All 45 10.1115-related entries
596 443 1.345
doi=10.1116 American Vacuum Society
All 16 10.1116-related entries
286 207 1.382
doi=10.1117 SPIE
All 374 10.1117-related entries
  • 10th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel (1 in 1)
  • Acta Physica Polonica
  • Advanced Photonics (5 in 12345)
  • Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XIII (1 in 1)
  • Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes V (1 in 1)
  • Advanced Technology Optical/IR Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Advanced and Next-Generation Satellites (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation II (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XIV (1 in 1)
  • Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XVII (1 in 1)
  • Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III (1 in 1)
  • Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XI, Proceedings of the SPIE (1 in 1)
  • All-Optical Networking: Architecture, Control, and Management Issues (1 in 1)
  • American Malacological Bulletin (1 in 1)
  • Amplitude and Intensity Spatial Interferometry II (1 in 1)
  • Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation V (1 in 1)
  • Applications of Electronic Imaging (2 in 12)
  • Applied Optics (1 in 1)
  • Architectures and Algorithms for Digital Image Processing II (1 in 1)
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics (1 in 1)
  • Astroparticle Physics and Novel Gamma-Ray Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Atmospheric Optical Modeling, Measurement, and Simulation (1 in 1)
  • Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering II (1 in 1)
  • Biomimetics and Bioinspiration (1 in 1)
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XVI (1 in 1)
  • Cockpit Displays II (1 in 1)
  • Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications IV (1 in 1)
  • Color Imaging XIV: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications (1 in 1)
  • Critical Technologies for the Future of Computing (1 in 1)
  • Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments XII (1 in 1)
  • Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets III (1 in 1)
  • Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XV (1 in 1)
  • Detectors and Imaging Devices: Infrared, Focal Plane, Single Photon (1 in 1)
  • Diffraction Phenomena in Optical Engineering Applications (1 in 1)
  • Digital Signal Processing Technology (1 in 1)
  • Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1995 (3 in 123)
  • Disaster Forewarning Diagnostic Methods and Management (1 in 1)
  • Display Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and Avionics - V. (1 in 1)
  • Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics VIII (1 in 1)
  • Earth Observing Systems XIX (1 in 1)
  • Efficient Transmission of Pictorial Information (3 in 123)
  • Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (Eapad) 2010 (1 in 1)
  • Electronic Imaging (3 in 123)
  • Electronic Imaging: SPIE/IS&T International Technical Group Newsletter (1 in 1)
  • Emerging Lithographic Technologies X (1 in 1)
  • Emerging Lithographic Technologies XI (1 in 1)
  • European Southern Observatory
  • Excimer Lasers and Optics (1 in 1)
  • Extremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths? Retirement Symposium for Arne Ardeberg (1 in 1)
  • Fiber Lasers XIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications (1 in 1)
  • Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications VI (1 in 1)
  • Free Electron Lasers and Applications (1 in 1)
  • Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies Xii (1 in 1)
  • Future Space Missions II: Space Telescopes and Instruments, Proceedings of the SPIE (1 in 1)
  • Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XVI (1 in 1)
  • Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI (2 in 12)
  • Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy (1 in 1)
  • Ground-based Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy (1 in 1)
  • Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V (1 in 1)
  • Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI (4 in 1234)
  • Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III (1 in 1)
  • Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2011 (1 in 1)
  • Helmet- and Head-Mounted Displays VII (1 in 1)
  • High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications II (1 in 1)
  • High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy: Toward Big Data Instrumentation and Management (1 in 1)
  • Howard University (1 in 1)
  • Human Vision (1 in 1)
  • Human Vision and Electronic Imaging: Models, Methods, and Applications (1 in 1)
  • IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (1 in 1)
  • IS&T-SPIE Electronic Imaging, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XX (1 in 1)
  • IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Icono '98: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Coherent Optics in Information Technologies (1 in 1)
  • Image Storage and Retrieval Systems (1 in 1)
  • Imaging Spectrometry IX (2 in 12)
  • Imaging Spectrometry VIII (1 in 1)
  • Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation (1 in 1)
  • Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXV (1 in 1)
  • Infrared Readout Electronics IV (3 in 123)
  • Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXIV (1 in 1)
  • Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing IX (1 in 1)
  • Instrumentation in Astronomy VI (1 in 1)
  • Instrumentation in Astronomy VII (1 in 1)
  • Instrumentation in Astronomy VIII (1 in 1)
  • Instruments and Methods for Astrobiology and Planetary Missions XII (1 in 1)
  • Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IV (1 in 1)
  • Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology VIII (1 in 1)
  • Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology X (2 in 12)
  • Instruments, Science, and Methods for Geospace and Planetary Remote Sensing (1 in 1)
  • Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Algorithms and Techniques (1 in 1)
  • Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XV: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials Handling (1 in 1)
  • Internet Imaging V (1 in 1)
  • J Med Imaging (Bellingham) (1 in 1)
  • J. Biomed. (1 in 1)
  • J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS (2 in 12)
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (19 in 15)
  • Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems (19 in 15)
  • Journal of Biomedical Optics (152 in 101)
  • Journal of Electronic Imaging (41 in 39)
  • Journal of Forensic Sciences (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Medical Imaging (10 in 10)
  • Journal of Medical Imaging (Bellingham, Wash.) (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (13 in 11)
  • Journal of Nanophotonics (6 in 1234)
  • Journal of Photonics for Energy (2 in 12)
  • Land Surface and Cryosphere Remote Sensing III (1 in 1)
  • Laser Radar III (1 in 1)
  • Laser Radar Technology and Applications XVIII (1 in 1)
  • Laser Source and System Technology for Defense and Security (2 in 12)
  • Lasers in Dentistry XXI (1 in 1)
  • Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems X (1 in 1)
  • Lasers in Urology (2 in 1)
  • Light-Emitting Diodes: Materials, Devices, and Applications for Solid State Lighting XVIII (1 in 1)
  • Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials VII (1 in 1)
  • Liquid Crystals XI (1 in 1)
  • List of MDPI academic journals
  • Medical Imaging 1994: Pacs: Design and Evaluation (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 1995: Image Display (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 1997: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2002: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2004: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2017: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2020: Physics of Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging 2021: Image-Guided Procedures (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging V: Image Processing (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging V: Pacs Design and Evaluation (1 in 1)
  • Medical Imaging VI: Pacs Design and Evaluation (1 in 1)
  • Medical optical imaging
  • Metamaterials (1 in 1)
  • Micro- and Nanoelectronics 2007 (1 in 1)
  • Microelectronic Structures and Microelectromechanical Devices for Optical Processing and Multimedia Applications (1 in 1)
  • Microwave and Particle Beam Sources and Directed Energy Concepts (1 in 1)
  • Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V (1 in 1)
  • Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology II (1 in 1)
  • Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing (2 in 1)
  • Mobile Robots IX (1 in 1)
  • Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III (1 in 1)
  • Nano- and Microtechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems (1 in 1)
  • Nanobiophotonics and Biomedical Applications II (1 in 1)
  • Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices (1 in 1)
  • Near-Field Optics: Physics (1 in 1)
  • Neurophotonics (13 in 9)
  • New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry (1 in 1)
  • Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies VIII (1 in 1)
  • Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization VIII (1 in 1)
  • OSA Technical Digest Series: ETOP(2007) ESB2 (1 in 1)
  • Ophthalmic Measurements and Optometry (1 in 1)
  • Ophthalmic Technologies III (1 in 1)
  • Optical Components Specifications for Laser-based Systems and Other Modern Optical Systems (1 in 1)
  • Optical Engineering (106 in 97)
  • Optical Engineering Plus Applications, International Society for Optics and Photonics (1 in 1)
  • Optical Fabrication (1 in 1)
  • Optical Information Processing: Real Time Devices & Novel Techniques (1 in 1)
  • Optical Manufacturing and Testing IV (1 in 1)
  • Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection (1 in 1)
  • Optical Microlithography XVI (1 in 1)
  • Optical Microlithography XXI (1 in 1)
  • Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions VII (1 in 1)
  • Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques V (1 in 1)
  • Optical Spectroscopic Techniques and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research (2 in 12)
  • Optical System Alignment, Tolerancing, and Verification VII (1 in 1)
  • Optical Techniques in Neurosurgery (1 in 1)
  • Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow (1 in 1)
  • Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue X (1 in 1)
  • Optical Tomography, Photon Migration, and Spectroscopy of Tissue and Model Media: Theory, Human Studies, and Instrumentation (1 in 1)
  • Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XV (1 in 1)
  • Optical and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy (1 in 1)
  • Optical and Infrared Interferometry (2 in 1)
  • Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Optical/Laser Microlithography V (1 in 1)
  • Optically Based Biological and Chemical Detection for Defence III (1 in 1)
  • Optically Based Biological and Chemical Detection for Defence IV (1 in 1)
  • Optics and Biophotonics in Low-Resource Settings II (1 in 1)
  • Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology IV (1 in 1)
  • Optics in Adverse Environments (1 in 1)
  • Optifab 2019 (1 in 1)
  • Organic Photovoltaics XVII (1 in 1)
  • Organic Sensors and Bioelectronics IX (1 in 1)
  • Photomask Technology 2010 (1 in 1)
  • Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications X (1 in 1)
  • Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV (1 in 1)
  • Photonics Energy (1 in 1)
  • Photonics West '98 Electronic Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2017 (1 in 1)
  • Physics (disambiguation)
  • Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties V (1 in 1)
  • Polarimetry in Astronomy (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 10271, Diffractive and Miniaturized Optics: A Critical Review (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 1358, 19th Intl Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 1868, Laser Resonators and Coherent Optics: Modeling, Technology, and Applications (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 2623, Medical Applications of Lasers III (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 3528, Multimedia Systems and Applications, 464 (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 3678, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 3905, 28th AIPR Workshop: 3D Visualization for Data Exploration and Decision Making (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 4857, Airborne Telescope Systems II (2 in 12)
  • Proc. SPIE 5015, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing VIII (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 5368, Medical Imaging 2004: Physics of Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 5377, Optical Microlithography XVII (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 5608, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 6097, Optical Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications, 60970E (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 7273, Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 7423, Nonimaging Optics: Efficient Design for Illumination and Solar Concentration VI, 74230K (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 7440 Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IV (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 7739, Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 8313, Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 8444, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV, 84445H (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 8773, Photon Counting Applications IV; and Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 9149, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 9153, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII (2 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 9272, Optical Design and Testing VI, 92721L (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 9546, Active Photonic Materials VII (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE 9856, Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems X: Advanced Applications in Industry and Defense, 98560N (3 in 12)
  • Proc. SPIE 9856, Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems X: Advanced Applications in Industry and Defense, 985610 (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE Conference Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXVIII: Algorithms and Techniques (2 in 12)
  • Proc. SPIE Instrumentation in Astronomy (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE Vol. 3169, Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing V (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI (2 in 12)
  • Proc. SPIE, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Algorithms and Techniques (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE: Materials and Optics for Solar Energy Conversion and Advanced Lightning Technology (1 in 1)
  • Proc. SPIE–Int. Opt. Soc. Eng. (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings SPIE 2062, Lasers as Tools for Manufacturing (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings SPIE, in Solid State Lasers XVIII: Technology and Devices (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings SPIE, in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers XIII (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of Earth Observing Systems XXI (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of Imaging Spectrometry (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of SPIE (110 in 92)
  • Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering (2 in 12)
  • Proceedings of SPIE 1551, Ultrashort Wavelength Lasers (International Society for Optics and Photonics) (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of SPIE Conference of Quantum Information and Computation (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2012 (2 in 12)
  • Proceedings of SPIE's Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) 2006 (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of SPIE: Advances in Optical Thin Films V (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of SPIE: IR Space Telescopes and Instruments (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of Spie--The International Society for Optical Engineering (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the Advanced Photonics Conference (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (3 in 123)
  • Proceedings of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 2496, P. 543-555 (1995). (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE: Applications with Weather Satellites (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE: Space Sciencecraft Control and Tracking in the New Millennium (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012, Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE: UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes: Innovative Technologies and Concepts II (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings, Airborne Telescope Systems (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings, Optical Microlithography XXVII (1 in 1)
  • Proceedings, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (1 in 1)
  • Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Radar Sensor Technology (1 in 1)
  • Radar Sensor Technology IX (1 in 1)
  • Radar Sensor Technology XIII (1 in 1)
  • Radar Sensor Technology XVII (1 in 1)
  • Radar Sensor Technology XX (1 in 1)
  • Radar Sensor Technology XXI (4 in 123)
  • Reliability of Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems, and Networks III (1 in 1)
  • Reliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and Systems (1 in 1)
  • Remote Sensing of the Coastal Ocean, Land, and Atmosphere Environment (2 in 12)
  • SPIE (3 in 123)
  • SPIE Advances in Resist Technology and Processing (1 in 1)
  • SPIE AeroSense Symposium (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Annual Review (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXVII (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+ Instrumentation (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Conference Proceedings (2 in 12)
  • SPIE Digital Library (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Electronic Imaging (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Laser Applications in Life Sciences (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Manipulator Technology (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Medical Imaging (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Orlando (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Photonics North (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Proceedings Series (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1900: Charge-Coupled Devices and Solid State Optical Sensors III (12 in 12)
  • SPIE Proceedings of Optical Systems Design (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Proceedings, Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations IX (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Proceedings: Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XVI (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Proceedings: Astronomical Interferometry (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Rev. (1 in 1)
  • SPIE Reviews (2 in 12)
  • SPIE Sensing Technology+ Applications (3 in 123)
  • SPIE's oemagazine (1 in 1)
  • SPIE: Multimedia Computing and Networking (1 in 1)
  • SPIE: Photon Counting Applications 2015 (1 in 1)
  • SPIE: Visual Communication and Image Processing (1 in 1)
  • Science of Artificial Neural Networks (3 in 123)
  • Second Backaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes (1 in 1)
  • Security Systems and Nonlethal Technologies for Law Enforcement (2 in 12)
  • Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI (2 in 1)
  • Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII (2 in 12)
  • Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems III (1 in 1)
  • Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites IX. Proceedings of the SPIE (1 in 1)
  • Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VI (1 in 1)
  • Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security, Defense, and Law Enforcement XIV (1 in 1)
  • Silicon Photonics XIV (1 in 1)
  • Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging (1 in 1)
  • Smart Materials (1 in 1)
  • Smart Sensors (1 in 1)
  • Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS IV, 2009 (1 in 1)
  • Smart Structures and Material (1 in 1)
  • Smart Structures and Materials 1993: Smart Materials (1 in 1)
  • Smart Structures and Materials 1999: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (3 in 1)
  • Smart Structures and Materials 1999: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways (1 in 1)
  • Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies (1 in 1)
  • Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) (1 in 1)
  • Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series (5 in 123)
  • Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (Spie) Conference Series (12 in 11)
  • Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV (1 in 1)
  • Sov. Phys.-Tech. Phys. (1 in 1)
  • Sov.Phys.Tech. Phys. (1 in 1)
  • Space Instrumentation and Dual-Use Technologies (1 in 1)
  • Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter (2 in 12)
  • Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (1 in 1)
  • Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical (1 in 1)
  • Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (1 in 1)
  • Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical (2 in 12)
  • Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical (2 in 12)
  • Space Telescopes and Instruments V (2 in 12)
  • Standards for Electronics Imaging Technologies, Devices, and Systems: A Critical Review (1 in 1)
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Applications (4 in 123)
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II (1 in 1)
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII (1 in 1)
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III (1 in 1)
  • Stray-Light Problems in Optical Systems (1 in 1)
  • Synthetic Vision for Vehicle Guidance and Control (1 in 1)
  • Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets V. SPIE Conference Proceedings (1 in 1)
  • Telemanipulator Technology and Space Telerobotics (2 in 12)
  • Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies (3 in 123)
  • Telescope Control Systems III (1 in 1)
  • Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems X: Advanced Applications in Industry (1 in 1)
  • The Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Conference (1 in 1)
  • The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in the Optical Spectrum III (1 in 1)
  • Thermosense XXI (1 in 1)
  • Thermosense XXXII (1 in 1)
  • Three-Dimensional Image Processing (1 in 1)
  • Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3Dip) and Applications II (1 in 1)
  • Time and Frequency Metrology (1 in 1)
  • UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIX (1 in 1)
  • Ultrawideband Radar (1 in 1)
  • Underground and Obscured Object Imaging Detection (1 in 1)
  • Underground and Obscured Object Imaging and Detection (1 in 1)
  • Unmanned Systems Technology IX (1 in 1)
  • Unmanned Systems Technology X (2 in 1)
  • Uv/Optical/Ir Space Telescopes: Innovative Technologies and Concepts II (1 in 1)
  • Vibrational Spectroscopy-Based Sensor Systems (1 in 1)
  • Vision Geometry IV (1 in 1)
  • Visual Communications and Image Processing (1 in 1)
  • Visualization and Data Analysis 2002 (1 in 1)
  • Window and Dome Technologies VIII (1 in 1)
  • Window and Dome Technologies and Materials XII (1 in 1)
  • ((doi|10.1117)) (21 in 21)
1269 919 1.381
doi=10.1118 Wiley (publisher) 202 112 1.804
doi=10.1119 American Association of Physics Teachers 1634 1013 1.613
doi=10.1120 American College of Medical Physics 9 8 1.125
doi=10.1121 Acoustical Society of America
All 14 10.1121-related entries
1367 678 2.016
doi=10.1122 Society of Rheology 40 30 1.333
doi=10.1123 Search CrossRef
All 34 10.1123-related entries
  • Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (72 in 48)
  • Athletic Therapy Today (1 in 1)
  • Canadian Journal of History of Sport (10 in 10)
  • Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (3 in 123)
  • International Journal of Golf Science (1 in 1)
  • International Journal of Sport Biomechanics (7 in 1234)
  • International Journal of Sport Communication (11 in 8)
  • International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (43 in 38)
  • International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (38 in 31)
  • International Sport Coaching Journal (1 in 1)
  • Journal of Aging and Physical Activity (7 in 7)
  • Journal of Applied Biomechanics (14 in 13)
  • Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (6 in 123)
  • Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports (2 in 12)
  • Journal of Intercollegiate Sport (6 in 6)
  • Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport (5 in 12345)
  • Journal of Physical Activity and Health (19 in 16)
  • Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (11 in 10)
  • Journal of Sport Management (18 in 13)
  • Journal of Sport Psychology (8 in 1234)
  • Journal of Sport Rehabilitation (14 in 13)
  • Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (14 in 13)
  • Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (13 in 10)
  • Kinesiology Review (29 in 29)
  • Motor control
  • Pediatric Exercise Science (10 in 8)
  • Recreational Sports Journal (3 in 123)
  • Sociology of Sport Journal (49 in 41)
  • Sport History Review (22 in 22)
  • The Sport Psychologist (20 in 13)
  • Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal (17 in 14)
500 367 1.362
doi=10.1124 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
All 17 10.1124-related entries
2451 1733 1.414
The results are based on the database dump of 1 August 2024.
←10.1075 Current10.1100 →10.1125